May 19, 2002, 03:47
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Posts: 73
The Struggle for Power (Part 2: Of Freindship and War)
 This is Part 2 of the story (Of Freindship and War). So without futher delay here is Chapter 1: "Politcal Games"
2:25 PM Alexander's Office at the United Nations Building,
Thebes, Egypt
It had been a hectic year for Alexander. The Persian had turned Communist after the Roman War four years ago and were becoming a powerful threat to the the Greek Democracy. The only thing that was stopping them from going into an all out war was tactical nukes. Alexander worried he would lose popularity for the the up coming elections in Greece if this "Cold War" continued.
Alexander sat staring out the window, looking across the coastline of Thebes. He still wasnt used to the idea of not being able to see his home city of Athens, but he did his best to enjoy the ocean veiw.
"Why did the gods take her from me?" Alexander thought as he turned to the picture of Lillian on his desk, who had died giving birth to there son, Darius two years ago.
A voice from the door took Alexander from the picture of his wife.
"Hello.....Alexander, I see your busy doing nothing as usall" Perciles said with a smirk
"Hello Pericles, have you come to taunt me again or do you actually have something usefull to say this time?" Alexander said a bit annoyed.
Pericles had been Phillip II (Alexander's father) vice president before he was assinated during a speach. Perciles ran for president the year after, but was beaten by Alexander. They both knew Alexander was only voted because his father had died the year before, but neither one of them would say it and this had caused a bitter hatered between the two.
"Actually I came to find out about this new "Cold War" you've started with the Communist Persians"
"That is the buisness of a Greek President , not yours Pericles. Now leave my office before I call security to drag you out of here. That wouldnt look very good for your campaing, now would it?" Alexander said with a grin
"Fine..fine.....i'll leave you be, but remeber this....You may have the favor of the Greek people for now, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Don't be foolish enough to think I wont use them." Perciles left the words lingur in Alexanders mind as he left out the room.
5:45 PM Senators Hall, Rome, Italy
The two generals, Brutus Pompeii sat in the seat's above the senators, watching them argue over political matters.
"Pathetic senators... Look how they argue over petty things. They only care of there wealth, not the good of the Roman people. Sometimes I wish we din't have a Senate" Pompeii said to Brutus in disgust
"Now now Pompeii there not all that bad. They have kept order in Italy ever since the Roman War." Brutus said to Pompeii
"They? the senators have not kept order in Italy Brutus. People like you and me,who control the Roman army are the ones who keep order in Rome." Pompeii said to Brutus
"You still have much to learn about politics Pompeii. Everyone has there purpose in the Roman Goverment, even senators." Brutus said with a laugh
"I suppose your right Brutus, but still I wish they did more then fight with eachother...."
The meeting was finally over 3 hours after it started. Brutus and Pompeii got up from there chairs and stepped out the Hall, towards there rooms.
"Im going to get some rest now Pompeii, you have a good night" Bruts said as he walked away from Pompeii.
"Already tired Brutus? Well good night my freind," Pompeii replied
Pompeii was on the way to his room as well until he overheard the conversation of some people in a room. Pompeii was curiouse and peeked into the room. In the room sat Brutus and some of the senators that were at the meeting earlier.
"I thought Brutus said he was going to bed?" thought Pompeii
Pompeii shrugged and begin to listen to the conversation
"It is agreed then Brutus? The senate will take full control over the Roman Republic Army." one senator said.
"Yes, I agree" Brutus answered.
Pompeii stepped back from the door in shock. He couldnt beleive what he had just heard. Brutus had given the senators the only thing that kept the country of Italy in order....the army.
"Now they would use the army for there own desires and ambitions, not for the glory of Rome. I can not allow this to happen!" Pompeii thought to himself angrily.
Pompeii went out the door of the palace got in his car and drove to the barracks outside of Rome.
9:00 PM Military Training Barraks outside Rome, Italy
Pompeii stopped his car infront of the gates of the barrak and got out his car. He headed strait to the office of Lucious, the other general of the Roman army. He entered the office without a knock, slamming the door behind him.
"Pompeii, what brings you here this time of night?!" he said caught off gaurd.
Pompeii sat down infront of the comanders desk and begin to explain what he had over heard.
"Well Commander, there has been a disturbing change in the Roman Goverment. Are "freind" Brutus has given the Senate complete control of the army."
"Complete control?!! The senate dosn't know how to handle an army. They would just use it for there own desires and ambitions. Not for the..."
"glory of Rome....yes, yes I know, thats why we must stop this before it's too late."Pompeii said
"But how?" the commander asked
"All you have to do commander is get your soldiers to rebel against the senate. I will handle the rest."
"And what of Brutus?" the commander asked Pompeii
"If I know Brutus well, he will take the side of the senate, You know what that means, right commander?"
"Yes I do"
"Good, have your troops ready in a month."
Pompeii shook hands with Luciouse and stepped out his office.
At the same time Brutus was shaking hands with the Senators at the Palace. Little did they know what was in store for them in the future...
 This is all the story for today.  What will this new "Cold War" lead to? Who will win the preisdency of Greece?
