May 11, 2002, 23:41
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what does 8 new great leaders mean?
does it mean 8 new leaders in total? (whoopi....)
8 new leaders per civ? (makes sense...)
8 new TYPES of leaders? (drool....)
Please lt it be the last! please please please! gotta have some non-military leaders... great artists, great statesmen, great inventors, great social reformers, great religious leaders, great entrepreneurs, etc...
May 12, 2002, 00:27
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Re: what does 8 new great leaders mean?
Originally posted by Captain
does it mean 8 new leaders in total? (whoopi....)
8 new leaders per civ? (makes sense...)
8 new TYPES of leaders? (drool....)
Please lt it be the last! please please please! gotta have some non-military leaders... great artists, great statesmen, great inventors, great social reformers, great religious leaders, great entrepreneurs, etc...
Something tells me that this just means the civ's leaders. 8 civs, 8 leaders. I think whatever that site was misinterpreted the info.
And, since we know that Firaxis is proud of their leaderheads, it woudln't suprise me that they would include this in their press release
Though of course, I would like to have more diversified leader-types. would add a new dimension to the game.
May 12, 2002, 07:37
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Undoubtly it's leaders of the Civs, for there are 8 new civs.
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May 12, 2002, 12:32
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What are the new civs?
Or do we not know yet?
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May 12, 2002, 13:22
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Still not.
I suppose Firaxis won't speak out before E3, 22-24 May.
Btw Darkcloud, are you interested with the EC3X list ?
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May 12, 2002, 13:28
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Re: what does 8 new great leaders mean?
Originally posted by Captain
does it mean 8 new leaders in total? (whoopi....)
8 new leaders per civ? (makes sense...)
8 new TYPES of leaders? (drool....)
Please lt it be the last! please please please! gotta have some non-military leaders... great artists, great statesmen, great inventors, great social reformers, great religious leaders, great entrepreneurs, etc...
hi ,
8 new civs , to a total of 24 , ......hmmm , but what does it mean , that those civ's only get one great leader , ...
have a nice day
May 12, 2002, 13:41
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It means that the 8 new civs will each get a new leaderhead (ala Elizabeth, Bismarck, Mao Tse Tung, etc.) each. *Waves a little flag* Big surprise there  .
May 12, 2002, 13:46
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Originally posted by Trip
It means that the 8 new civs will each get a new leaderhead (ala Elizabeth, Bismarck, Mao Tse Tung, etc.) each. *Waves a little flag* Big surprise there .
hi ,
so , only 8 , hmmmm , that sounds like pics of the new crew at firaxis , .......they are also with 8 , ......
have a nice day
Last edited by Panag; May 12, 2002 at 14:03.
May 12, 2002, 14:00
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someone's drooling about something that's not going to happen
May 12, 2002, 14:47
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Re: Re: what does 8 new great leaders mean?
Originally posted by asleepathewheel
Something tells me that this just means the civ's leaders. 8 civs, 8 leaders. I think whatever that site was misinterpreted the info.
If you go to the official Civ 3 site, you can read the following:
Play the World will also expand your Civilization experience by adding eight new "Great Leaders;" eight new civilizations with specialized units for each; new map features including airfields, outposts
But why does Firaxis mention them if they are only the leaders of the eight new civilizations? Its superfluous. BTW Firaxis normally uses "Great Leader" to designate specific units: the great military leaders. So it could mean that we will have 8 new great leaders units... But it's all speculation, of course...
May 12, 2002, 15:01
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Re: Re: Re: what does 8 new great leaders mean?
Originally posted by nostromo
If you go to the official Civ 3 site, you can read the following:
But why does Firaxis mention them if they are only the leaders of the eight new civilizations? Its superfluous. BTW Firaxis normally uses "Great Leader" to designate specific units: the great military leaders. So it could mean that we will have 8 new great leaders units... But it's all speculation, of course...
ahh, that was off the official site. I thought it was off the avant or whatever it was site.
