Scale ship movement & leader chance to map size?
Tiny/Small Maps
Increase chance to generate leader with an Elite unit. (1 in 8?)
Decrease ship movement by 1
Large/Huge Maps
Decrease chance to generate leader with an Elite unit. (1 in 24?)
Increase ship movement by 1 for Large Maps, 2 for Huge Maps
Civ III rocks despite what the complainers say. But when you play on non-standard map sizes, I think the game becomes slightly skewed. These are the changes I would make and, to me, seem like oversights when you take into account how corruption, etc scales to the map size. These changes are important to me for multiplayer games which will be played most often with standard rules (and I would think often on Small maps). I would be interested in anyone coming up with a good reason why ship movement and leader generation should NOT be scaled to the size of the map.