My tests have shown that the Roman Britians are still a little too strong, I think. Either that or I have been getting lucky. I am leaving town for the weekend but I will try to get it to you both before I do. It still needs some balancing. I look forward to your to hearing opinions
Originally posted by St Leo
Are you planning to start making non-fictional scenarios soon?
In a manner of speaking, BOTH of my finished scenarios ARE non-fiction, historical scenarios.

As for my Old Testament scenario there can be no doubt that Abraham, Moses and the rest of the gang were real people who lived and did stuff. The existance of Adam and Eve and the like can only be conjectured, but they don't appear in the scenario, anyways. The bible, to some extent, is a good historical source. To the same degree, my scenario is, too. That scenario is very historical as scenarios go. The text pop-ups are written from a particular point of view, but that does not make them "fictional" Ditto for "King Arthur" and the lot in my Lost Island scenario, although the text boxs are more objective in that one.
A future project?
-I have a finshed 14th century Europe scenario with an all new tech tree and the like. It's for 2.42. It doesn't work as it should. It was my first attempt (even before Lost Island). It needs to be started again at the begining, but I want to see it finished sometime before CIV IV come out
-I tipped my hand that my SDC entry will involve the Jacobites

WarVoid, how about that 12th century Crusader kingdom Scenario?