May 18, 2002, 20:03
Local Time: 12:54
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Epik/Makeo/Hydey/deity/DankMaster Game
Waiting on Dank.
IP posted here in case his icq is playing up...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
May 18, 2002, 23:19
Local Time: 10:54
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forget it we started a new 4 hander when you did not show.
the powergraph is much nicer in this new game.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 19, 2002, 02:57
Local Time: 12:54
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Yes, finally Hydey plays like he really can...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
May 19, 2002, 08:25
Local Time: 19:54
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Well I must say it is the strangest thing...some moron hit a pole be my house and wiped out the phones and there was no way I could get back on untill sunday morning...sorry guys
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May 19, 2002, 08:45
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It was the parrots I tell you, the parrots.
May 20, 2002, 08:23
Local Time: 12:54
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Damn parrots...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
May 24, 2002, 05:54
Local Time: 12:54
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Dank should be back in action for the 5 hander this weekend everyone.
[USA Sat night 7:30pm; Aussie Sunday 9:30am or as soon as Hydey gets up....]
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
May 25, 2002, 19:47
Local Time: 12:54
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No Hydey or Makeo
Maybe Hydey is still ill and Makeo knows about it...
OR, maybe Melbourne fell off the planet
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
May 26, 2002, 08:09
Local Time: 19:54
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May 30, 2002, 19:03
Local Time: 17:54
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I'm sorry i have to pull out of this game. This time slot doesnt work anymore. Now that it is sunday morning rather than saturday night i can't be considered reliable.
I won't be able to be here this sunday either.
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
May 30, 2002, 19:06
Local Time: 19:54
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Drat and double Drat!!!!
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May 30, 2002, 19:09
Local Time: 10:54
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Hangover is a wonderful thing Makeo
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 31, 2002, 07:08
Local Time: 19:54
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well lets try and find a sub for this game..........dang....that blows but at least he told us now........
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May 31, 2002, 07:24
Local Time: 19:54
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Hey you know of any one that could take your spot in the game?.....since it's tommorrow and I'd really like to play it.......
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May 31, 2002, 22:59
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Well any clues yet?
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May 31, 2002, 23:31
Local Time: 12:54
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Dang will prob be ok to take Makeo's civ this Sat night but not always...
Spike MIGHT be a look in... but late for him...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 1, 2002, 00:00
Local Time: 19:54
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We are only starting our 3rd session, right?.........someone will want to take it up......
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June 1, 2002, 02:44
Local Time: 00:54
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i suppose i could sub.
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June 1, 2002, 09:54
Local Time: 19:54
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We need a permenat (Ming, please correct that for sub in the game.........can you do that?
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June 1, 2002, 12:39
Local Time: 00:54
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Originally posted by Dank
We need a permenat (Ming, please correct that for sub in the game.........can you do that?
ya, i could.. long as his civ isn't in a hopeless position
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June 8, 2002, 19:20
Local Time: 10:54
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I am here , ICQ not connecting
its ok now
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
Last edited by Hydey; June 8, 2002 at 19:30.
June 8, 2002, 23:24
Local Time: 10:54
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well there you go the session ends in another sissy fit.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
June 9, 2002, 02:17
Local Time: 17:54
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What happened?
June 9, 2002, 02:59
Local Time: 00:54
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Originally posted by Makeo
What happened?
the mongols didn't do what i told them, so i killed them.
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June 9, 2002, 06:05
Local Time: 12:54
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Hang on, let's discuss this.
I don't think he should have quit and hopefuly we can get him back into the game. We stopped at that point.
However there are issues when playing with Markus. He's competetive and that's OK by me, especially since I'm way supreme and spotless in this one!
But Markus you gota really change your style or people won't want to play with you. You tend to use icq with out of game bullying rather than chilling out and taking on the role of a civilisation builder with imagination - not just simplistic math based analysis. You can operate like that in private but just let everyone else enjoy the game.
What you did in pure civ terms is OK by me, not that I'd ever attack another civ to effect trade
Please Dank, let's work this through and continue next week?
