May 20, 2002, 04:23
Local Time: 18:52
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Am I the only one to ever use nukes defensively? The only game where ive ever used them (other than right before launching a ship...well in this case thats not true either), was when playing the french.
I was 2 turns from space victory, I had about 3 nukes in my arsenol and was not the largest country in the world by a long shot, nor did I even fully own my continent. Then the english cross my border with 100+ mechanized infantry. In the closest town to them I had 4 mech infantry :P And mostly 2 or 3 in my other cities, and maybe 10 modern armor total on another border.
My response was to instantly sign mutual protection pacts with every other country in the world, then nuke the whole stack while it was in my own territory until I ran out of nukes. Of course since it was in my territory the MP's kicked in and the other civs had no choice but to like it. When I was done nuking there was only about a dozen of the stack still alive, and though I still lost my border town, I won in the long run. After my ship left, I saw the whole war through until the last english city was gone  And I kept the nukes coming and flying everytime they'd start to amass a new stack :P
Lesson learned for multiplayer, never invade a nuclear civ with your whole army in a neat stack :P
May 20, 2002, 17:17
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Well, I haven't tried it with Civ III yet, but in probably my favorite Civ II game I was playing the Americans and I named my guy Ronald Regan. It was just after I got the nukes and I was having trouble clearing out the Celts, so I just moved all my troops out and then launched about 6 nukes into the heart of their territory. It was very effective. I have no qualms about using nukes if my goal is total global domination, but for a space race or something like that I usually don't use nukes, or only keep one or two stashed away for use on an empire if it tries to outgrow it's usefullness in my masterplan.
May 20, 2002, 17:40
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Originally posted by wervdon
Am I the only one to ever use nukes defensively? The only game where ive ever used them (other than right before launching a ship...well in this case thats not true either), was when playing the french.
I was 2 turns from space victory, I had about 3 nukes in my arsenol and was not the largest country in the world by a long shot, nor did I even fully own my continent. Then the english cross my border with 100+ mechanized infantry. In the closest town to them I had 4 mech infantry :P And mostly 2 or 3 in my other cities, and maybe 10 modern armor total on another border.
My response was to instantly sign mutual protection pacts with every other country in the world, then nuke the whole stack while it was in my own territory until I ran out of nukes. Of course since it was in my territory the MP's kicked in and the other civs had no choice but to like it. When I was done nuking there was only about a dozen of the stack still alive, and though I still lost my border town, I won in the long run. After my ship left, I saw the whole war through until the last english city was gone And I kept the nukes coming and flying everytime they'd start to amass a new stack :P
Lesson learned for multiplayer, never invade a nuclear civ with your whole army in a neat stack :P
hi ,
nope there are more people who use the nuke's in selfdefense , ....  , ....if you can call the use of WMD "selfdefense", .....
no , a lot of people use them as a tool , like a last resort weapon , ......
also , they are great to take out carrier groups , ......
have a nice day
May 20, 2002, 20:49
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hmmm, I don't know. I have yet to make it to the point where I'm able to make them. I either win before then, or winning is a sure bet in fifty turns (2x score & power of nearest rival) and the game is already tedious with all the units and cities that I quit and start a new game.
I think I'd probably build them as a deterrant, using them only if I got nuked first, or if I was on the verge of losing my civ. I suppose that deterrance works really well as nukes count for a lot in the power rating but I don't really know as I've never built one.
May 21, 2002, 00:09
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If I'm up against any sort of muslim nation then BOOM
May 21, 2002, 00:11
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May 21, 2002, 08:03
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If I'm the first to build the manhattan project and have all the tech requirements then I have no qualms using nukes.
I stockpile a considerable supply and have my nuke subs ready. Then regardless of the consequences I launch them on any and all ai that give me a hard time. I get so mad at the ai when they taunt me that I feel they deserve having a nuclear cigar put out in their eyeballs!
May 21, 2002, 09:16
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Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
If I'm the first to build the manhattan project and have all the tech requirements then I have no qualms using nukes.
I stockpile a considerable supply and have my nuke subs ready. Then regardless of the consequences I launch them on any and all ai that give me a hard time. I get so mad at the ai when they taunt me that I feel they deserve having a nuclear cigar put out in their eyeballs!
hi ,
global warming , ..........
have a nice day
May 21, 2002, 11:31
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May 21, 2002, 14:01
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Originally posted by Zylka
If I'm up against any sort of muslim nation then BOOM
Eh? What's wrong with muslims?
