---- Changes done to 1.05
* Enhancements
- There is now a scenario editor for EU2.
- EU can now be started with a "moddir" as an argument. This will make the game look for files in that directory structure before looking at the normal place.
- A few new triggers added to the event system, to check badboy, relation, neighbor, countrysize, province-religion and province-culture.
- The hint texts have been updated to the hints proposed by the community.
- We added a new unique army sprite, so that USA gets the uniforms of the continental army.
- Efforts have been made to visualise some important factors affecting combat. Small icons will show which side have cavalry superiority and wind advantage from being in national waters. Cavalry numbers will be shown in grey color where they are operating under half effect. Artillery will be shown in grey color in terrain where their fire is halved.
* Gameplay tweaks
- Rebels can now get a little bit higher technology in the end game.
- Revolters now get core provinces from all provinces defined in the revolt database.
- You will now get a new capital if the former one is taken by rebel seceders.
- Manpower from a province is now reduced when the province have nationalism with 1 the first 10 years.
- You no longer reduce badboy by releasing pagan vassals.
- There is no more nationalism after converting a pagan province
- There is no longer a badboy penalty for taking provinces from a pagan nation if you are european.
- There is now a penalty on colonists when going land in domestic policies.
- Naval in domestic policies now give a boon to trade efficiency.
- Plutocracy now gives a bonus to production efficiency.
- The moslem flags were all changed to more historical looks, as well as some new custom shields and flags which were added, all made by James Dahl.
- You can now only diplomatically annex countries in YOUR military alliance.
* Generic Bugfixes
- The infamous 1750 ctd have been fixed.
- Warning now works if the country warned attacks either your neighbour or his neighbours.
- Guarantees should now give casus belli at all times.
- The game should no longer crash when you try to reload a game from within the game during wars.
- At least 4 different identified "random" CTD's have been fixed.
- The CTD at the surrender screen should be fixed now.
- There should now be a message when rebels move in from another province and start sieging one of your provinces.
- The tech-group command for events should now work properly.
- Slept events will no longer be considered "to have happened" for triggers.
- Events triggered for other countries will now be shown correctly in the tooltip.
- Yearly autosave setting should now start at the first year instead of after second year.
- The breakvassal event command was not working if the country receiving the event was at war.
- You can also break RM while at war.
- Stability changes are now always shown even when they are the consequences of other actions like declaring wars.
- A Crashbug in the Ledger when clicking among the names on the diplomatic pages was fixed.
- Morale is now calculated correctly when units are merged.
- Attrition is now computed with the exact army sizes, that is it does matter in how many units the troops are divided (useful when many reinforcement where send to help for a siege and can't be reorganized).
- Events won't add a duplicate RM between two countries.
- You can split naval unit if they contain at least 2 ships of the sametype.
- Historical leaders should now be split correctly also when fleets are splitted.
- Religion effect is now always shown for colonist, missionaries and diplomats
- A sleepmonarch or sleepleader command should really deactivate the monarch/leader even if the game is not saved/ reloaded before monarch/leader activation date
- There should no long be any trailing numbers at the left edge of the screen in higher resolutions.
- Status of Wartaxes should now save correctly in the savegame.
- The political mapmode have a new coloring scheme, which will make it easier to see what province belongs to what nation.
- The autosend merchant will no longer send merchants to a COT if there is no open slots and you have trade-agreement with all present.
- The freesubjects modifier on production efficiency is now applied.
- Embargoed merchants should now be much likely to be competed out of CoT's
- New countries in America should get the correct whiteman value.
- Catholic provinces will not be considered as wrong-religion for CRC countries anymore.
- Events will now be checked during the entire interval even if the country targetted does not exist at the first check.
- Fleets on patrol will no longer autoflee at engagement.
- Resource and Terrain of a province can now be defined in the scenario file.
- Edict of Tolerance should now cancel Treaty of Tordesillas correctly.
- CRC nations should now convert back after the edict of tolerance.
- You can no longer use the loophole to send multiple colonists to the same province.
- A crashbug in Fantasia was fixed.
- No more missing messages when merchants are sent to CoT
- All events changing monarch attribute values by negative amount should work correctly now.
- When monarch attributes are modified, they should be restored correctly at the end of the period. That means that several modifications are cumulative until end of the longest period (like revolt risk), that the restoration works well even if the game is saved and loaded again, and that if the monarch dies, the next monarch is not affected in any ways.
