Unit Support Model
In Civ2, the unit support model was the following:
1. Settler/Engineer - Consumes 1 surplus food from city each turn
2. Military Units - Consumes 1 surplus shield from city each turn
3. If surplus shields falls below zero, supporting city disbands some units until shield deficit is eliminated.
4. If city falls to enemy, all supported units are disbanded
5. For settlers/engineers if surplus food falls below zero, supporting city disbands some settlers until food deficit is eliminated.
Does anyone know what has been hinted at or announced as far as unit support model is concerned in Civ3? I haven't been able to find any authoritative info.
But I certainly hope it is improved. Civ1/Civ2 support model is pure crap,
especially items (3) and (4)! I mean at the very least, support should be changed automatically to other cities with shield surpluses! I do hope that the support model in Civ3 is national in scope and not this city by city crap.
To tell the truth, I never did understand the "surplus shield support" idea. What is it suppose to model? That a unit requires constant maintenance and therefore productive capacity needs to be diverted???
Also the city-by-city model never made any sense either!
So anyone know what is planned/announced for Civ3?
Also, if it is not too late, what support model would you prefer that improves on Civ1/Civ2 model?
[This message has been edited by polymths (edited May 16, 2001).]