May 21, 2002, 15:09
Local Time: 03:52
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Stay on-topic guys!
Zylka, I see you're back to using sexy avatars!
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
May 21, 2002, 21:39
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Nukes & RTFM
I just came across the perfect situation to nuke. I wanted to make a quick snatch and grab of a large island that wasn't completely overbuilt and isolated from the owner's capital. I built a giant armada and moved it close to the island - then nuked the main city.
Unfortunately, my armada was too close, so it disappeared with a soft whooshing sound -as I sucked in my breath at the level of my stupidity in not checking out the range first.........
Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!
May 22, 2002, 03:24
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What would make me use a nuke?
A good excuse and an itchy trigger finger.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
May 22, 2002, 04:50
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I only once used one ICBM first to see how it works, but I am not inclined to use nukes and will eventually build some as a prepared answer to nuclear attack from the AI.
"Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)
May 22, 2002, 16:22
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Originally posted by Nym
I only once used one ICBM first to see how it works, but I am not inclined to use nukes and will eventually build some as a prepared answer to nuclear attack from the AI.
hi ,
you can build them , not use them , they are great in value , when used in diplomacy , ........
have a nice day
May 23, 2002, 15:00
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Originally posted by Solver
Stay on-topic guys!
Zylka, I see you're back to using sexy avatars!
Please, stay on topic yourself Solver!
Regarding the sexy avatars: I was always and still am a big fan of Zylka's avatars.
If he could only BE that woman :sigh  ...
PS: Q: Was this on topic ?
A: It was if I had responded to an on topic post
Q: Was it ..?
May 24, 2002, 04:30
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Don't nukes also add to your power and overall score as well?
May 24, 2002, 08:33
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What would make me use nukes?
The fact I have them and no one else does! I mean c'mon, you need to play the 'safe' approach and throw them around like the US did! - while you were the only ones whom had 'em.
I tend to build large stockpiles of nukes in hopes that someone will be foolish enough to attack me, and it's happened a time or two. I like to keep 'em there on standby incase I A) get nuked first. or B) Take massive losses amongst my standing army.
In the later case, I mean a full nuclear strike is needed to assure that you can hit every major enemy city and bring them to their knees!
Although, then you need to pray you have enough defense left to fend of the hoards of angry AI whom mindlessly send their massive spearmen armies to avenge their fallen comrade.
May 24, 2002, 08:50
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ok, i'm back! aaaaaaaa, a nice clean room with no dirt in it! I hate fields!
I've now made it standard for my nuke subs to carry a nuke, just like in real life. I use tac-nukes before i start using ICBMs, if a tac-nuke can destroy the target, i won't use an ICBM!
May 24, 2002, 15:23
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Originally posted by zulu9812
Don't nukes also add to your power and overall score as well?
I guess they do, but that doesn't mean you have to use them. They won't add anything extra to your power whether you use them or not. Just having them might be a nice threat anyway...
May 25, 2002, 15:21
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Originally posted by Lucilla
I guess they do, but that doesn't mean you have to use them. They won't add anything extra to your power whether you use them or not. Just having them might be a nice threat anyway...
hi ,
yes they do increase your power points , ....
have a nice day
May 25, 2002, 16:48
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Best use of Nukes?
I've discovered a fairly good tactic w/ Nukes. When every other civ is attacking me, I usually drop 1 Nuke on each Capital City just to get their attention (and perhaps sheer spite).
Then, I drop nukes on their Strategic Resources like Uranium, Oil, and Rubber (perhaps Iron and Coal too). A Nuke is MUCH more effective than bombers! It wipes out RailRoads, Roads and other improvements in one shot and can't be shot down w/ fighters and the SDI only seems to work for cities.
Once my enemy has no capacity to make more units, and STILL won't make peace, I use Tactical Nukes or ICBMs to wipe out their naval units.
Once peace is declared and as soon as they get a road back to their Capital City, I offer to trade them resources. That way if they want to go to war anytime soon, they will lose all of their resources. In the mean-time I build up my conventional armies and repentish my nuclear stockpile.
