June 18, 2002, 14:26
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JamesJkirk, my email is Henrik.lohmander@telia.com
Furthermore Germany is baffled by the Russian behaviour, unparralled in his disrespect for other nations armies and territorial waters, the new Russian monarch has sure started his reign by alianating all of her friends or would be friends!
France might not be able to take on russia on her own, but should this behaviour continue Russia will face a French-German-(Brittish?) coalition, something that shouldn't be taken quite as lightely as the Russian Monarch seem to think.
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June 18, 2002, 15:05
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Russia not only shows a blantant disregard for national waters, but also a blatant disregard for historical facts in their latest press release. Please would you mention one point in the 19th century, up to 1870 of course that Britian has been 'evil' to the US. Because it would be news to me. Also if russia doesnt pay the british empire 300 gold they will be unable to cross the british channel. Any which try to run the blockade will be sunk and this will be seen as a decleration of war. The Britain will procede to strangle all trade leaving russia and will systematically bombard their coastal cities. You have been warned.
Also Britain wishes to state that they would be the first in line to join a coalition against aggressive Russian actions, whoever the other members would be.
Again you have been warned, this is the last one. If you make anymore aggressive moves then we will be forced to blockade you, let your people starve. Britains patience is exhausted, once again you have been warned
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
June 18, 2002, 20:00
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Um, Groth . . .
War of 1812.
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June 18, 2002, 21:28
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Not to mention...
The Alabama claims from the US Civil War, and just an all around mutual feeling of mistrust between Britain and the USA, but that's all water under the bridge now
The United States are boggled by the incomprehensible saber-rattling by the Russian Empire, in trying to provoke a war and play the western European powers off one another, she appears to have sealed her own fate. The United States wish to continue trading with all powers, and hope the commercial routes aren't disrupted by a horrible war in Europe. We express our hope that Russia has learn its lesson, and that a diplomatic solution can be reached.
June 19, 2002, 04:22
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After the leadership of Britain proving its inability, Russia realizes it's the only true great power in Europe.
Since Russia has already agreed on a way to handle the Suez matter, she does not see the needs for the behaviour of the other great powers, especially not the alienating attitude that shines through. The other great powers are obviously racist and anti-slav, but Russia will cope with that for now and rather go on some turkhunt.
June 19, 2002, 05:20
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Yeah but you will remember that the War of 1812 was actually started by the US in an attempt to take canadian lands from the british crown while britain was engaged in beating off Napoleon, so i cant see how in that case britain was 'evil' to the US, more the other way round
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
June 19, 2002, 06:59
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Burning down the white house is not particularly an act of being gentle.
June 19, 2002, 09:49
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BTW, Russia didn't know the Suez canal was French territory.
June 19, 2002, 09:50
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Is it not time someone would download that savegame and proceed?
June 19, 2002, 10:10
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Yeah, its Winterfritz' turn. Glad you backed down, I don't want a war now.
June 19, 2002, 10:26
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Ladies and Gentleman, the Czar of the Russian Empire.
*frenetic applause*
Russian Czar: Ladies and Gentleman, I welcome you to these halls. Tonight we greet journalists from Great Britain, the United States of America, Germany and France, as well as independant countries around the world.
I want to express my feelings about the diplomatic developments of the past 2 months. After all we have been driven into a situation that none of us wants.
When in january Russian ships began heading towards the Suez straight, they were originally meant to be escort ships for traders; traders that carried the fienst goods of Russian luxury production around the world, as well as fine Caucasian resources, such as the widely-famed black gold. The escorts were necessary because the egean sea has been known to be a dangerous zone for our traders, due to Oriental raiders. At one point, our fleet admirals decided that it would be in the best interests of Russia if we gained control not only over the bosporus, which we will hold as a stronghold against Turkish raiders which are not wanted in the Black Sea, but also over the by now infamous Suez straight, which was thought to be neutral territory at that point.
By now we regret the diplomatic developments that resulted of that mistake of ours. To Germany and France we have to give the most sincere of apologies. Not only for violating sovereign territory, but also for the diplomatic faux-pas that occured. We know both countries face their own economic problems and are willing to forgive that step.
As for Great Britain, we seek a neutral ending of the situation. Surely, Russia has at no poitn violated British interests, and therefore Britain was absolutely wrong in demanding a pay for Russian ships passing the Channel. Russia is willing to forget the cheeky tribute claims.
To the United States, we express deep gratitude for advertising a diplomatic solution, as well as the will to free trade between the nations from all over the world.
We are now willing to discuss territorial matters with each power on a positive basis. It is to each of those powers whether or not to accept the kind offer. War betwene powers, or any other negative diplomaic development can't be in the interests of any nation at this point. Let us have peace in our time.
*frenetic applause*
Foreign jouranlists are now allowed to ask questions
June 19, 2002, 14:20
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JamesJKirk, you can add my email to that list
June 19, 2002, 19:42
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Nippon Times
Business Section
Japanese trade goods continue to ply their way to Europe. The Imperial government would like to request the British for free passage for these goods through the straights of Malacca and around Singapore, so that they do not have to detour around the large island of Sumatra.