Will all hell break loose in Rome? More to come soon in my next
Chapter, which I have not named yet (Stay tooned  )
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
Last edited by Civ3King; May 19, 2002 at 04:14.
May 19, 2002, 09:00
Local Time: 18:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
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great! Nitpicking: pompeii=city destroyed in volcano pompey=roman general
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
May 19, 2002, 19:54
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Posts: 73
Chapter 2:"Trouble Ahead"
2:10 U.N. Building, Thebes, Egypt
A meeting was called at the U.N. Building to discuss tactical nuke reduction. So far all of the countries in the world who had nukes agreed to reduce there stockpile by 80%, exept two countries.....
"I refuse to reduce my stock pile of tactical nukes! How can I be sure the the Greece will be protected from rouge countries like the PCU (Persian Communist Union)?" Alexander said to the represetives of each country.
"Rouge? We are not a rouge country Alexander, we have not yet used tactical nukes on any country." Xerxies answered back
"Yes, but you have tooken over smaller and weaker countries around you for no purpose what so ever!."
"They were begging to be under are superior rule of the PCU. They have become apart of something grand." Xerxies said with a smile
A representive spoke up "If I remeber correctly, this was about nuke reduction not the PCU and Greek Cold War. Now please Xerxies and Alexander make a decison. Either agree to reduce nukes or this meeting will be called to an end"
"I will not reduce nukes tell Greece reduces theres!" Xerxies said
"As long as the PCU is a threat to my country and the world, I will not reduce my stock pile tell the PCU does!" Alexander said
The representive sighed and the meeting was called to an end.
Both Alexander and Xerxies got up from there seat and left in diffrent directions. As Alexander was walking down the hall to front door, Pericles stepped out infront o him
"I saw what happened in there Alexander. Its funny how the U.N. Leader is the main problem in te U.N. dont you think? Hmmm, I wouldnt want you to loose both the Greek Presidency and the U.N. Leader in the same year." Pericles said with a smirk
"Hate to dissapoint you Pericles but that won't be happening. Beside im ahead in the Greek voting poles and with only 6 months tell election time, it looks like you'll be watching me win again."
Alexander slightly pushed Perciles out the way and went out the door.
"That maybee true Alexander, but remeber I have tricks up my sleeve" Pericles thought to himself as he looked down a video tape in his hands.
3:30 PM Senators Hall, Rome, Italy
Pompey stepped into Senators Hall as the senators were having an argument over the amount of taxes the citzens would pay.
"Hello senators, are you busy arguing over nothing again?" Pompey said with a laugh
"Excuse me Pompey, but this is a matter of the senators. Not some common general. No go and command your troops somwhere or something. We have no time for you." the head senator said annoyed
Pompey laughed, "You giving me orders senator? How funny. Allow me to explain the new "change" in goverment policy senator"
"New change?! What are you talking about?" he said puzzled
Luciouse appeared at the door with soldiers coming in the room behind him. The soldiers surrounded the sentaors in a circle and stopped in attention.
"Senators you shall no longer have power over the goverment or the army and you are now place under arrest." Pompey said
"What is this? Brutus will not allow this Pompey!" the senator yelled out
Pompey looked over to three of his gaurds, "You three men, find Brutus and kill him on sight then bring his body to me."
Pompey looked back to the senator with an evil grin that reminded him of Ceasar, "Brutus who?"
One senator, who was hiding in the upper seats exited out the door right. He headed to Brutusess room, hoping he could save him. Brutus was laying in his bed sleeping as the senator rushed in.
"Brutus!! Brutus!! Wake up! We must leave the palace and out of Rome now!!" he yelled shaking him
Brutus woke up quickly confussed
"Huh? what senator what is going on?"
"Pompey has gone mad!!He took control of the army in Rome. He's arresting all the senators and is sending troops to kill you as we speak!!" the senator yelled.
Brutus face went form confussion to horror, "Dear lord, what has Pompey done?"
"What will we do Brutus?" the senator asked
"We must leave the palace quickly and hed to Veii. My soliders have been stationed there. I will decide what to do when we reach the city. Now let's go before they find us!"
They both headed out the door and down the hall.
"Wait I here something. Quickly, hide behind the statue!" Brutus told the senator.
They both hid behind the statue as the three soldier Pompey had sent went to into Brutus room. Brutus and the senator ran to the door of the palace and to his car. Brutus hit the pedal hard and they drove off to Veii.
"What!! Brutus escaped!? Grrr! You fools how could you let that happen!? I will deal with you three later. For now I have some planning to do. Luciouse escort the senators to there prison cells.
I will call you in the moring"
"Yes, sir Pompey" Luciouse answered back
"Yes, run away scared Brutus for this is not over yet..." Pompey thought to himself as he left the room.
This is Chapter 2 of my story. I hoped you like it. Hmmm I wonder what Pericles and Pompey are planning.  Find out in the next chapter coming to you soon.