May 25, 2002, 19:44
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Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
From the years of playing civ2 I have learned to dislike using nukes: they make such a mess out of a properly and patiently build up landscape. And then there's an ethical/reality aspect: is using nukes possible in real life? Well, let's hope we won't find out again ... chances exist most of peoples around the globe wouldn't be able to play anymore and that would be a waste, wouldn't it?
So I NEVER use nukes, nor will I ever build the Manhattan Project.
As a matter of fact I will wage a full military campaign to the evil civ that starts building the Project itself, destroying the city where it was initially being constructed. Guaranteed fun and ... a warning for all other civs to not use/build these evil instruments of mass destruction.
All my games (playing 6 months already) have been 100% NUKE FREE.
I like it that way.
same with me i have never buit a nuke and never will i would prfer to go last
May 25, 2002, 19:49
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Originally posted by Kamrat X
Come on AJ it´s just a game... I don´t even like war in RL. Not to mention sacrificing your citizens to build a temple or whatever. Nukes have a strategic value in Civ. Not using them is stupid IMO.
wrong nukes destroy the game make it less worth playing
( yah its the nuking time lets play, kill everything in the world. anyway thats how humans are heading
not a geenpeace
and if you want to destroy the human race commit mass murder and be your very own nazi or american thats your choice.
but i will never nuke anyone unless i was playing multiplayer game aganist a nuke frenzy indervidual.
May 25, 2002, 20:27
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Originally posted by Solver
Zylka, I see you're back to using sexy avatars!
I'm not complaining.
May 25, 2002, 20:30
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Originally posted by wervdon
Am I the only one to ever use nukes defensively?
No. I enjoy using them offensively but in many games the first nuke is used on my own territory. When that stack of 50+ enemy units pops up out of nowhere a nuke is a good thing to have.
May 26, 2002, 06:24
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Originally posted by Carver
I'm not complaining.
I really want to know who is on that picture, and where it came from!
May 26, 2002, 07:48
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Re: Best use of Nukes?
Originally posted by steven8r
I've discovered a fairly good tactic w/ Nukes. When every other civ is attacking me, I usually drop 1 Nuke on each Capital City just to get their attention (and perhaps sheer spite).
Then, I drop nukes on their Strategic Resources like Uranium, Oil, and Rubber (perhaps Iron and Coal too). A Nuke is MUCH more effective than bombers! It wipes out RailRoads, Roads and other improvements in one shot and can't be shot down w/ fighters and the SDI only seems to work for cities.
Once my enemy has no capacity to make more units, and STILL won't make peace, I use Tactical Nukes or ICBMs to wipe out their naval units.
Once peace is declared and as soon as they get a road back to their Capital City, I offer to trade them resources. That way if they want to go to war anytime soon, they will lose all of their resources. In the mean-time I build up my conventional armies and repentish my nuclear stockpile.
hi ,
nice way to do it , .....but , sometimes the nuke destroy's the terrain aswell , example ; coal in hill's , nuke it and it becomes plains without coal , ............
so , with the nukes against naval units , any "dirty" sea , ........;
have a nice day
May 26, 2002, 15:19
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Just use Nukes to terminate a game and wipe out weak neighbors quickly. And then you send an army of workers to clean pollution...
Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)
May 26, 2002, 15:44
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'Dirty Water?' / Nuking Resources
Dirty Water?
I've never noticed any pollution to water squares after nuking naval units.
Tactical nukes work well for naval bombardment and are cheaper to build. They are also more powerful and have a greater range than Cruise Missles, but if the enemy ships are out of range of the tactical nukes, an ICBM works well.
The only problem I've encountered by nuking naval units is that before patch 1.21f the bombardments wouldn't be fatal (although sometimes it could be). It would just reduce the hit points of the ship and make it return to the nearest harbor. Although this doesn't destroy the unit (most of the time) it does effectively remove them from combat for awhile.
Nuking Resources
Nuking resources, yes, you might change the landscape somewhat, but there seems to always be x number of resources available. When 1 is exhausted, another will appear somewhere on the map. Just make sure you have plenty of a certain resource before you nuke your enemy's resources. (If you own enough land the chances are good that if the resource disappears from you enemy's territory it will reappear in yours)
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