- Preconditions and consequences of diplomatic actions more exact for RM,vassalization, annex, military access, embargoes, alliances and insults and warnings.
- Updated rollovers for conditions to build a Naval Equipment manufactory and for income of Breweries on non sugar/wine resources.
- Missing text in Allow Trade rollover was added.
- The Leave Alliance option was not always disabled when it should have been, leading to no effect when selected and confirmed.
- Missionary success-status is now saved even when missionary will fail.
- Message in log & boxes was wrong when a country is banned from an alliance.
* Multiplayer bugfixes
- The status-waiting screen in multiplayer is now working properly again.
- A CTD when negotiating peace in multiplayer games have been fixed.
- It should now be possible to join games in the valkyrienet lobby again.
- There are now a much more complex and thorough check of datafiles for MP to make sure that everyone is playing with compatible setups. This means that you should NOT have any modified files in your db-folders or you will not be able to join anyone elses MP game unless they have exactly the same files.
- A major problem in MP which caused slept leaders to not get slept on other machines than the host were fixed.
- Playername info is no longer stored in multiplayer games, so should no longer be a problem to continue savedgames when playing with different localised versions in the same game.
- The playerlist in Valkyrienet should look better when there is a large amount of players in the lobby now.
* AI Fixes
- The colonial powers (ENG, FRA, SPA, POR) will now try harder to conquer colonial revolters.
- England will now try harder to conquer Wales and the Puritans should they appear.
- AI Countries that aim for reformed religion will now change to protestants first.
- China should now aim to colonise asia and africa ahead of america.
- The naval AI have been given some improvements.
- The AI should now be more likely to vassalize troublesome countries, than annexing them.
- Denmark and Burgundy are now less aggressive.
- Genoa and Papal States should now turn Counter-Reformed-Catholic.
- The AI for Spain, Russia, Portugal, England, France, Turkey, Persia, Venice and Genoa have been tweaked.
* Scenario Setup & Events
*** Generic
- Mexico can no longer revolt if the Aztecs still exist.
- Russian pre-1520 leaders moved to Muscovy.
- Poland no longer has Memel and Prussia as core provinces.
- Danzig province now richer.
- Jylland and Sjaelland a bit poorer.
- LOTS of inconsistencies with SE Asian nations have been fixed.
- Cyrenaica no longer exists as a revolter.
- Some problems with Russian and Chinese known and owned provinces in Siberia the later scenarios were fixed.
- The Centers of Trade have received a major overhaul in all scenarios.
- A certain Korean monarch now got his great stats as expected.
- French revolutionary monarchs now made dormant if the monarchy survives.
- CoT order tweaked to fix color problems.
- Spain and Russia should not be revolters if Castille and Aragon, or Novgorod and Muscowy exists.
- Revolt fixes to PRU, ROY, FUC and FPR.
- Awdaghost and Walata provinces now have a large number of high-agression natives.
- Nogai now in muslim tech group (was orthodox).
- Ak Koyunlu and Qara Koyunlu now in muslim tech group (were in exotic).
- Haiti is now in the latin tech group.
- Granada is now in the latin tech group.
- The capital of the Teutonic Order is now Riga. Works much better when the Order becomes Kurland.
- Xhosa and Zulu added to the earlier scenarios too (since we can't make them appear through events.)
- Coffee is now the trade goods in Aden, Yemen, Keren and Kefa.
- The Teutonic Order now ceases to exist as a revolter in 1562.
- Kurland now begins to exist as a revolter in 1562.
- The town of Kirkenes has been renamed to Vardø.
- The town of Narvik has been renamed to Vaagan.
- Random Leader names for Eire fixed.
- Several (minor) countries now get more correct random leader names.
- Russian/Muscowian core provinces adjusted in all scenarios to correspond correctly with the events.
*** Events
- The Tibet events should now happen.
- The inheritance of Burgundy event have been tweaked.
- The "Creation of the Dutch Republic" event now makes Brabant a core province instead of Artois.
- Event 3716 (Spain) should now sleep the "Isabel y Fernando" monarch in the unhistorical choice.
- Spain should no longer vassalize Aragon if she is already a vassal of Aragon, or Aragon owns Toledo.