I agree that it is superfluous to say 8 new great leaders, when there would be new leaders anyway.
just wait and see I guess
May 12, 2002, 18:01
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hi ,
maybe they should have leaders for each era , but , since a lot of people would like other things , .......  , .....
have a nice day
May 12, 2002, 18:24
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them announcing 8 new leaders really confused me too, I figured that that was a given since there would also be 8 new civs. What were they going to do, recycle the 16 original leaders? "Bismark of the Germans AND the {insert civ name here}" :-)
Really strange . . . you'd think they'd put in the fact that there will be 8 new Unique Units before they put in the new leaders in their press release.
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May 12, 2002, 18:31
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Originally posted by Andrew_Jay
them announcing 8 new leaders really confused me too, I figured that that was a given since there would also be 8 new civs. What were they going to do, recycle the 16 original leaders? "Bismark of the Germans AND the {insert civ name here}" :-)
Really strange . . . you'd think they'd put in the fact that there will be 8 new Unique Units before they put in the new leaders in their press release.
hi ,
maybe they made a plain and simple misstake , ....
have a nice day
May 12, 2002, 18:46
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that is probably it, the person writing up the release wasn't too aquainted with the game and just saw that as some information to put in. Not to say they're idiots, but the best anology I can come up with would be someone who has no experience with cars mentioning that a certain model can also go in reverse.
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May 12, 2002, 18:58
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Originally posted by Spiffor
Still not.
I suppose Firaxis won't speak out before E3, 22-24 May.
Btw Darkcloud, are you interested with the EC3X list ?
EC3X list?
The list of ideas for civ III? The one I put on my website?
What are you talking about?
Perhaps if you explain I might know better?
Sorry for not remembering.
Perhaps you should PM me?
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May 12, 2002, 21:01
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Originally posted by Ecthelion
someone's drooling about something that's not going to happen
stimulus response, stimulus response,...
... the real thing doesn't actually have to be there, the ringing bell will do.
Still, the wording was what got me. It says Great Leaders, so I don't think it's just the leaderheads.
May 12, 2002, 23:47
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
EC3X list?
The list of ideas for civ III? The one I put on my website?
What are you talking about?
Perhaps if you explain I might know better?
Sorry for not remembering.
Perhaps you should PM me?
hi ,
your site is only about civ2 , ......
topic ; well its clear now that they are talking about 8 new civ's , so the "great leaders" , ahem , some of them are no to "great" , are the leaders of the new civ's , like "Abe - Us , Jo - France , Shaka - Zululand" , and so on , .........
now the Q remains as how these civ's shall be put in the game , as part of a pool to chose from or as an add-on , the later the most likely , aldo this not sure , .....
have a nice day
May 13, 2002, 23:11
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your site is only about civ2
You don't know the secrets of it:
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May 13, 2002, 23:35
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I think I'll go to E3 this year....
Yea, it's referring to the 8 new civs. which is really kind of silly, since 8 new civs/leaders/UUs is kind of a given. Redundant, and repetitive. Redundant, and repetitive.
May 13, 2002, 23:50
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hi ,
this site deals only with civ4 , .....  , ...
and that is the problem , when civ3 comes out crying for 4 , and moaning that 3 aint good , but sure it just could not go fast enough , ........and now the same with 4 , and when that one comes out , the same shall happen , moaning that its not coming out fast enough , and moaning the minute it comes out about , ......civ5 , ........
so how is any company supposed to do something good , ....well , ....there are still places open at firaxis, .......
have a nice day
May 14, 2002, 08:12
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I originally understood 8 new leaders to mean great leaders. Whoopdeedoo.............I hardly ever see any leaders when playing non-militaristic civs anyway. BFD...........
Oh, now I understand..........8 new civ leaders to go with the 8 new civs. Oh that's better, much much better.
Now gotta go have breakfast.
May 14, 2002, 11:12
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Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
I originally understood 8 new leaders to mean great leaders. Whoopdeedoo.............I hardly ever see any leaders when playing non-militaristic civs anyway. BFD...........
