
Originally posted by polymths on 05-16-2001 04:29 PM
So whether you are building Generic Legion or the Roman Legion, you will need iron but the Romans have been pre-destined since 4000BC to have the ability to build Roman Legions when the time came.
If its only a question of graphics - who cares? And if the ADM-tweaks is optional?
Also; If it shouldnt be pre-destinated that Rome
alone have access to legions, why should it pre-destinated that Rome have access to legions at all? What did they knew about alternative futures in 4000 BC? Why not allowing Rome building samurais instead? N0???
That would be wrong and arkward, wouldnt it?
It is a contradiction that I simply don't get!
Besides, if iron gives you a legion
or a swordsman
or something else, depending on which civ you play - and each of them have reasonably similar ADM-stats - then whats the problem? If a swordsman fights a legion, he is not
that disadvantageous. I say variety = fun!
--------------- Edited:
My only condition is that the player can check-up the ADM-stats by some quick & easy way; right-click-and-hold that foreign unit for
context-sensitive pop-up info, for example (so dont just choose the lazy alternative here by only providing a link to the Civilopedia main page).
My original dislike about "Civ-unique benefits" was much more about SMAC-style social engineering pluses & minuses attached to each and every damn Civ/faction.
THAT I dont want to se in Civ-3 - and I will definitely try to nullify it if they nevertheless chooses to implement it. Civ-unique
units is by comparison, rather harmless.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited May 16, 2001).]