June 19, 2002, 20:33
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at last
June 19, 2002, 20:37
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Originally posted by Ecthelion
at last
I missed the saved game post because it was buried under the furore about your blockade of the Suez Canal. So you sit quiet, you
June 19, 2002, 22:13
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War With Italy Declared!
Italy, due to imperialist ambition, moved troops up to the gates of Marseilles without warning. French garrisons had to warn the aproaching army to explain themselves. Recieving no reply, they sent out messangers who never returned. After much deliberation, the Italian regement was fired upon. The Italian artillery unit was destroyed and the French defenders took on heavy casualties. As a result, France had no choice but to declare war on the rampaging Italian regime, which just ceased power on the penisula. Numberous revolts still occur in major Italian cities.
Spain Joins Italian Ally!
Spain, at the behest of their Italian Allies, joined the war against France. France vowes to put these upstarts in their place. However, she is unable to make much if any advances, and is afraid the war may go on for some years before anything major happens.
June 19, 2002, 22:20
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France Contacts British Embassy in Aden
France would like to remind Britain that the straight near Aden is not completely British controlled. Although we are not accusing her of blocking anything, it is just a friendly reminder of French Ethiopia across the straight. Therefore we ask that the straight not be blocked to trade.
June 19, 2002, 22:22
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And of course the save.
June 20, 2002, 03:55
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The Russian tzar has once again proven himself to be totaly indifferent towards the territorial waters of other nations.
In this case Russian warships are blocking the baltic between Prussia and Skĺne, the first bellonging to Germany and the second to Sweden.
Neither bellongs to Russia!
How shall this be interpreted in the light of the recent events around suez?
Maybe someone ought to explain the concept of a map to the russian tzar before he places his next blockade?
We cincerely hope that the Russian tzar withdraws his naval blockade of Swedo-German waters, or he will once again face the threat of a war with a European Power...
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June 20, 2002, 04:01
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In other news:
Germany supports France in her war against the Imperialistic Spano-Italian Coalition, and intends to send forces towards Italy herself, as Italian troops has conducted small scale offensives against the Austrian port of Trieste.
However the defenders has been able to keep the poorly equiped italians at bay.
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June 20, 2002, 04:03
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Yellow is usually the colour of the neutrals. Plus, Russia hasn't had a chance to reconsider its naval strategies since the Suez issue. You guys are so slow.
June 20, 2002, 07:55
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And the fact that you shouldnt have troops blockading other nations territory just didnt seem to occur to you? I mean, again i say this, at least britain had a bit of leverage what with The Channel being british territorial waters and Also the Straights of Gibraltor also being in that category. Whereas you blockade other nations waterways, Germany and France, will britain be next? Oh and i wasnt joking about the toll for russian ships crossing through the british channel, im deadly serious.
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
June 20, 2002, 09:08
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I'm deadly serious about not paying a penny. Don't be so "EVC".
June 20, 2002, 18:51
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If you don't want to pay and not go to war, don't use the channel. Which reminds me,
which channel are we talking of? There are too many channels to just go around calling one the channel. Gary, are you talking of the English channel or the straights of Gibralter? You're not talking of the North Sea, are you? Please, clarification is necissary to avoid war.
Ecthelion, whats EVC mean? Extra Vehicular Culture?
June 20, 2002, 21:36
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The Imperial government has declared its support for the German and French crusade against Italian and Spanish megalomanic ambition. These evil empires must be stopped before it is too late.
Grogthar, can my ships go past Singapore and through the straights of Malacca? Pretty please?
June 20, 2002, 22:47
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EVC is/was an Off-topic personality/celebrity/weirdo who was known for being ultra-theatrical, mega-unusual, and sometimes, downright nuts!
But he was entertaining.
Lost in America.
"a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
"or a very good liar." --Stefu
"Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.
June 20, 2002, 22:54
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I doubt it. Never heard of him. I think its just a conspiracy between you and Ecthelion to slowly drive me insane. I go and talk about it to someone else and they tell me this person never existed. I tell them that you said it and they ask you. You deny it and they tell me. Its a conspiracy! You won't take me alive! NOOOOO!!!!
Oh, and nice scenario Exile.
June 21, 2002, 00:57
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Originally posted by Ecthelion
Yellow is usually the colour of the neutrals. Plus, Russia hasn't had a chance to reconsider its naval strategies since the Suez issue. You guys are so slow.
The fact that Königsberg bellongs to Germany in this scenario shouldn't come as a suprise for you
And you specifically commented on scandinavia being German earlier in this thread.
What naval policies are there to rethink?
Does this mean that Russia was actively trying to occupy other nations territory all along?
Oh and please stop posting those one sentence comments everywhere, this is not the OT!
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June 21, 2002, 05:53
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JMarks, not you are "EVC", Britain and Germany are
June 21, 2002, 13:56
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I will unblock the Singapore straight when france moves its bloody frigate out the way  Thats why i cant get through there either. Dont worry. Oh and when i mention "the channel" i mean the english channel, its just the name for it here
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