May 16, 2002, 22:15
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The Truth About 1 x 1 Deity Players
(The following is not a positive review or comentary. If you are easily insulted, or just cant handle the truth, or if you have irrational reactions and can not logically examine my point, please close this thread right now as I dont wish too crush your pathetic view on reality. Just slink back to your own little protected infurior world and think you actually know what your doing when you play Civ)
Now for thoose who have made it this far, 1 x 1 deity players are much like fat, ugly lesbiens. You see, these girls are not lezzies by choice, they just cant win in the man getting game. So they just gravitate to other fat ugly women.
To convert this analogy to Civological terms, 1 x 1 deity players just cant win at 2 x 2 king verse top notch players, or in this case, the very best in the world, that would indeed be moi.
You see, in 2 x 2 king, the game moves rapidly. It is impairitive that you defend AWAY from your citys and continuely explore. You MUST trade early and often. To win verse me , you NEED to be highly creative. You MUST know how to balance trade, exploration, city infrastrucure, military incursions and defense.
In 1 x 1 deity, you DONT have to do ANY of this. You DONT have large armies running right at your citys, just 1 or 2 marauding units. You dont have units with four movements coming out of no where to attack your citys. You dont have 20-30 citys to micromanage. You dont have 20+ units moving around the board, directing thier movement where you need them to go.
You see, all 1 x 1 deity does, is restrict the capabilities of human players and replaces them with computer, static , inpeadments that do not change game to game.
It also takes, much,much longer to play the game. It will also remain very close for that much more time which you mental midgets convert into actually believing you know what you are doing till someone like Markus or (I if I ever had a mental breakdown and more time to waste) got trade , and since trade is massively disproportianiate in 1 x 1, if you dont effectively trade, the gap wil go from little, to monsterous after a short time period.
Speaking of your misguided hero, Markus. This is the only reason he plays 1 x 1 deity now. Cause he cant beat me or Eyes on 2 x 2 king cause this supposed "super trade strategy" or his,does not work so well when large armies and navies are coming to kill you and you have to fight away from your citys.
I laugh at and also pitty you 1 x 1 deity players.
May 16, 2002, 22:35
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Presumably Ming will deal with this offensive bilge. By which I mean the references to sexual preferences.
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May 16, 2002, 22:47
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May 16, 2002, 22:57
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My analogy was quite correct. And you disqualify yourself from this conversation since you concentrate on that reference rather then the meat of this post. I expect nothing less from you people and so far, I have been proven correct..... NEXT....
May 16, 2002, 23:03
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My response is in youor other thread. Like you said here - I caution you to please read it and seriously think about it before you post more of this nonsense.
May 16, 2002, 23:22
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Again, another post that does not defend 1 x 1 deity. Another post that does not offer proof that what I am saying is false.
Can somebody please tell me why you think 1 x 1 deity is such a great way to play? Can somebody champion you second rate , no good, Arrogant apolytoners?
May 17, 2002, 00:08
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Hmm, you one one duel against me and i won 8 against you? Tooo funny
The trueth is 2x 2x players, want to play RTS games but they suck at them. The closest you can get to a RTS game is using 2x 2x. Civ 2 was built and designed to be played in 1x 1x and was sold as such. 2x 2x was a last minute addon to the game, that wasn't even play tested (not suprising) in a effort to get more sales and attract those wanna be RTS players. Had it been properly play tested forests would only have 3 shields, and mines would have 5 etc etc.
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May 17, 2002, 00:28
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Markus is suffering from some selective memory and some created memory. I never lost 5 games to you. I remember only 1. and I have been involved in 4 verse you. But none of that matters anyways. You dont use the advanced tactics that I have listed, so please dont campare yourself to me, you come up short every time.
Further more, dont tell me what Civ used to be. I have played Civ since the very begining, well before you,I might add.
Most of you internet geeks dont know that Civilization the computer game was nothing more then a ripped off version of Civilization the board game, which I wrote a review column in both the magazines I wrote for 18 years ago, The General and Gaming Quarterly.
The board game was designed for the power of trade, which Sid Meir included in his version briliantly, and the need to negotiate and get along with your neighbors as waring in the board game rarely got you any where.
2 x 2 is the perfect way to play. The way you can get 5 resources produced in a city easily, then bigger citys can get 10 and really big citys get up to 20 allowing structured construction of units that coincides with the resource costs of units. In 1 x 1 you produce less then 5 in most early citys. Thus, you have wasted shields, it does not fit the resource cost of units and alot goes to waste, along with time.