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
May 19, 2002, 20:17
Local Time: 19:54
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Keep it up, this is way better than the first part
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
May 19, 2002, 22:16
Local Time: 20:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 73
Thank you Metaliturtle. I actually thought this story would turn out worse then the first. Guess not. Hmmmm, maybee someone will nominate this one (hint hint)
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
May 19, 2002, 22:26
Local Time: 18:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
i agree with mateliturtle
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
May 20, 2002, 00:13
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Posts: 73
Chapter 3: "The Request of a Stranger and a Freind"
8:00 PM Alexander's Ocean Veiw Manson in Thebes, Egypt
Alexander was sitting on his couch watching the 10:00 news as Darius, his son was playing with army men on the floor infront of him.
"Look daddy! It's you and Uncle Maximus beating Ceasar evil army!" Darius said happily
"Oh, but watch out Darius Ceasar is not gunna give up so easy! Mwahahahah" Alexander said acting like Ceasar
"You won't get away this time Ceasar. Im General Maximus and im gunna make you go BOOM!" Darius said to his father
"O yah? Will see about that Maximus!"
Alexander begin to wrestle with Darius playfully until the sound of the door bell took him away from there fun.
"Save a little of Ceasar for me, ok Darius? I'll be right back" Alexander said
"Ok daddy"
Alexander went to the door and opened it. As the door opened a tall man atleast 6,5 , stood at the door wareing a green shirt with the letters PFD on them.
The man begin to speak, "Are you Alexander son of Phillip II?"
"Why yes I am. Who are you?" Alexander said raising his eyebrow with suspison
"Let's just say I was a freind of your father. Until he died that is. However, I have not come to chat about the past Alexander. I have a proposal for you."
"And what might that be?" Alexander said now a little more relaxed
"You see Alexander I am apart of the PFD wich stands for Persians For Democracy. We are known as the "radical" group in Communist Persia who fight for are freedom to speak. But there is one problem Alexander, we have little money and weapons to back up are cause. Thats why I came here to ask for your help and support."
Alexander studied the man and rubbed his chin, "And Exactly what do I get out of this?"
"I knew you would ask that, so im gunna offer you something you can't answer. An Answer to who assasinated your father and why"
Alexander gasped in disbelief "I refuse to beleive you! Leave here at once" Alexander begin to close the door until the man stuck at tape infront of his face
"Here, watch this tape. It shows you who assisnated him and who payed him to do it. If you still don't beleive me after you watched it then forget I came here. Just please hear me out, watch the tape."
Alexander took the tape slowly and closed the door. He walked back to the room where Darius was sitting in.
"Darius it's time for bed, go get washed up and hit the sack." Alexander said to Darius
"Awww, but dad can't I stay up for a little....."
"Now son, don't argue with me!"
Alexander slipped in the tape as Darius walked out the room.
He pressed play button, sat down in chair, and watched........
10:00 PM Military Head Quaters outside of Athens, Greece
Maximus sat at his desk busy at work finishing up defense up plans incase the PCU ever attacked. Maximus was about to pack up and leave before the phone at the end of the desk began to wring.
Maximus picked up the phone and answered, "Helllo?"
"Hello again Maximus it is me Brutus but I havn't called to check up on you. Remeber when I helped you at the battle of Rome four years ago?"
"Yes Brutus, how could I forget!? Why do you ask?" Maximus replied
"Well I need for you to return the favor my freind. All is not well is Italy Maximus. General Pompey has placed the senators under arrest and has tooken over Rome along with General Luciouse.
"What?!! You said General Pompey? He used to be my 2nd in command back when I was a General for Rome. He was a good commander, but he was too ambitouse and reckless."
"Well his recklessness and ambiton has thrown the Roman Republic into a civil war." Brutus said grimmly
"Hmmm" Maximus said now looking out the window at the veiw of Athens
"Maximus I need you to take a flight to Hispalis and gather up a regiment of soliders who are still faithful to you and bring them to Veii where I am."
"Why Brutus?" Maximus said
"Just please trust me my freind. I have a plan" Brutus answered
"Hmm, ok Brutus I will come to Veii"
"Thank you Maximus" Brutus said with a sigh of relief
Maximus hung up the phone and left his office to go and pack for his trip.
10:45 Palace, Rome, Italy
Pompey was sitting at his desk deciding what he would do with the senators. The phone began to ring at on his desk, taking him from his thoughts.
Pompey picked the phone up and answered, "Who is this?"
"It's me, Luciouse"
"Why did you call me Luciouse? Din't I say I'd call you in the morning?!" Pompey screamed in the phone
"Yes, I know Pompey, but I have good news!!"
"Well out with it already. Hurry up before I hang the phone up!"
"Well Pompey are the Intellegence agency outside of Rome has managed to trace a call made by Brutus from his summer home in Veii. He was said to have been calling Maximus, asking him to meet in Veii."
"Maximus you say?" Pompey asked.
"Yes Pompey, Maximus"
"Luciouse, have most of are troops hed to Veii as well as a ride for us."
"Yes Pompey"
Pompey hung up the phone and layed back in his chair.
"Yes Maximus come to Veii......I will have a big suprise waiting for you there." Pompey said laughing evily to himself.
