May 14, 2002, 06:40
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Is Civ3 getting boring for you?
I have to admit, Civ3 is getting boring already and I think it's the lack of the editor.
Is anyone else having the same feeling?
May 14, 2002, 06:43
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i got bored of it about 4 months ago, and i actually didnt install t after my last format.
then i came back to poly and my interest got a bit rekindeled.
but this always happens, i play games in cyccles. Unreal Tourney, Starcraft, Red Alert 2, Counter Strike, Civ, etc... i get bored of one and move on for a while.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
May 14, 2002, 06:47
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I'm playing Civ III just like I played Civ II. Play one whole game in a day or two, and then don't play for about two weeks. Repeat this pattern for the next five years or so.
May 14, 2002, 07:11
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I've only ever been bored of Civ III for a week. But I do go in cycles. Civ III, SMAC, Shogun Total War, Age of Empires, Half-Life, Emipire Earth, etc.
I'm only into one game at a time. Sometimes I even brush off the dust on some of the games I haven't played in years (played Red Alert again for the first time in years recently). Its only natural that you eventually get bored. And then your interest is rekindled down the track. Even if it takes a couple of years.
May 14, 2002, 07:21
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Yeah same here. Played Civ3 constantly for about 3 weeks, then found Dungeon Seige  Played again recently for about a week and now getting into Morrowwind (whoops, thats not released yet  ).
But halfway through an interesting game atm and I want to complete it. Playing as Russians and just about catching up to the French and Germans. Been involved in an on/off war with the Chinese for a couple of thousand years but now I have the technological advantage so going to kick them and the Persians off my Continent. I much prefer to play with no land borders. Means no nasty surprises
May 14, 2002, 07:26
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I have to say, every game of Civ3 is much like the last one, it lacks a bit of variety. And yes, sometimes I yearn for the adrenaline rush of a good FPS!
May 14, 2002, 07:51
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Cycling games due to boredom same as others.
Civ3 slightly different.
Obsessed with beating AI badly on regent so can move to monarch.
This addiction is as intense as addiction to Civ2 was but not same good feeling as Civ2 was.
Must go back to Civ3 now............................
[rubs bloodshot eyes and downs another coffee, small regular from Dunkin' Donuts of course  ]
May 14, 2002, 08:03
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May 14, 2002, 08:05
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I am more upbeat than many about Civ3. It took a while, but now I am really into it, and trying to win regularly on Regent too.
I even tried booting up Civ2 recently, but as soon as I got into pumping out caravans everywhere, it lost interest.
Civ3 sure has its flaws, but I find it more challenging than Civ2, although without the same sense of humour.
May 14, 2002, 11:13
Local Time: 19:40
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I cycle too.
Not just between other games,
within civ, I spend 1/3 my time here on apolyton, and then another 1/3 thinking of ways to mod the game and doing so.
the last 1/3 I spend playtesting. don't think I've played a full game for its own sake in a while.
i cycle in my life away from the computer too but the trails here are pretty sucky.
May 14, 2002, 11:24
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Cycling sometimes, but a bit of different way. Civ remains my favorite game no matter what. At times, however, I throw it away for a few weeks. During that time I will play AoE2, or something else. Oftentimes, though, I will play two games at the same time.
I have also just discovered Dungeon Siege - now that's a sweet one.
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May 14, 2002, 11:30
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I got bored soon after 1.17f came out, since I had realized that it wasn't a good patch, and had a 4 weeks SMAC/CtP2/other games break. After this, I had a few 1.17f games. Now with 1.21f my interest for Civ3 has entirely returned. I'm altering it with 1-2 other games in the background tho.
May 14, 2002, 11:33
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sometimes yes, though usually not
I'm playing civ3 for about 6 months and I got bored after my first deity win 7 weeks ago. I used to play only this game, but now I really need some new diversifications. After I got bored I needed to get some adrenaline out of my body and I've restarted playing X Wing Alliance.
After a non playing period of 4 weeks (longest ever with civ3) I find myself playing and enjoying again, differentiating with maps and civs more frequently than before. I'm sure that PTW will make sure that I'll keep playing, although I don't think civ3 is fantastic.
I'm curious for what the competition will come up with. I'd love a civ3 based game, with lots more focus on units and warfare. (to create an 'ultimate' civ-wargame.
But until then: the 1.21 patch has certainly smoothened the gaming experience and ...
what's better at this moment?
