Originally posted by Willem
I've said this before to someone else, so excuse me for repeating myself, but to many people here, Civilization is more than just a game, it's something of a passion. A good analogy would be European soccer. It's just a game as well, but people will riot in the streets if their team is insulted or belittled in any way.
Yes, do that. There were a number of things I didn't agree with in the game, but I managed to resolve most of them by fiddling around in the editor. There's enough capabilities in it to keep anyone busy for awhile. It may not be great for creating scenarios at the moment, but there's lots of potential for modding, especially combined with the MultiTool. The game has a great deal of potential for customization, far more than Civ 2 IMO.
hi ,
Willem its more then a passion , its addictive , .....
the FDA should put it on the narc list , ....
what it comes down to is that a lot of people dont want to understand that when they ask something it takes time before it works , and we have yet to see the full potential of the game , ....
example ; the plan was for 8 civ's , until the last moment they did not think tha 16 would work so good , now there is talk about 32 , ......
and a lot of people seem to think that they can ask and that firaxis is working for free , .....

that would be the day

, ......
so when PTW comes out they want it for free, ....
of course the game needs patches , .....but when you put a complete new concept on the market it needs fixes as well , ...
i dont think that anyone at firaxis except Sid and Mike now and fully (!) understand what they have done , ....the game-industry as we now know it has become "history" , ....its a revolution , ....
and as with every revolution there are those that complain , because the old was better , ...bla bla, bla bla , .....
soon some shall realize the good in this revolution , .....
allas , have a nice day