This is the end of Chapter: 3 I will continue on to chapter 4 tommorow if i can. Until then read and enjoy. More to come soon....
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
May 22, 2002, 15:23
Local Time: 20:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: United States
Posts: 73
Sorry for the wait ive just been busy studing for final exams  But anyways here is Chapter 4: "Two Tapes and a Battle"
6:20 United Nations Building, Thebes, Egypt
Alexander was sitting in his office staring out his window as usal
He wasn't thinking about his home city of Athens, but instead he was thinking of Queen Cleopatra. Alexander had been torn apart when his wife had died giving birth and there was no one else to turn his broken heart to, accept one person........Cleopatra. Alexander and Cleopatra had become good freind over the years because Alexander turned to her for support, but lately they were becoming more then freinds. Though they loved eachother very much, they had to keep there relation a secret. Egyptian Queens were forbidden to love anyone that was not full blooded Egyptian. If the preist were to find out they were together, Cleopatra would be exiled from her land and the scandle would definatly look bad for Alexaders campaign.
Cleopatra knocked on his open door as she came in and closed it.
Alexander turned his head and smiled as he saw the her, "Hello my lovely queen, how are you today?"
Cleopatra answered with a grin, "It was ok, but I don't feel to good"
Alexander got up from his seat and walked over to Cleopatra and kissed her on the lips, "Maybee I can help"
"Oh, Alexander your too good to me...."Cleopatra said kissing back
Alexander wrapped his hands around Cleopatras hips and kissed her neck lovengly, "Not good enough...."
A knock at the door brought the two out there romance.
Alexander went to the door and opened it to reveal Perciles.
"Pericles..... What in Zeuses name do you want now?!!" Alexander said balling his fist.
"Hmph some greeting you give for the future president of Greece" Pericles said arrogantly
"Ha!! What makes you think you'll win the presidency?"
"This Alexander." Percicles held up a tape infront of Alexanders face and looked over to Cleopatra. "Good shes here as well. That makes it even better."
"What is that?" Alexander said raising his eyebrow
Pericles went over to the wall T.V. across from Alexandes desk and popped it in. The screen showed Alexander in his office back in Greece staring out the window.
"Thats just me in my office Pericles. I mean sure it looks kinda bad just sitting there doing nothing, but I doubt that I will lose votes because of it." Alexander said
"Wait Alexander it's not over yet" Perciles responed
Suddenly Cleopatra came into the room and hoped over the desk. She beggan to unbutton his shirt and kissed him on the head. (Remeber that scene from the last story?) Perciles stopped the tape and took it out from the VCR.
"Tsk Tsk Alexander. You know better then to mess around on the job" Perciles said laughing. Now the whole world will now how you run Greece when I show them this at the Presidental Campaign meeting tommorow.
"Where did you get that tape?!! Grrr, you would'nt dare release that tape Perciles!!" Alexander said furiouse
"I told you Alexander that I had many tricks up my sleeves. You should of listened." Perciles said waving his finger
Cleopatra begin to yell out "Nooo, you must not release that tape. If you do I will be exiled from Egypt. That is a fate worse then death for me."
"That is not my problem Cleopatra. You should of thought of that before you messed around with this fool." Pericles turned around and headed to the door. " I'll see you at the meeting Alexander, its going to be fun..." Pericles walked out the door and closed it.
Cleopatra looked at Alexander with tears in her eyes, "What will we do Alexander? It seems all hope is lost."
Alexander sat quiet then looked at the tape the mysteriouse man had gave him a yesterday. "There's always hope Cleopatra....."
"What do you mean Alexander?" Cleopatra said wiping her tears away.
"I have a plan..."
3:00 PM outside Brutuses Mansion in Veii, Italy
Pompey's and Luciouses troops had made it to Veii and were at Brutues summer mansion. The mansion was heavily guarded by Brutus troops and they would do anything to make sure Pompeys and his force din't get in.
"Are the men ready to take the mansion?"Pompey asked Luciouse as he stepped out the car.
"Yes Pompey.."
"Good good..begin the attack.
Luciouse raised his hand for the artillery to begin the bombardment. He quickly put down his hands and the artillery begin to fire shells. The shells hit the troops gaurding the front door, blowing them across the water fountain infront of the house. It also blew the front door into the mansion.
Brutus troops were caught off gaurd by the attack and scrambled to get in postion.
Luciouse motioned his hand again, signaling the troops and tanks to begin attacking. The tanks blew away the artillery guns that were fireing back at them. Brutus felt the shake off the tank blast from inside his mansion.
"What in the gods name is that?" he screamed trying to grab hold of of something.
One of his troops ran up to Brutus in a panic.
"Sir sir!! Pompey and his force are right outside the mansion attacking us, It dosn't look good sir were being....."
The man stopped speaking and stared strait ahead as if he was dead.....
"Were being what soldier? Soldier?!!"
Brutus looked down at the bloody hole in the soldiers stomach and stepped back. The soldiers body fell to the ground revealing Pompey, Luciouse, and a group of there soldiers beside them.