May 14, 2002, 14:26
Local Time: 19:40
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Originally posted by LordAzreal
I've only ever been bored of Civ III for a week. But I do go in cycles. Civ III, SMAC, Shogun Total War, Age of Empires, Half-Life, Emipire Earth, etc.
Lord Azreal, what is your online name for Shogun. Maybe we can meet for a battle online sometime. I love that game.
"In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed. But they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love. They had 500 years of democracy and peace. And what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
—Orson Welles as Harry Lime
May 14, 2002, 16:17
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I tend to be a cycle player too.
Civ3 could tend to boredom because they went for the "essence" of the game. This means it is less complex and simpler, but it also means there are less choices and strategies. Thus repetition and boredom is much more likely.
Still, it is a civ game, so there are many options built in, even in a simple model. Trying different strategies instead of just your favorite way to play, is good. My latest game I am going 0% science and relentless war, just to try it. I never, never imagined I could have so much gold, and still be caught up in tech!
But if it gets boring, and playing seems like work, just quit! Play should be fun, not some sort of mandate. It will still be there later when you want to come back to it...
This happened to me when I realized Civ3 was giving me consistant, painful headaches, sometimes even after very little playing. I just took a break for a few weeks and was happier.
May 14, 2002, 19:30
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Originally posted by MosesPresley
Lord Azreal, what is your online name for Shogun. Maybe we can meet for a battle online sometime. I love that game.
I haven't played multiplayer of Shogun. Well, not yet anyway.
May 14, 2002, 19:46
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Lack of a real editor, lack of scenario-building, lack of MP, occasiobnal crashing, slowness, lack of a cheat mode, lack of anything to explore by the time we get to caravels, and other stuff, do increase the tedium.
Firaxis in its greed left out those crucial elements that helped give Civ 2 tremendous "legs". They want to now sell it to us in additional disks.  I WILL BUY NOTHING MORE, FIRAXIS, unless you give me a rebate for being your beta tester for over five months.
Beyond that, all the AI cheating, and AI stupidities, do make for an increase in both irritation and predictability.
I said months ago, there will likely be more Civ 2 lovers back playing Civ 2 by the end of the year than playing Civ 3 - unless Firaxis does something - something OTHER than sell us what should have come with the game in the first place.
May 14, 2002, 19:47
Local Time: 01:40
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I wasn't particularly impressed with the game when I played it unpatched. 1.21 has improved it a lot and assuming these improvements continue into the expansion pack then I may get it. But lack of MP makes the game too boring, AIs are so predictable no matter how difficult they may be and anyway AIs don't talk back. Lack of scenarios also leads to a lack of replayability. Playing in the cf tourney has made things interesting recently but I'm desperately needing MP for the game to stay interesting (not that I want MP to be rushed though, I'd prefer to wait a year and have a good game).
May 14, 2002, 19:56
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I cycle, but not in a regular pattern. A while ago I actually got into the Space Quest series and other Adventure games (ie, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Monkey Island, Kings Quest 5)
And I generally play Civ3 for the same amount of time as other games. Right now I'm on a mini-cycle between Civ3 and AOE 1/2.
May 14, 2002, 21:28
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As I was playing last night, I started thinking about a Railroad Tycoon II scenario I played a while back (Oregon & Empire). If I'm fantasizing about that game while playing this one, must be time to switch.
I cycle between Civ III (month or two now), RRTII, Europa Universalis, Age of Wonders, 7 Kingdoms (briefly), 1602, and when the kids take over my computer Colonization and Master of Magic on an older machine.
I also have a real relic that I consider great for its verisimilitude (although horrible, horrible graphic interface) and not bad AI (for its time) - I think its called War in the Pacific by Strategic Games(?). Anyone know if that's ever been updated? Circa when I had a PS2.
Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!
May 15, 2002, 18:49
Local Time: 00:40
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After the ancient and middle periods: stop game, start a new one. I just played two games,
One I played for a month and a half on a huge map. Made it through the renaissance doldrums to the space race circa 1945. I get attacked. Alright! war and space race, fun! the game crashes two turns into the war. No explanation, nothing can keep the game from restarting. Oh well, that was 1.16f, new patch -- new game.
Second game with 1.21f on a custom map I made. after the middle ages, crash!
bummer. buh-mer.
May 15, 2002, 19:16
Local Time: 18:40
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I too cycle my games.