As far as mining and irrigating being worth less in 2 x 2, the genius of sid meir programers is clear. Rules.txt allows you to increase the benifit of improving land and costomizing any programing deficiantcies that there were.
May 17, 2002, 00:57
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1x1xDeity? That's for wimps. Where's the raging hordes?
May 17, 2002, 01:06
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Ya i supose when you "lose connection" and don't come back after i built light house or HG that doesn't count as a loss.
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May 17, 2002, 01:23
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He was just bored
May 17, 2002, 07:19
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Same thing happened in our 4-way a few days ago, some guy built LH by 2500bc and stopped strate's caravan flood... strate 'disconnected' of course and the worst bit is he was hosting the game  Another hour or two of my time wasted.
May 17, 2002, 08:47
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WRong, fell, wrong. I had that game won, go look at the save. I quit because Common Terry violated the rules and built the great wall. it was a no bribe game, and no GW coincides with that. None of you guys had a route at the end of the game, I had done 30. Nobody stopped my ship chain, there was only one viking ship I saw and I talked it into retreating. Nobody stopped my caravan routing.
If I knew the Great Wall was in play, I would have built it 10 turns before Terry ever could. I refuse to play under one set of rules and some one else play under another.
I had his capital on radar and narrowed down to one or two squares and accesable from the water. Only reason he built it was cause he could not stop it from being taken any other way. So, even though, when he sets up a game, right in his description in room, he will say no bribe no GW, he built it in a no bribe game. DA!
If that is representitive of the talent of the players on the zone, you waste your time playing them alltogether. I implore you to go look at the saves, maybe ill just post them here as they are a blueprint of how to play.
May 17, 2002, 08:57
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yes post the saves so that we may learn from your greatness.
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May 17, 2002, 09:00
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C'mon strat. You ain't getting paid by the word.

And your conclusions are in error.
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May 17, 2002, 09:47
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I iz 1337
May 17, 2002, 09:49
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Originally posted by StrategicKingMi
WRong, fell, wrong. I had that game won, go look at the save. I quit because Common Terry violated the rules and built the great wall. it was a no bribe game, and no GW coincides with that. None of you guys had a route at the end of the game, I had done 30.
BS, I had at least 5, and that's only because I was behind in tech all game. I was flooding the Viking cap with caravans and probably getting much bigger payoffs than you ever were (as you were sending caravans to a monarchy and I was delivering demanded gold+silks). If the game had gone on a little longer no doubt I'd have had the lead (regardless of GW or not).
Nobody stopped my ship chain, there was only one viking ship I saw and I talked it into retreating. Nobody stopped my caravan routing.
Well, that's only commonterry and that other guy's fault. I was telling them to build ships, and was telling them to send those ships to stop you. I was even trying to GIVE them money so they could buy ships and units, but they wouldn't accept it. Not my fault they didn't listen to my advice or take my gifts.
If I knew the Great Wall was in play, I would have built it 10 turns before Terry ever could. I refuse to play under one set of rules and some one else play under another.
No one said GW wasn't allowed. Anyway you didn't build any wonders that game so I doubt you'd have gone for it anyway.
I had his capital on radar and narrowed down to one or two squares and accesable from the water. Only reason he built it was cause he could not stop it from being taken any other way.
Actually the reason I remember you quitting was because you had just lost all your units attacking a vet pikeman defended city on a hill. As far as I remember you never even got to his capital. And this is commonterry we are talking about
May 17, 2002, 10:15
Just another peon
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Yes, I'd like to see the saves also. If anyone else has them, (especially if we can get for every 3 or 4 turns leading up to the end) please post them. It could be entertaining.
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May 17, 2002, 10:38
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Actually I play RTS games and I'm extremely good at them. Not as good as I am at TBS, but only maybe a level or 2 down. As for Markus playing 1x1x, he plays what he likes. He just played a 2x2x King 2 on 2 the other day with you, me, RobbieTiger...OH wait that game never got started because we had to keep restarting every time it got started. See with strategicdick you have to hvae everything perfect. Bad land, restart. Bad hut luck, restart. Get Lighthouse first? Restart! Discover trade first? Restart. Don't like the way the sun is shining on your monitor? Restart. The planets and the moon not aligned correctly? Restart. This is all in the name of fair play of course. And Markus is a better 2x2x player than you are strat. I've played both of you and Markus gives me the better challenge.
