There is a major problem that many have overlooked in the Civ games. Civ encourages conformity! Everyone MUST build marketplace, must research gunpowder must be able to build musketeers...
Knights are about the only unit in the game you can get away without building! With techs, religion is about the only tech you don't need. With improvements, luxury buildings are about the only structures you don't need.
1. Have so many improvements (heaps of marketplace type ones - not just bank as an upgrade), heaps of food ones - not just granary etc. That way, players can truly make their civs different from one another in terms of ability to increase pop, ability to gather resources, ability to trade etc.
2. tech overload, and not just overloading 'arts' as FIRAXIS will probably do. Even military and structural techs like iron working, stone working, should be divided into heaps of different ones.
OVERLOADING ALLOWS PLAYERS TO PLAY WITH MORE STYLES THAN MILITARY OR PERFECTIONIST, which is currently the case. will you be population perfectionist, trade guru (build lots of trade improvements, and research lots of trade techs over and above the generic 'trade'), defensive militarist (lots of stone working type techs and improvements (eg. watchtower, city wall, moat, drawbridge), siege militarist (siege techs, improvements (eg. siege workshop, leonardo's workshop - could allow battering rams etc.)) THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!!! AND ITS EASY TO IMPLEMENT!!! THIS IS WHAT STRATEGY AND CIV ARE ALL ABOUT!!!