"Well, well, well fancy meeting you here Brutus. You have a lovely home."Pompey said with a grin
Brutus looked at Pompey horrified
"Pompey this is madness, you have to end this now before you tear Rome apart!!" Brutus pleaded to Pompey
"You are not an any position to give orders Brutus. Guards take Brutus to his room I will deal with him later. Come Luciouse we have planning to do. Im sure Maximus will be here any time soon."
"Yes Pompey"
Pompey and Luciouse and turned and went down the hall as Brutus was tooken to his room in the oppostie direction.
8:35 PM Luxor Hotel, Thebes, Egypt
"I can hear it now....Preisident's perfect." Pericles said to himself as he layed on the bed playing with the video tape. "It will be fun destroying Alexanders I did his fathers...."
I knock at the door took Perciles from his celebration.Pericles sat the tape on his desk and walked to the door opening it. To his suprise it Queen Cleopatra.
"Hello Cleopatra. Come to beg me for the tape?." Pericles said
Cleopatra rolled her eyes and begin to speak up in a seductive voice, "Im not here for the tape Pericles. Im here for you."
Perciles laughed, "What? Your going to try and seduce me? Nice try Cleopatra but Im not as easily fooled by your looks as Alexan....."
Cleopatra cut him off, "Shutup you fool and kiss me!" Cleopatra grabbed onto Perciles body and beggin to kiss him passonitly.
She layed Pericles on the bed and kissed all around his neck.
"Hmm im begging to see why Alexander keeps you Cleopatra. Just tell me one thing Cleopatra. What happened to your love for him?."
"Ha! What love? Think about it Perciles. If I was to become "good freinds" Alexander who is the U.N. Leader need I remind you. I would become the most powerful women in the world. Not only that, but Egypt would become the most powerful nation in the world. It's simple dear Pericles.......power. that you have that tape, Alexander will soon be out of power. That means I have to find the next best person....."
"Me?" Pericles said with a smirk
"Yes..." Cleopatra answered followed by a kiss. Cleopatra begin to slip another tape from her dress as she was kissing Perciles. She quickly switched that tape with the one Pericles had put on the table earlier.
Perciles saw Cleopatra with her hand on the newly placed tape and pushed her off.
"Ack!" Cleopatra screamed as she fell of the bed with a thud.
"U huh!! I knew you were up to something Cleopatra. Trying to distract me while you take the tape. Nice try Cleopatra, but im looks like im to smart for you."
"Yes Pericles you are too smart for me....I give up" she said gettting onto her feet and heading to the door.
"Your damn right I am" Pericles said feeling proud of himself.
Cleopatra heded out the door and looked in her dress making shure the tape she had tooken was there.
"Before you go Cleopatra..can I have one more kiss?" Pericles said puckering up his lips.
Cleopatra rolled her eyes and slammed the door in his face.
"God what a loser. I can't beleive I kissed that idiot. He still thinks he has the right tape. HA!" she thought to herself as she pulled out the tape from her dress. "Hmm I wonder what that tape was Alexander wanted me to switch this one with...." Cleopatra shrugged it off and went down the hotel hall with a smile.
5:42 Brutus Mansion, Veii, Italy
A soldier walked into the office where Pompey and Luciouse where discussing battle tactics.
"Generals...are scouts have spotted a group of soldiers heading this way." the soldier said
"A large force?" Pompey asked
"No sir, it's actually small" he answered
"Hmm ok. thank you soldier" you may leave now
The soldier saluted the two generals and walked out. Luciouse and Pompey both looked at eachother. They both knew who it was.......Maximus.
"You and me both know whoes coming Luciouse. Go get the troops prepared. I will meet you in a while." Pompey said
"Yes Pompey"
Luciouse got up from his seat and walked out the door.
Pompey turned around and looked out the window and waited for Maximus.....
This is the end of this chapter. I will begin the next one soon. I hope you enjoyed it. As said before please give me and comments, questions, or advise
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
May 22, 2002, 16:58
Local Time: 18:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
better and better! A few spelling mistakes but otherwise captivating!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
May 24, 2002, 18:46
Local Time: 20:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 333
Civ3king this very good!! I'd vote for execpt I'm too stupid to find where to vote.
May 25, 2002, 02:44
Local Time: 17:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 7
Write man write!!
August 13, 2002, 22:52
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Location: United States
Posts: 73
Sorry guys for not ending this one so quickly  , but fear not I will finish this one and hopefully find time to start on my next story which I have ideas for. Just whish the best of luck for me.
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
August 14, 2002, 00:16
Local Time: 20:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: United States
Posts: 73
Yes, I know youve waited a loooooooong  time for this chapter, and I apologize ive been very busy, but I have a bit more time now and soon I will start another story once a finish this one.  But for now ENJOY.....
Chapter 5: The price for power.
The breeze brushed Maximus's face as he looked ahead on to the mansion. He looked around for any signs of near by enemy troops then down at his 2nd in command, Trajan.
Maximus sighed deeply then spoke up to Trajan, "Yet again I find myself in my homeland saving it from chaos and destruction, Trajan. And do you know why Trajan?...What one thing men want and will do anything for?..Do you?"
Trajan raised his eyebrow at Maximus and shook his head, "No Maximus..."
