Here it is folks!!! Chapter 2: "Making Freind and Enemies"
12:00 PM Main Conference Room at the Foriegn Policy Building, Athens, Greece
"Where is Ceasar?! The Foriegn Advisor said he would be here
at 12:00 sharp!" Alexander yelled.
"Calm down sir, Ceasar will use your anger against you, beleive me, I know how he works." Maximus said cooly.
Suddenlly the door opened revealing the foreign advisor and Julius Ceasar behind him.
"Julius Ceasar is here to see you now sir."Odisius said "
Thank you Odisius, you may leave now." Alexander said to his advisor.
Ceasar sat down as the advisor steeped out. "Nice to meet you here Alexander." Ceasar said with an arrogant smirk.
"I wish I could say the same to you Ceasar." Alexander snapped back.
"You have a lovely home Alexander" Ceasar said, obvioulsy trying to butter him up before they got down to buisness.
Alexander was getting testy, "Cut the small talk Ceasar. Im here for answers not flattery! It seems that a spy , who confessed he was working for your intellgence agency, was caught stealing technology, blowing up the new science lab in process as well."
Ceasar spoke a little angrly, "Do you really think Rome would steep so low as to try to steal technology from your country?!"
"Roman science has been behind Greeces for a while now...."Alexander answered.
"How dare you...you..and your damned Greek Democracy thinking your better then everbody else!!
"This damned democracy is what keeps Greece on top, unlike your blood thirsty barbarian country!" Alexander shot back.
It was obviouse tensions were rising between them and Maximus decided to step in....
"Excuse me gentlemen, but can we cool it down a little?" Maximus
spoke up.
Alexander looked at his genreral and sat down.
Ceasar however, stared at Maximus as if trying to rember
"Maximus....Maximus.... where have I heard that name
before?" Oh, yes now I remeber. Your the once great Roman
general who turned his back on Rome and ran to Greece like a
"That once great Roman general your talking about is
still great and he is loyal freind of mine. I suggest Ceasar you
leave you name calling on Roman Territory" Alexander yelled at
"Speaking of Roman Territory I should be heading back
to it. As for your little lab research building, I'll have the payment
for the damages in a month." Ceasar finished his sentence and
walked to the door.
Suddenly Ceasar stoped and spoke, "By the way Maximus, maybee you should consider coming back to Rome and learn what true power is. Unless.....your a pathetic Greek now."
Ceasar laughed then walked out the door leaving Alexander and his general speachless.
7:00 AM Palace Kitchen, Athens, Greece
The smell of morning breakfeast was in the air of the palace
kitchen. Lillan was at the stove cooking breakfeast while
Alexander sat at the table drinking his coffee and reading sports
section of the news paper. He often wondered why Lillian cooked
when they had servents to do that for her.
"Oh well, as long as it was good cooking he din't really mind" he thought to himself.
Alexander looked up from his news paper to see Maximus
standing at the other end of the table.
"Good morning Maximus, I assume you bring me more news on the Roman situation, correct?"
"Yes sir, but this is diffrent news. Look at the front page of the news sir." Maximus answered.
Alexander flipped to the front page and dropped his cup of coffee on the floor as the headline hit him.
"Romans and Egyptians at war? But...but..but, how?, why?" he asked confussed. "It seems that recent Roman "agression" was actually troop postioning to attack Egypt. No one know's why they attacked , they just fired on Eygptians without warning."he answered.
Alexander sat quiet for a moment before he finally spoke up,
"Maximus have the Foriegn advisor set up a meeting with all the world leaders at the Foriegn Policy Building downtown,"
"Yes sir" Maximus responded.
Alexander looked up at his wife with a worried look as Maximus
walked out the kitchen.
"It will be ok Alexander" Lillian said with a weak smile.
"I hope so Lillian, I hope so....."
3:00 PM Foreign Policy Building, Downtown Athens, Greece
Alexander quickly walked down the hall leading to the main
conference room.
"I hope they accept this proposal" Alexander said to himself.
Just as Alexander was about to open the door, a voice stopped him in his tracks.
"I want to personally thank you Alexander for all your support. The Egyptian people truely appreciate this."
It was Queen Cleopatra, ruler of the Egyptian Monarch. She was more beautiful then Alexander had expected, but he din't let that take him away from the buisness at hand.
"The Greek's are always willing to help a freind in need Cleopatra, think nothing of it."
"Yes..well I hope the other leaders are as generouse as you are." Cleopatra said with a deep sigh.
They both turned to the door and walked in at the same time. In
the room sat Alexander's advisors, Hammurabi President of
Babylon, and Xerxies King of Perisa. Many leaders had refused to
come, most likely scared they might be thrusted into a war
against the mighty Roman army.
Alexander was the first to speak to the room, "Thank you all for
coming your presence here is greatly appreciated and important
to are cause."
Cleopatra began to speak up as well, "As you know Egypt was rudely shaken by the sudden attacks of the warmonging Romans. I ask you today to help the Greek and Egyptian cause to stop the Romans before its too late."
Alexander and Cleopatra shook hands with the leaders and
advisors and sat down. Alexander nodded to Cleopatra, put the
militarty alliance pact in the middle of the table, and began to explain the terms.....
It had been 2 hours after the meeting had started and finally an
agreement was struck. Perisa and Babylon would both alliance
against Rome for supplies of Greek gems and Egyptian oil.
Alexander came out the Foreign Policy building with Maximus and
Cleopatra at his side.
"That went well I'd say" Alexander said joyfully.
"Yes , I agree" both Maximus and Cleopatra said at the
same time.
"Alexander may I talk to you in private please?"
Cleopatra said.
They walked away from Maximus over to Cleopatras car.
"Yes Cleopatra? Is there something wrong?" he asked.
"Well yes....it's Maximus, I mean he is a Roman, is he not?
Is he trust worthy?"
"Maximus has been loyal to the Greek Democracy and me ever since my first year as president. I assure you he is trust worthy Cleopatra. " he quickly replied.
"Hmm, ok Alexander I trust your word. I must be getting back to my homeland, Im sure my people need my guidance.
Cleopatra lightly kissed Alexander on the cheek and stepped into her car. Alexander touched his cheek as the car drove off down main street.
Hmmm, Intresting huh?

Please post any comments, questions, and of course
advice. It's greatly appreciated!!! Be sure to look out for Chapter
3: "The Start of a War"
(P.S. Thank you Civman2000 for your comments and
your recomindation.
