Originally posted by morb
I'm also going to make another gross generalization and state a stereotype, because there is a grain of truth to it the size of, oh say the moon. AS SOON as the "minority" gains momentum and support or become the majority, they immedietly turn from "equality for everyone, meaning we are not as equal" to "you do things our way now mister or you're not welcome." Bunch of Nazis you are.
There is a lot of racism based on fear, as morb's is.
"If we allow others to prosper and have a chance at positions of influence then we will end up suffering."
That is a primative train of thought, no an animal train of thought (pun intended

). People need to see life as more that a zero-sum game: 'if they gain money, we lose money'. This country, this world can be so much more that a group of ethnicities trying to get their peice of the pie at the expense of other groups. The goal is to allow each person to become his own person and be judged on his own merits.
The zero-sum game is a game for cavemen. "If Lala village gets a banana that's a banana Wewe village doesn't get".
But after 100,000 years of evolution morb can't do any better than that.