Maximus looked straight ahead once again with deep empty eyes, "Power Trajan...power..."
Trajan began to speek up, but a solider came up to the two commanders and began to speak, "Sir are scouts have reported that a few troops are surrounding the mansion from the front gates"
"Thank you solider, tell the rest of are men toget ready for attack"
Trajan said nodding to the soldier.
The soldier saluted both Maximus and Trajan and walked off to his unit.
Trajan looked at Maximus, "Are you ready Maximus?"
"Yes Trajan..yes I am", he responded with a nod.
Maximus lifted up his right hand and pushed it forward signling the soliders to attack. The infantry unit of only about 100 to 150 men ran forward to meet there fate. Maximus raised and lowered his hand signling the artillry behind him to fire upon the gate. The shells from the artillary hit the front gate of the mansion, suprising Pompeys soldiers. Pompeys soliders scrammbled around trying to get into postion or trying to find there weapons. However, Maximus's soldiers had gain ground and were already at the gate fireing at will. Most of Pompey's soldiers where scrambling around and where caught in the gun fire of the opponent. The soldiers who had barely gottin into postion where getting quickly pushed back. It was clear to Maximus and Trajan that the attack was sucessful.
Pompey looked out the window in horror as he saw his men falling before his eyes. He rushed out his room and quickly to the room where Brutus qas being held.
"I cant believe this is happening, that damned Maximus...", Pompey thought to himself as he raced down the hall.
Brutus was also looking out the window at the victory of Maximus's troops. Brutus cheered on Maximus with joy, but his celebration would soon come to an end.
"Well well Brutus, I must appauld you on your friends ambush, but he wont have me or you. " Pompey motioned to a 4 of his soldiers behind him. "Men grab Pompey and bring him with me, were getting out of here..."
Brutus struggled as the soldiers grabbed him and dragged him down the hall beside Pompey to the 1st floor of the palace. The group went down the stairs to the main hall, but were met by Maximus and Trajan.
Pompey looked to Maximus and gritted his teath , "Maximus....good to see you good freind how have you been?"
"Shut up Pompey, Ive heard about your little rebellion in Rome and pointless quest for power. Ive come to end this. Your time is up Pompey. Stand down.." Maximus said to Pompey in rage.
Just then Luciouse stepped in with about 10 soldiers armed and ready.
"Ive never been happier to see you Luciouse, your just in time. Let's get out of here." Pompey said to Luciouse.
Trajan raised his hands and a few of his troops raised there guns at Luciouse and his troops. There was a short period of silence as each troop eyed the other, ready for any sudden move or attack.
Maximus spoke up, breaking the silence, "Pompey hand over Brutus and stand down"
Pompey laughed and responded, "Im a Roman Maximus I dont give up. I fight to the last...."
Maximus thought for a second and grabbed a roman short sword used for deceration hanging on the wall above the fireplace. He then grabbed a the second one that was laying across the 1st sword and tossed it to Pompey.
Pompey caught it then looked up at Maximus, "What is this?"
Maximus answered with a grin, "If you truely are a Roman then you will fight me sword to sword to the death. Just you and me."
Pompey smirked, "Fine Maximus, I will fight you, but you have just sealed your fate. Im the best swordsman in Rome."
Maximus and Pompey begins to circle around eachother twirling there swords waiting for a chance to strike. Pompey struck first, thrusting at Maximus's side. Maximus quickly sidesteped his thrust and countered slashing at is shoulder. Pompey jumped back leaving a snall cut across his shoulder which started to bleed.
Pompey touched the bleeding cut then looked at the blood, "Your good Maximus, but im done playing around."
Pompey slashed at Maximus aiming for his gut. Maximus parried and pushed Pompeys sword back. Pompey staggered back , btu regained himself and lunged at Maximus, tackling him to the ground. As Maximus landed his sword flew from his hands and landed a few feet away. Pomepy raised his blade in the air and looked down at Maximus.
"I must say you were a better opponent then I thought, but not good enough" Pompey said thrusting his sword downward at Maximus's head. Maximus quickly rolled back missing the blade a few inches and in the process getting Pompeys blade stuck in the floor. Maximus reached for his sword, picked it up, and swung at Pompeys neck. Pompey closed his eyes and waited for death, however it dint come.
Pompey looked up at Maximus whoes sword was at his neck, "Go ahead finish it...."
Maximus shook his head and replied, "No... I will not stoop to your level."
Pompey snarled and took out his gun, pointing it at Brutus, "Foolish Roman" he said as he pulled the trigger back. The loud pop of the gun was heard and soon after Brutus fell to the ground bleeding from the heart.
Maximus raised his blade in rage and looked down at Pompey with revengful eyes. He thrusted his blade down onto Pompeys neck beheading Pompey. Maximus through his blade aside and looked down at Pompeys headless body. He shook his head and ran over to Brutus. He held up Brutus and looked at his wound.
Brutus looked up at Maximus weakly and smiled a bit, "You did it my friend."
Maximus smiled a bit, "Hold your words Brutus you need every bit of energy to live..."
