May 21, 2002, 20:24
Local Time: 00:41
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Posts: 333
Originally posted by Coracle
The worst RACISTS - and anti-Semites - I have ever encountered were and are BLACK.
Here in NYC I well recall black racist Al Sharpton leading mobs screaming "yellow monkeys" at the Korean grocery they were boycottiing. Another black lesder was Sonny Carson - an avowed anti-white bigot.
Sharpton helped foment the Crown Heights riots calling the Jews all a bunch of "diamond merchants". Black mobs then went on a three day pogrom chanting "Kill the Jews!".
And not just Sharpton. And not just whites, Jews, and Koreans. Many blacks don't like Hispanics either.
Black racism - the REAL racism in America today.
Two wrongs don't make a right. To say that because some black people are racist we shouldn't care about racism directed at black people is absolutely absurd. ALL racism is bad and should be dealt with. It's easy to pass the buck and say that "Black racism is the REAL racism in America today" and by implication all other racism is false. But frankly that's a racist statement that speaks more to your character than the state of racism in the US.
May 21, 2002, 20:49
Local Time: 16:41
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Posts: 198
Originally posted by wrylachlan
Two wrongs don't make a right. To say that because some black people are racist we shouldn't care about racism directed at black people is absolutely absurd. ALL racism is bad and should be dealt with. It's easy to pass the buck and say that "Black racism is the REAL racism in America today" and by implication all other racism is false. But frankly that's a racist statement that speaks more to your character than the state of racism in the US.
You see, this is why I have him on my ignore list. I didn't see his post until you replied to it. If you wish to add him to _your_ ignor list, take a look at the control pannel...
Do the Job
Remember the World Trade Center
May 22, 2002, 05:50
Local Time: 01:41
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Originally posted by Assur
CNN did not air decade-old footage of Palestinians dancing in the streets. Eason Jordan, CNN's Chief News Executive, confirmed that the video used on CNN was in fact shot on Tuesday, 11 September 2001, in East Jerusalem by a Reuters TV crew, not during the Persian Gulf conflict of 1990-91 -- a fact proved by its inclusion of comments from a Palestinian praising Osama Bin Laden (whose name was unlikely to have come up ten years earlier in connection with the invasion and liberation of Kuwait) as well as the appearance in the video of post-1991 automobiles. The person who made the claim quoted above has since recanted.
(The argument that the footage CNN used could not possibly be real because it showed Palestinians in broad daylight not long after the attack -- even though Palestinian territory is several time zones ahead of New York -- is not valid. Eastern Daylight Time in the United States is six hours behind the area of the Middle East referred to as Palestine. Thus, when the first attack occurred in New York just before 9:00 A.M., Palestine time would have been 3:00 P.M., and the area would still have been bathed in plenty of mid-afternoon sunlight.)
Reuters, the international news agency whose camera crew shot the footage, issued the following statement:
Reuters rejects as utterly baseless an allegation being circulated by e-mail and the Internet claiming that it circulated 10-year-old videotape to illustrate Palestinians celebrating in the wake of the September 11 tragedies in the United States.
Reuters welcomes a statement by the Universidad Estatal de Campinas-Brasil (UNICAMP), one of whose students was the author of the original e-mail, setting the record straight.
The videotape in question was shot in East Jerusalem by a Reuters camera crew on September 11 in the immediate aftermath of the attacks on the United States. The footage was broadcast by CNN and other subscribers to the Reuters video news service.
OK! I stand corrected!
I love being beaten by women - Lorizael
May 22, 2002, 05:58
Local Time: 01:41
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Originally posted by Andrew Cory
Fair enough. There is a long story behind this name, but it isn't worth the telling. I tend to keep it because I am actualy rather well known on certain parts of the web, and if someone sees a post by me, they might want to know that it _is_ me...
OK, mystery solved...
When I read the phrase "redistribution of wealth", I commonly infer it to mean "hand piles of cash to everyone". This causes the problems that I refered to. If you mean somthing else by it, please let me know...
BTW: have you ever taken an economics class?
I have studied economic history and marxist economic theory at the university of Gothenburg, but not "economics" as such. I find this extremly boring...
What I mean with the redistribution of wealt is that if you give all people equal oppurtunites to start with you can get a democratic market economy. Not like it is today. I havenīt really got a detailed plan for how this could be accomplished (as I lack "proper" economic education) so Iīm unable to build a lofty theory.
I love being beaten by women - Lorizael
May 22, 2002, 06:04
Local Time: 01:41
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Location: Land of teh Vikingz
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Originally posted by Andrew Cory
You see, this is why I have him on my ignore list. I didn't see his post until you replied to it. If you wish to add him to _your_ ignor list, take a look at the control pannel...
Thatīs the problem with ignore lists  But thereīs a reason why people get there. I only put people on ignore that I think is a a waste of space (so far only two posters have been given this special treatment...)
I love being beaten by women - Lorizael
May 22, 2002, 06:42
Local Time: 10:41
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Posts: 834
Wow. Now this has turned into a discussion that belongs in the OT section.
