I'm trying to determine the patch that I should be downloading. Up until now I figured that "if it ain't broke don't fix it" but I've decided that I should at least see what I'm missing.
But where do I go and which is the best (not necessarily the newest I guess) of the patches?
(This should probably be in the Help section but I figure I'll get a quicker answer here)
BTW I don't have MPG (yet ) but rather have the original version of CivII .
For Civ II, 2.42 is the best (and most recent) to have, you can probably find it at Microprose, but the Gamespot has most patches you'll need. The Civ II patch at Gamespot is here - http://www.gamespot.com/strategy/civ...downloads.html
I never thought about that. I have purchased Fanstastic Worlds though. Is the latest patch included on that. It lists patch 2.42. I'll have to check what I'm civ2 version I'm running I guess.
Bart, I think you don´t need to update anything. Civ2FW came with the latest version of standard civ2.
Lucky you! I bough the MGE, hoping to use the FW but it is completely bugged!! Diplomacy is completely ruined up and MICROPROSE DID NOT FIX IT!!!!!!!!!
Yeah it turns out I didn't need it. I already had that stuff fixed. Cruise missles changed to 18 etc. I was thinking about getting MGE. From what I seen here, I think I'd just have 2 copies of civ on my hard drive (like I do with smac). One for multiplaying, and one for single player.