May 17, 2002, 10:41
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No fair! Eyes has the coolest avatar!
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May 17, 2002, 11:24
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
Actually I play RTS games and I'm extremely good at them. Not as good as I am at TBS, but only maybe a level or 2 down. As for Markus playing 1x1x, he plays what he likes. He just played a 2x2x King 2 on 2 the other day with you, me, RobbieTiger...OH wait that game never got started because we had to keep restarting every time it got started. See with strategicdick you have to hvae everything perfect. Bad land, restart. Bad hut luck, restart. Get Lighthouse first? Restart! Discover trade first? Restart. Don't like the way the sun is shining on your monitor? Restart. The planets and the moon not aligned correctly? Restart. This is all in the name of fair play of course. And Markus is a better 2x2x player than you are strat. I've played both of you and Markus gives me the better challenge.
Ateam or whatever he calls himself today is a waste of time.
I play RTS, I am really really good at some, like the red alert series, but others like Age of empires i get my ass kicked. (haven't played enough i guess)
What I like about civ and 1x 1x vs RTS is you live longer and have time to plan attacks defences etc. Speaking of which, are there any good new RTS games worth checking out? I still think the best one out there is CC-TA Total Ahnihilation.
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May 17, 2002, 12:09
Just another peon
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RTS, fun when I was younger and had better hand eye coordination. Getting old sucks. Stuck with turn based now.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
May 17, 2002, 12:15
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So true rah... so true... sigh
It's no surprise that Eyes is good at RTS games. Being in prime condition, and being a competitive athlete on the tennis courts...
To be young again...
Keep on Civin'
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May 17, 2002, 12:15
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Originally posted by rah
RTS, fun when I was younger and had better hand eye coordination. Getting old sucks. Stuck with turn based now.
its not that, playing RTS is scarey you have no sence of time. I remember a couple of times thought i had been playing for 20 minutes, i look at the clock and its 5 am and 7 hours later lol
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May 17, 2002, 12:45
Just another peon
Local Time: 19:49
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Loosing sense of time.............
Wait till you get older. It can happen during a meal.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
May 17, 2002, 15:24
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I love naps now.
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May 17, 2002, 15:25
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Originally posted by rah
Loosing sense of time.............
Wait till you get older. It can happen during a meal. 
ROTFLMAO......use it or lose i say
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May 17, 2002, 22:06
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My two pennies...
Just to chime in here:
What issue of the General Strat?
Civ the boardgame I find to be more on the lines of Diplomacy, just with trading cards. Civ the PC game was something along those lines, but if it would have followed the game SOOO closely than it would have sucked.
I've played plenty of RTS, but never liked them due to a personal preference, the time-loss thing that Markus was talking about and plenty of bad experiences at the zone.
Strat, if you are so good, (AND an Avalon Hill player to boot) why waste your time trying to convince us?
Why not play, THEN post your save games. That is by far the most convincing method.
Or do you like being ridiculed by the Muppet Mob?
Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
May 18, 2002, 00:14
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First off, if this was wrestling, I would be the heel. I like being the heel (bad guy) . I dont look for respect from this group, nor do I expect to get it dispite an unmatched record of civ creativity. Most of the time I just post here to see how much heel heat ( negative reaction) that I can generate. The more responses, the more my ego is fed. So the muppet boys, just keep it coming.
As far as the General, I destroyed thier "perfect" axis defense for The Rise and Decline of The Third Reich ,that was posted in (guessing here) August 84 with second edition rules. They published this, too thier credit, as it was not a positive reflection on thier play testing. Later, I play tested, and contributed to the creation of the 3rd Edition rules of that game, one of my absoloute favorite historical games.
And you are right, it was much like Diplomacy till they changed it. Diplomacy and Civ were exchanges militarily they had that in common. And yeah, with the resource cards it did seem like a card game, but that made it exciting I thought.
Flatlander, every play Civil War? That is a great game. The turns ending randomly like that really added tension and gambling to the game, weather or not the south conserves its resources for a long turn, or expends them for an all out attempt to at least interfere in the Norths plans, really cool game.
By the by, I am a advent collector of old , unobtainable games, including many Avalon Hill games (older versions no longer in print) and games from the 50's, seriously now, if you have any of these, let me know if you are a seller and the condition they are in. ( my pride and joy is a mint copy, unopened wooden version of Risk that is over 40 years old along with a T.V. Gambit game featuring shows from the first 25 years of T.V. published in 1952.)
May 18, 2002, 00:36
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