- Some major errors which stopped the later polish event files from executing properly were fixed.
- The "Bavarian Archbishops" should now happen for Cologne.
- The "Erasmus" event will now happen for England.
- The "Treaty of Arras" can now only happen if England and France exists.
- The "The Repatriation of the Netherlands" should now happen properly for England too.
- The historical descriptions for the Ayutthayan historical events are now shown.
- Both "End of Kalmar Union"-events should no longer go off in the same game for Sweden.
- You can now select whether to get Johan III as swedish king or not.
- Some minor inconsistencies in the Chinese and Manchurian events were fixed.
- The French "Constitutional Monarchy" event now happens if the other two revolutions don't occur. It is not a perfect solution, but those revolutionary monarchs need to be slept.
- The "Abdication of Charles V" will now always go to the correct country.
- A few missing provinces were added to the "Claim the Steppes" event.
- The event with moving the capital to St.Petersburg will now make the province russian and orthodox if you chose to move the capital.
- A bug with a russian event changing adm to 240 for a month was fixed.
- Centralization will now only be changed by -2, not -15 in the American Revolution, option C.
- Austria now gets the correct CB shields in event 3338.
- Danish event 3756 now works correctly.
- Event 3651 should now trigger correctly.
- Olivares and Alberoni should now come at their historical dates and be effective for more than a year.
- Trigger fixes to a bunch of random events to improve plausibility.
- The "Holy League" event for the Papacy should now give negative relations with Turkey.
- Fixes to English event 3051.
- Trigger fixes to two Eng events about the USA revolt.
- "Unhappiness among the peasantry" events now deals a loss to stability instead of a revolt risk.
- Some corrections to the event #Le Tellier and Louvois#
- The Japanese pirates events now have the correct names for the selectable actions.
*** 1419
- Magdeburg now a vassal of Brandenburg.
- Danzig now a Prussian province.
- Guangdong is now a Chinese core province.
- Norwegian TPs in Greenland in 1419. Norway knows of Newfoundland.
- Hungary now has Transylvania as a national province (1419 and 1492)
- Daghestan is now owned by the Golden Horde, not Ak Koyunlu.
- Maharashstra now owned by Hyderabad, not Vijayanagar.
- The Hedjaz is now a vassal of the Mameluks.
- Tampico is now a neutral province, not owned by the Aztecs.
- Timbuktu now owned by Mali, but under rebel or native control
- Krain is now owned by Croatia and not Hungary.
- Alsace is now owned by an independent Strassburg.
- Fixed Brittany's known provinces.
*** 1492
- The Chimu have now been conquered by the Inca in 1492.
- Austria now has core provinces in the Netherlands.
- Muscowy no longer has unhistorical core provinces.
- Spanish land tech bumped up one notch.
- Tlaxcala and Tehuantapec now owned by the Aztecs.
- Zapotec are now Aztec vassals.
- Tampico is now an uncontrolled province.
- Maharashstra is now owned by Hyderabad, not Vijayanagar.
- Nubia province is now owned by the Mameluks.
- Muscowy now gets its description.
- Granada now exists in a state of occupation in 1492. Ought to prevent strange reappearances.
*** 1617
- Kleves is now a part of Brandenburg-Prussia.
- Brandenburg and Prussia have now merged.
- England now knows about Malta.
- Orania province is now Spanish.
- Jedisan, Kaffa, Daghestan and Kerch are now owned by the Ottomans.
- Carpathia is now Austrian instead of Ottoman.
- Nubia's capital is now at Bisharin
- Nubia province is now Ottoman.
- The Hedjaz are now an Ottoman vassal
- Mali now exists, representing the Pagan nation of Segu.
- Songhay now exists as a remnant, made up of Say and Zaria provinces, with Say as the capital.
- Bambuk province now belongs to Morocco.
- Damman and Quatar now have Ottoman TPs.
- The Uzbek capital is now at Bukhara.
- Annam now exists, made up of Da Nang and Da Lat provinces, with the capital at Da Nang.
- Atjeh now exists, made up of Ajeh and Riau provinces with the capital at Ajeh.
- Malacca now exists, made up solely by Johor province (but with CBs on their old provinces).
- The Maya now still exist, in Campeche province.
- Wabana province now has an English TP.
- Tampico province is now neutral, not Spanish.