Brutus looked at Maximus, "Maximus, you and I both know I wont make it..."
"No, we can get you out of here to the nearest hospital...." Maximus said, trying to deny the truth he knew.
Brutus eyes slowly closed and with his last breath he spoke to Maximus, "Maximus you are the one man who is trully fit to rule Rome. You are not corrupt and over ambitouse. I ask you to take position as emperor."
Maximus shook his head and spoke, "I couldnt....I...."
Brutus cut of Maximus, "Please Maximus, for the glory and peace of Rome, for an old freind...."
Maximus nodded slowly and watched as his freinds eyes closed, never to open again. Maximus looked up from Brutus's lifless body and around the room.
Trajan and Luciouse walked over to Maximus. Trajan spoke up, "Is he...?"
Maximus nodded slowly, "Yes he is...."
Trajan looked down sadly, "He was a good Roman"
"Yes he was, and a good Roman deserves a good burial. " Maximus said as he walked over to the soldiers standing around watching. "I will have him buried at the gates of the city Rome."
Trajan looked pointed at Luciouse, "As for him?"
"Luciouse will be tooken to Rome and will be given a fair trial", Maximus answered.
Maximus looked around at the room taking in everything that had tooken place. He sighed deeply and walked out the front door of the mansion followed by Trajan.
"I have lost a good friend.....all for the glory of Rome......all for power." Maximus thought to himself as he walked....
This is the end of Chapter 5. Give me your opinions, comments, questions, ect.... I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
August 14, 2002, 09:06
Local Time: 18:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
 ! Welcome back!
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
August 14, 2002, 18:28
Local Time: 20:54
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: United States
Posts: 73
Here is the last chapter of this story.....
Chapter 6: A Truth Uncovered
Presidental Palace, Press Room, Athens, Greece 3:00 PM
Alexander sat at the press table beside Perciles who was busy "wowing" the press with his political charm. One reporter held up her microphone and spoke to Perciles, "Mr, Perciles you have been down in the poles lately. Do you think you can recover?"
Perciles looked at the reporter and answered with his usual cocky smirk, "I have a very good feeling I will soon dominate the election polls."
"Why is that Mr. Perciles", the reporter questioned.
"Just call it ....a hunch." Perciles said turning his head to Alexander.
Alexander rolled his eyes and thought to himself, "Only if this old fool knew..."
About 4 minutes later, a short, pudgy man in a gray suite walked in and stood infront of Perciles and Alexander at the table. He shook there hands and took a seat in the wooden chair before them. "We shall begin the final press meeting between Alexander and Perciles. First will start with a few questions from the press" the man said.
About 30 minutes had past and the time for press questioning had ended. The man spoke into the micraphone once again, "Now the two canidates will begin there statements. Alexander you will go first...."
"No, no I will let Perciles speak first.", Alexander said looking at Perciles with a smile.
"Very well then Alexander, Perciles you may begin your statement"
Perciles raised his eyebrow at Alexander and started thinking to himself, "Me, go first? Alexander is dumber then I thought. Dosn't he relize what Im about to do to him?" Percius shrugged then pulled out the black tape and slipped it into the T.V. wall behind him. He turned to the press and spoke up, "Tonight press you will see something that will shock you....", He said glancing at Alexander. Perciles hit the play button and sat down next to Alexander. "I hope you enjoy the tape." Percius whispered to Alexander.
"Oh I will Perciles, I will..." Alexander said grinning.
Perciles scratched his head and turned to the T.V. The T.V. screen went from black then quickly flickered to a seen of a man holding a Perisan made sniper rifle on the edge of a an office building, pointed downward out the window. A few minutes later the man fired his sniper rifle and sounds of screams, cries, and police car sirens where heard after. The man packed his sniper gun away and ran down the hall. The tape then switched to an office where a man sat at a desk as if waiting for somone. The man who had previously fired the gun walked in and stood infront of the man at the desk. The man at the desk pulled out a suitecase from behind his desk, layed it on his desk, and opened it revealing thousands of dollars. The camera zoomed in first showing the face of the asssasin then to the man at the desk......
Everybody seemed to have gasped in unison as the camera set onto the mans face. Percius eyes widened as he relized what had happened. The man at the desk was none other then Perciles.
Alexander jumped from his chair and pointed at Perciles, "The truth has finally been revealed to the public. Perciles was the man who payed the assasin to kill my father and former president of Greece, Phillip II."
Perciles looked around at the room stunned, relizing that his deadly secret he had kept for so many years had been told. Perciles looked to the door on the left side of the press room and ran to it.
The pudgy man who had been watching ordered security to block off the doors. The security did as they were asked and stepped infront of the door blocking Perciles's escape. Perciles slid and turned around this time towards Alexander.
"Damn you and you Alexander. If I can't have Greece then no one will....I will kill you as I did your father." Perciles pulled out a small pistol from his inner coat pocket and aimed at Alexander. He fired in a desperate attempt to kill him. The bullet flew by the pudgy man and ripped through Alexanders black suite. Alexander fell back shoked from the bullets impact. The press who were watching the whole thing began to run from the room. Others rushed over to Alexanders body. The security gaurds began to open fire on Perciles spraying his body with metal bullets killing him instantly. The security gaurds walked over to Percius lifeless body laying in a pool of blood to make sure he was actually dead.