May 22, 2002, 09:37
Local Time: 19:41
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Captain, I'm afraid that a certain amount of unfairness is a given in this life. Some are born smart, attractive, and healthy. Others are born stupid, ugly, and sickly. There is no earthly justice in this (though I would offer a Buddhist expanation that would throw this thread even further off topic than it already is), yet stupid, ugly and sickly people do find happiness and success despite the raw deal they have.
African americans find themselves in jail, economically disadvantaged, etc. for a number of reasons, none of them having to do w/ stupidity, ugliness nor health. Their experience, for that matter is roughly analogous to that of many (most?) other etnic minorities worldwide (ever seen the movie, Once Were Warriors? Find it & watch it).
History has stacked the deck against them, true. For 300+ years they were told they were stupid, ugly, inferior. They were treated violently and traumatized. When things finally began to change in the 50's and 60's, many took advantage of the new opportunities offered, and now they and their children/grandchildren find themselves living in good neighborhoods, making lots of $ (the only real yardstick of personal worth, right?), and nowhere near prisons or crack houses. A disproportionately high percentage remain in prison, commit violent crimes, are economically disadvantaged, however. In fact, I see on a daily basis those young black men and women(though not as many) who do live in nice suburban neighborhoods getting involved in gangs, committing crimes and going to jail all the time. I also see plenty who come from rougher neighborhoods avoiding trouble and prospering. Why?
I started 1st grade right after integration of the schools. Kind of rough at times, lots of tension. I have, at times had extremely racist ideas. What I did notice about young blacks, and have continued to notice as an adult and teacher in the public school system, though less every year, is an attitude among young African Americans, supported by popular culture, that to exel in school and do that which is conducive to success is tantamount to selling out to the "man". In other words, these traits which lead to material success are seen as "white", and therefore undesireable and avoided. This is unfortunate, since to avoid these things, or, even worse, to intentionally act in opposition to them, causes innumerable problems, long term.
I know many white people who envy having an ethnic based excuse to screw up, commit crimes, not perform to their potential. Many end up in questionably qualified mental health proffessional's offices, getting brainwashed into "remembering" being sexually molested by their mom or dad. Way too many people of all ethnicities are looking for excuses. I think (and so do many black intellectuals) that obsessing with the topic of racism does nothing to fix the problems endemic to lower class minority enclaves here in the US, at least. I have become firmly convinced that 1. The time has come to phase out Affirmative Action over a period of time w/ periodic reevaluation and 2. Those most capable of helping those of the ethnic group in question belong to the ethnic group in question.
And 3. There is no excuse for doing the wrong thing.
About my last few words, last post. People notice differences. No way to stop that. Not nececsarily bad nor good. In fact, when I first went to Latin America, I found it generally found it more advantagous than disadvantagous, despite anti gringo resentments. One has to know how to maximize advantages and minimize disadvantages. At the same time people naturally find those different somewhat, at least threatening, they also find them fascinating, and ultimately attractive, whether they admit this or not, unless clouded by deep delusional racism. (sure wish I hadn't been married the second time I went there)
"Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.
i like ibble blibble
May 31, 2002, 18:05
Local Time: 16:41
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Posts: 875
Re: hidden racist agenda
Originally posted by Captain
that title's meant to be provocative just so someone besides myself will read this.
after a certain amount of turns, people of foreign nationality in your cities become assimilated. they don't become integrated, they become assimilated. they lose their identity. their little face icons change. they've been bred out. their skin colour changes.
I don't like this. please firaxis, change it. don't assimilate them. leave them their ethnicity. I like the idea of having Greeks, Egyptians, Zulus, Germans, Chinese, Iroquois, etc... all living together in one city. let us encourage diversity, not a monoculture. perhaps this would make it easier to win the UN if you had large populations of foreigners under your benevolent rule.
yes, I understand that assimilation represents the transfer of loyalties, but why is this accompanied by the obliteration of their former identity? couldn't we just leave their faces the same? Or produce a new "mixed" nationality? Consider, former black slaves in America aren't lily white now, are they? and sure racial tension is a problem, but most blacks consider themselves american. they overwhelmingly support america, even though they are their own culture. integration doesn't happen because blacks become white, it's because they're accepted by the majority and given rights. the chinese flood of immigrants in vancouver doesn't culture flip to china. but they're not lily-white either. I want my New York to have people of all ethnicities, not one big white-faced crowd. (I use "white" here only because that is the dominant ethnocultural group of north america).
Unity is not equal to uniformity!!!
Admittedly this is not a major gameplay issue, just a question of offending my sensibilities. I cannot abide such overt racism, even if unintentional. I don't expect Firaxis to change any of this, they've got bigger issues at mind and I'm not sure they care, but I had to say it. Silence is compliance.
*even cooler would be that if you have a city with another ethnicity being dominant, if they were well-integrated into the empire, you could build their UU. example: cossacks aren't russian. russia wouldn't have that UU if the cossacks hadn't signed on with them. (IIRC the Germans swung cossack loyalty to their side in some war, military historians please correct me)
May 31, 2002, 18:07
Local Time: 19:41
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Congrats, you raised a thread. Do you normally post only in other's quotes?
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