- The default countries now get their correct descriptions.
*** 1700
- Turkey had two vassalizations of Crimea. Now fixed.
- Artois and Alsace are now French.
- Morea now belongs to Venice.
- Bailiffs promoted in most European provinces.
- Wallachia and Moldavia are now independent, but Ottoman vassals.
- Georgia now exists, made up of Georgia and Sochi provinces with Georgia as the capital, as an Ottoman vassal.
- Kaffa and Kerch are now Ottoman.
- Quatar is now an Ottoman TP.
- Algiers, Tunisia and Tripoli are now part of the Ottoman Empire.
- Nubia province is now Ottoman.
- Bisharin province is now Nubian and that nation's capital.
- Mali (Segu) now exists as an independent nation.
- Songhay now exists as an independent nation.
- Morocco owns interior West Africa just like in 1617.
- The Uzbek capital is now at Bukhara.
- Mangalore province now belongs to Mysore.
- Bangalore province now belongs to Hyderabad.
- Arakan now exists, made up of Santal and Chan provinces with Santal as the capital.
- Atjeh now exists in Ajeh province as a Dutch vassal.
- Malacca now exists in Johore province as a Dutch vassal.
- Makassar now exists in Makassar province as a Dutch vassal.
- Annam now exists as an independent nation.
- Baja and Chihuahua provinces are now Spanish colonies.
- Salton and Altar provinces are now neutral.
*** 1773
- The Capital of USA is now Philadelphia.
- Kurland is now independent, but as a Polish vassal.
- Moldavia and Wallachia are now independent, but as Ottoman vasals.
- Nubia now exists in Bisharin province.
- Massawa province is now Ottoman.
- Morocco now retains most of her interior West African possessions in this scenario.
- Songhay now exists in Say and Zaria provinces with Say as the capital.
- Mali/Segu now exists (a little bigger than before).
- Palanas province now belongs to England.
- Fernando Po from Portugal to Spain.
- Cabinda and Launda provinces now belong to Portugal.
- Lobito province is now neutral, not Portuguese.
- Karoo is now Dutch.
- Zambezia, Nampuia, Niassa, and Mtawa are now Portuguese TPs.
- Azerbaijan now belongs to Persia.
- Bukhara and Samarkand now belong to the Uzbeks.
- Madras ans Tirhut now belong to England.
- Raiput and Sambalpur now belong to the Marattis
- Punjab now exists as an independent nation.
- Jodhpur now exists.
- Thar and Sindh provinces now belong to Afghanistan.
- Malacca now exists as a Dutch vassal.
- Annam's capital is now in Da Nang.
- Matagorda, Concho, and Llano Estarado now belong to Spain instead of France.
- Known provinces fixed for some countries.
*** 1795
- Mainz now belongs to Bavaria.
- Kurland is now an independent Polish vassal.
- The Balaeres now belong to Spain.
- Moldavia and Wallachia now exist as Ottoman vassals.
- Nubia now exists in Bisharin province.
- Massawa now belongs to the Ottomans.
- Palanas and Gambia are now English.
- Mali now exists.
- Songhay now exists.
- Sahara province now belongs to Morocco.
- Fernando Po is now Spanish.
- Cabinda and Launda are now Portuguese, but Lobito is neutral.
- Xhosa now exists in Ciskei province.
- Karoo now belongs to the Netherlands.
- Zambezia, Nampuia, Niassa, and Mtawa provinces now belong to Portugal.
- Azerbaijan now belongs to Persia.
- Bukhara and Samarkand now belongs to the Uzbeks with Bukhara as their capital.
- Jodhpur now exists as a nation.
- Punjab now exists in Bikaner, Panjab, and Chandagahr with Panjab as their capital.
- Malwa now exists in Malwa province as a Maratti vassal.
- Gujarat now exists in Gujarat province as a Maratti vassal.
- Madras is now English
- Malacca now exists in Johor province as a French vassal (The Dutch are also vassalized by the French.)
- Nanaimo and Olympia are no longer Russian TPs.
- Llano Estarado, Concho and Matagorda now belong to Spain instead of France.
- Mosquitos now belongs to Spain (England lost it after the American Revolution).
- Haiti is now independent and at war with France.
- Known provinces fixed for some countries.
And lots of other minor tweaks and fixes.......