Help! I have several large size cities (about 19 pop), and am having problems with the food count. IIRC, food production in a city should be the grains yielded by citizens working within the city radius. There is no waste or corruption, nor any improvement to boost its production. And every citizen should take two grains to support.
In one of my cities, the production summary in the city screen shows that I am producing 40 grains. With a pop of 19, I have two grains in excess. One of the tile is an irrigated grassland with railroad on it. It gives 4 grains but no shield. As I want more shields, I use my workers to turn the tile into mines. I expect to see two grains and two shields after working, and that's what I get. But in the production summary below, to my surprise, the total food production is reduced by four rather than just two, and my city is starving ! I don't know why this happens.
Then I reload, and found that before the terrain transformation, while the summary is showing a total of 40 grains produced per turn, the no. of grains shown in the city radius only totals 38! Two additional grains were magically created somewhere without my knowledge!
Not sure if it is a bug or anything I have missed in the manual or civilopedia. I am still playing the original 1.07f version without any mod or patch.
Have you experienced anything similar? Any way to solve this?