Woops - this is not an update, but a downgrade.
- v2.42 is the final version of basic Civ2 single player
- this was upgraded by Microprose to first Conflicts in Civilization, CiC (IIRC v2.68 - but this could well be in error)
- which in turn was upgraded to Fantasic Worlds, FW v2.7.8
- Then came Multiplayer - this is not an upgrade in the same sense as the two previous versions, but a new release with a different infrastructure of support files.
You have ran foul of this - yes you will probably be able to get v2.42 working by progressiviely importing all the support files that it demands - it's a racing certainty that once you get the ones you request above - the game will require some more, but you would really be better advised to simply buy a copy of SP (currently £4.99 in the UK) and upgrade that version to 2.42.
Hope this helps....
Good civin'
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"