Russian second UU:
KGB agent
non-combat. When fortified in a city:
Happy citizens become content
Content citizens remain content
Unhappy citizens become content
Resisting citizens die.
Korean second UU: Skirmisher (long-range spearman. Could replace pikeman if you feel spearman is too early)
I don't think Turtle Ship (Kobukson) is really a good unit for Korea. They were only used by Admiral Yi-Shun-Shin. As soon as he died, Turtle Ships were no longer used.
Chinese second UU: Crossbowman (they were using them hundreds of years before Europe)
Iroquis second UU: Brave (same stats as swordsman, no iron needed, since tomahawks are made of stone

England: Longbowman (though, since their longbowmen where mostly welch conscripts, if they celts are in the game, might have to be something else)
America: Frontiers man (explorer with combat ability)