Just a little cultural note that I thought I'd mention, in case nobody has done so earlier.
I noticed that all the Chinese city names in Civ2 are named as per the transliteration of the Cantonese, eg "Hangchow", "Canton". This is hardly a gamebreaking observation, but from what I can gather, the Chinese themselves have a slightly different spelling for these, in accordance with the (much more logical) Pinyin system, which goes by the Beijing pronunciation and is universally understood by the Chinese.
If Firaxis are willing to go that final mile with the authenticity of names (as they did with renaming Provost Saratov into Provost Zakharov) then I can heartily recommend they rename the Chinese leader to "Mao Zedong" and Chinese cities to Hangzhou, Yangzhou, Tianjing instead of Hangchow, Yangchow, Tientsin.
Most good international maps display the Chinese towns' names in Pinyin, so it's not esoterically difficult to get hold of them. It would be nice to be able to move from the Cantonese pronunciation to the official Beijing pronunciation - could you imagine a foreigner calling place names in Britain by the Liverpool or Birmingham dialects?
Enough to make the eyes water
Anybody else have any authenticity suggestions about similar improvements for other civs? I believe the Indian nationality now refers to place names in slightly different terms as well, eg Bombay -> Mumbai.