They then walked over to the body of Alexander and stood by the few press surrounding him.
"Is he..?" , One security gaurd asked.
Just as he said that Alexander sat up and looked around and finally down to the whole in his suit. He digged into his coat and pulled out a black tape. The same tape holding Alexanders "affair" with Queen Cleopatra. He held the tape up to his face and examined it. The tape had a hole in one side of it.
"He's alive!!" one lady from the press shouted.
"Are you ok Mr. President, are you hurt?" One of the gaurds asked.
"No im fine, this tape blocked the bullet, luckly..." Alexander said with a chuckle.
"I hope it wasnt something important Mr. President", Another person from the press said.
" wasnt important...heh" Alexander said smiling.
Outside the Gates of Rome, 8:00 AM
Alexander watched the latest news report on the recent collapse of the Persian Communism in his limo's T.V., "This just in, It seems a "radical" group of Persians who are fighting for democracy within there country managed to make a sucessful attack on the headquaters of the communist army, killing the leader of the communist party in the process. This has caused a chain reaction within the country starting rebellion among other people. There has been suspicon of Greek involvment in this rebellion, but no evidence has proven this to be true. More updates at 11:00."
Alexander clicked off the T.V. and rubbed his chin. He stepped out the car and looked around through the thick fog. He spotted Maximus standing infront of a tomb stone and began to walk over to him. Alexander was stopped in his tracks and turned his head as he heard somone call his name. Alexander tried to make out the figure walking towards him. Suddenly the fog vanished and the face of the figure was clear. It was the same man who had visted him that night at his house and who had given him the tape of the assisnation.
"Alexander!! It is good to see you my freind. Ive come to say thank you for supporting the Persians For Democracy in are fight....."
"It is I who should thank you..umm..forgive me, what is your name again?" Alexander said scratching his head
"My name is Daleus, Alexander"
"Well...Daleus it is I who should be thanking you. You saved my campaing and life." Alexander said to Daleus with a smile.
Daleus looked at Alexander puzzled.
"I will explain later Daleus..." He said reading Daleus's confussed face. "Now if you will excuse me I must go see an old friend." Daleus nodded as Alexander jogged over and stood beside Maximus.
"Hello Sir" Maximus said without looking up at Alexander.
Alexander looked down at Brutus's grave and frowned, "Hello Maximus. You...know.....I never knew Brutus that well, but Im sure he was a good man. I hope he rest in peace"
"Me to to...", Maximus said looking up at Alexander.
"Who will lead Rome now Maximus?", Alexander asked.
Maximus sighed, "Brutus asked me before his died to take command of the Roman goverment sir, but...."
"Say no more should rule.", Alexander said to Maximus.
"What about Greece sir? What about you?" Maximus asked
"Greece and myself will be fine Maximus. Rome needs a good man to lead it and id rather you honour your freinds request then serve me."
Maximus nodded then saluted to Alexander for the last time, "Its been a pleasure to work with you Alexander"
"Same to you good freind", Alexander said trying to hold back a tear building up in his right eye. "I must go now Maximus. I have to prepare my speach for my inaguration. May the gods smile upon you Maximus." With that Alexander walked away from Maximus and to the limo. As the fog cleared he widened his eyes to find Cleopatra laying on the side of his black car waiting for him.
"Cleopatra?!! Is that you?!! You dont know how happy I am to see you!!", Alexander said hugging and kissing her passionatly.
"I have missed you to my lovely." She said kissing him back.
Alexander pulled back a bit suddenly and began to think about Lillian.
"Is there something wrong Alexander?", Cleopatra asked puzzled.
"Yes, there is Cleopatra. I love you Cleopatra, but...."
"But?" , Cleopatra said even more confussed.
"But....I still love Lillian..even if she has passed...I still cannot forget my love for her....Im sorry Queen Cleopatra. I hope you understand." Alexander said lowering his head.
Cleopatra nodded a bit and spoke up softly, "I understand Alexander." She gazed into Alexanders eyes and began to walk away. She suddenly stopped and spoke again. "Alexander I want you to know my love for you will still remain strong." Cleopatra grinned a bit and turned to face Alexander. "Like you said.....There is always hope....", Cleopatra blew a kiss to Alexander and walked away, vanishing into the thick fog.
Alexander stood there watching her body fade away. "Yes...Cleo....there is always hope...", he said with a warm smile. Alexander stepped into his limo and ordered the driver to hed to his home, Greece.....
This is the end of my story. I hope you enjoyed. I personally enjoyed writing it myself. Now I need to start my next story..... "hmmmm"
-Civ3King, author of the stories- "Of Freindship and War", "The Struggle for Power", and Crossing the Rubicon".
Civ3King is currently working on: The story "Hidden Agenda" and "The Rising Moon"
"Too many ties with too many people will get you in a knot."- Me
Last edited by Civ3King; August 14, 2002 at 20:31.
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