Oh, now I understand..........8 new civ leaders to go with the 8 new civs. Oh that's better, much much better.
Now gotta go have breakfast.
hi ,
and behold , Gramphos found out that the game can hold a total of 32 , ..........Whoopdeedoo , ........
and you better finish that breakfast so you can grow and be strong when PTW comes out , had to be said , .....
have a nice day
May 14, 2002, 12:30
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Where are you folks getting your information?
I'm looking at the Civ 3 official site right now and it still says 8 new Great leaders. Why do you think it means leaderheads instead of 8 new great leaders?
either way it's redundant. we know that if there are 8 new civs, there have to be 8 new leaderheads, and at least 8 new great leaders to go with those (probably 32, since have to have at least 4 GL for each new civ).
why would they post that msg if it didn't means something else? could we get a firaxian confirmation? or is it no comment?
May 14, 2002, 17:04
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Originally posted by Captain
Where are you folks getting your information?
I'm looking at the Civ 3 official site right now and it still says 8 new Great leaders. Why do you think it means leaderheads instead of 8 new great leaders?
either way it's redundant. we know that if there are 8 new civs, there have to be 8 new leaderheads, and at least 8 new great leaders to go with those (probably 32, since have to have at least 4 GL for each new civ).
why would they post that msg if it didn't means something else? could we get a firaxian confirmation? or is it no comment?
I tend to agree with you. "Great Leader" normally denotes a specific unit: the military great leaders. But its also possible that the PR person who wrote the statement is not familiar with Civ 3 jargon. Moreover, eight new Great Leaders doesn't seem very plausible. Maybe one or two or three, but eight? We will have to wait and see...
May 15, 2002, 16:02
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May 15, 2002, 16:07
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If Firaxis still tries to please its fans, it really SHOULD be 8 new types of Great Leaders.
They've been suggested many months ago and I think that these suggestions match the Firaxis criterium 'new suggestions must be outstanding before being implanted' (or something like that).
The way they've referred to new leaders, the fact that many fans were disappointed for no early MP and that we have to wait LONG before we must BUY AGAIN, can only mean ONE THING:
That's fine  .
So don't disappoint us Firaxians!
May 17, 2002, 07:35
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Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
If Firaxis still tries to please its fans, it really SHOULD be 8 new types of Great Leaders.
They've been suggested many months ago and I think that these suggestions match the Firaxis criterium 'new suggestions must be outstanding before being implanted' (or something like that).
The way they've referred to new leaders, the fact that many fans were disappointed for no early MP and that we have to wait LONG before we must BUY AGAIN, can only mean ONE THING:
That's fine .
So don't disappoint us Firaxians!
hi ,
if firaxis wants to please its fans , they should put 8 new civ's in , adding the total to 24 , .........
have a nice day
May 17, 2002, 09:43
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Oh rats, I'm going to be the evil pessimistic guy again... But I can resist
AJ Corp :
If you're going like this, you're sure to whine as soon as the XP is out :
1. The goal of Firaxis is not to please some hundreds of fans, it's to make a product which pleases Infogrames, i.e a game that sells to hundreds of thousands units. If they can please us, they would, but it isn't their top priority.
2. Eight new types of great leaders ?  Please just tell me who had ideas for EIGHT new types of leaders ? Just tell me who would like something like that. I'm not against great artists or great businessmen (something like that), but 8 new types would be way too unbalancing, you'd have dozens of great leaders per game.
3. If you have that many expectations on the XP, you'll do exactly as some Civ3-original whiners did : you're absolutely sure to be disappointed, and in a large way. And you'll whine like hell, as Yin26 did, as Libertarian or as Jimmytrick did. If you want this commercial game to match your expectations, be demanding, but don't place your expectations THAT high.
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May 17, 2002, 12:08
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Also, if you had 8 different kinds of great leaders, where would they come from? Battles?
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