I'd play more Civ3, but the correct starting on Marla Singer's world map won't work with the latest patch. And that's what I really want to do right now- play on a world map with correct starting positions.
I'll probably start on a SimCity3000 kick now that's school's out.
May 15, 2002, 19:49
Local Time: 19:40
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Originally posted by ahenobarb
After the ancient and middle periods: stop game, start a new one. I just played two games,
One I played for a month and a half on a huge map. Made it through the renaissance doldrums to the space race circa 1945. I get attacked. Alright! war and space race, fun! the game crashes two turns into the war. No explanation, nothing can keep the game from restarting. Oh well, that was 1.16f, new patch -- new game.
Second game with 1.21f on a custom map I made. after the middle ages, crash!
bummer. buh-mer.
CRASHING. yet another regular problem with the game.
If we had a scenario-builder we could create scenarios for the Modern Era. We wouldn't have to play a whole game to get to it, nor have a huge number of units to deal with.
May 16, 2002, 10:37
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I absolutely love the game...always have and always will.
But, there are times when the game just gets to dragging so much that I get bored and can't wait for the game to just end.
I decided to try something new for me. So I turned off all of the win conditions except space race. I have never one that way before so I wanted to make sure that was the only possibility.
By the time I got to the modern age, I had such a lead in science and power, that all I really had to do was hang around, clean up pollution, build some city improvements and wait until I finished building my ship. I swear it seemed to take weeks to finally finish the game.
I don't think I will be going that route again.
May 16, 2002, 11:07
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Originally posted by FrantzX
I'm playing Civ III just like I played Civ II. Play one whole game in a day or two, and then don't play for about two weeks. Repeat this pattern for the next five years or so.
haha, me too!
joseph 1944: LaRusso if you can remember past yesterday I never post a responce to one of your statement. I read most of your post with amusement however.
You are so anti-america that having a conversation with you would be poinless. You may or maynot feel you are an enemy of the United States, I don't care either way. However if I still worked for the Goverment I would turn over your e-mail address to my bosses and what ever happen, happens.
May 16, 2002, 11:13
Local Time: 19:40
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Civ3? Are you guys still playing that game. Man.
I don't buy many games anymore. Not since I realized that companies are following a strategy with their games. Make them pretty, make them shallow. So we will buy more.
I'll play a game and decide which pile it goes in. Rejects. Regulars. Hold for a game next year. Civ3 is the only civ game I put in the rejects pile.
May 16, 2002, 11:31
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yup, i'm a cycler.
it's only been a little while since i've actually started playing civ (like a little over a month!  ), but i got heroes 4 recently and cycle between that and civ (what is UP with game makers not including MP in the first run?!?!? ARGH!!!  ). i was on a diablo 2 kick for a long time before getting into civ, but even then i'd take a break and play heroes 3.
i really want to take peoples' suggestions of great games to get, but i can only handle a few at a time! i have a practically unused copy of simcity 3000 that i've had since christmas, 2000!!!
i either have to stop buying games, or just play a lot more so i get tired of them more quickly.
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
May 16, 2002, 11:46
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Civ3 is a little samey; it has always lacked the versatility of civ2 and SMAC. But I have had a fair amount of play out of it, and will still continue with comparison games here and at CF.
May 16, 2002, 13:55
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Take a break & don't play for a few days. Gets interesting again.
"Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.
i like ibble blibble
May 16, 2002, 14:16
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I must be different. Sure, I got some games, I like to play (not much time), but still in the end, Civilization wins out. Sure, the next game always seems to be more, even MOOIII will seem to be more, but I think half of it is -- all games seem the same after awhile. (I usually only play those type of games anyway - IGII - SMAC).
So, here I will say it, --- I think its what one 'feels' about playing any game -- part of it to me is seeing (like a leader) how long that I can play CIV III without being mad, bad, bored, or anything else -- have to admit -- a sense of humor is needed.
And I have to admit that CIV III is the only game where I end up smiling more because of the way it plays.
I think this will go on for years, again.
It has to do with real life -- life or death -- and CIVIII is just funny!
It always has been funny --- 'a game about/having -- a model about Civilization --- I am glad that such a game came out.
I always listen to the radio - talk shows -- somewhat -- or TV shows -- while playing anyway --- and that will always make this game even better while being involved with the news of the day --- or some parts of this World anyway.
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