I know you got stuff to post but you never know, Markus might turn over a new leaf!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 9, 2002, 06:15
Local Time: 12:54
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DEITIANS arer Supreme and SPOTLESS.....
leading in everything I reckon
Won heaps of naval battles with Markus who used up a lot of resources trying to steal techs. He finally got a diplo to DEITIAN mainland and a diplo foiled the steal attempt first time round - haven't seen that in a while!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
June 9, 2002, 08:10
Local Time: 19:54
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I don't mind the fact that he attacked me......thats the game....but i don't like the fact that he kept on telling me how to play the damn game...........if he would of suggested maybe differently I maybe would not of reacted the way I did.....Hydey, it wasn't a sissy fit it was pure anger. I tried to play a neatural game but the great and mighty Markus didn't want that......he would rather me attack Deity or screw over his trade routs so he could advance more not Deity. DD was right about you Markus I should of listened. I swear maybe you and Eyes are the same person.......the arrogance amazes me to no end............I thought about posting my ICQ history to show you all how he was trying to get me to turn agaist Deity and also control what I do.....but I'm not gonna be like happened, it will never happpen again....I'm 34 years old....I don't like people talking to me like I'm a kid.....someone talked to me like he did in real life and I would of beat them to the ground before their next sentence came out......Everyone is saying how Deity does sneak attacks...well Markus did the same to me.....piss off!!!!
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June 9, 2002, 13:04
Local Time: 00:54
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Originally posted by deity
But Markus you gota really change your style or people won't want to play with you. You tend to use icq with out of game bullying rather than chilling out and taking on the role of a civilisation builder with imagination - not just simplistic math based analysis. You can operate like that in private but just let everyone else enjoy the game.
What you did in pure civ terms is OK by me, not that I'd ever attack another civ to effect trade
ahahahah, all i did was tell him to build up some cities, and then i told him to stop allowing so many caravans come through.
Also i build up a civ, you rely PURELY on the math behind it. All you do is rush buy massive amounts of caravans and rush them into others civs. Thats no stratagy thats just massive exploitation of the so called math. Every caravan you send is double the max amount any other play can send which amounts to 200 gold a caravan, or 400 ish if its a demand good.
That combined with the fact i had no place to expand to i had no choice but to attack. Other then diety i have never started a war with another player in a diplogame. Also your one to talk about playing styles, considering there are a few people who have blacklisted you and refuse to play you ever again.
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Last edited by markusf; June 9, 2002 at 13:22.
June 9, 2002, 13:20
Local Time: 00:54
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Originally posted by Dank
he would rather me attack Deity or screw over his trade routs so he could advance more not Deity.
You don't even know what your talking about. Taking over your cities reduces all my trade by 80% but keeps dieties the same, perhaps you'd like to explain to me how this allows me to advance and screw over dietys trade routes. There is no point in argueing, i gave up trying to argue with newbies long ago.
To quote diety (just changed names)
"Sorry dank, but you are being used. It's no good running to deity and hoping he exacts revenge on me for you because in the end it's 7 players against each other and you are toast when it is decided by others whims; UNLESS you wake up to what's going on here. deity is ahead in techs and GNP. "
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June 9, 2002, 15:15
Local Time: 19:54
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Listen here Markus, I don't take kindly to someone talking down to me....I take suggestion in stride...I've played many of games with DD and Deity and never have they treated me like I was some dumb a** newbie. I don't apprectiate it at all.......your arogant plain and simple. I don't like you. I've heard others tell me about you but I blew it off........I like to play someone first before I form a opion.........your a a** and your butt buddy eyes are two people I'd beat if I ever met ya........don't come back with some dumb a** statement like Eyes would......I never ran to Deity......where the hell do you get off saying crap like that?.....I did send him the conversation you and I were talking to me like i'm a 2 year old.......I don't like it one bit......your a punk.......I'm done with you.........
Legalize it now!!!!!....Free the Weed!!!
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