June 4, 2002, 04:33
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Messer Niccolò... when your government is a democracy it is impossible to bribe your units or cities.
June 4, 2002, 05:05
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So the Ai is not so smart in using the diplo/spies abilities...
June 4, 2002, 08:28
Local Time: 01:14
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The AI will bribe single defenders in the field - critical units should be stacked; the AI will bribe peripheral cities - most commonly those you have just captured from it - be prepared to reply in kind; and the AI is quite good at tech stealing in the final stages once SS construction has started - well defended choke points with vet Spy support and total control of the seas goes a long way to stop that.
I have never seen the AI do a comprehensive Dip rape as a human can (and frequently does).
June 4, 2002, 16:55
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1560 Sad King Julius II comes to power. He decides on a policy called “Capitalomunism”. It consists on maximizing gold with caravans and rushbuilded marketplaces while under communism and some we love the comrade day. Some engineers are also under construction to improve the lands and why not found new prosperous cities.
1570 A few caravans to foreign cities, but income is low. Maybe we should only trade with our glorious city of ScouseHolme ...
1580 Yes, it is better trade with SHolme. We should try with goods demanded by Celts, though ... More marketplaces are build.
1590 We discover Espionnage (LaFayette nous voilà), now researching the corporation. I hope the Gits are pleased too We found the city of Mar del Plata, rich of 4 specials.
1600-10 –20 Nothings significant. Ironclad patrols, traders trade and so on ...
1630 We discover the Corporation. Feudalism is next, out of a bad choice. We might trade it with the Spanish who must have it, since they’ve just started building STWA. Trade is beginning to pay off a bit, but SKJ II is still so unhappy that he cries himself to death (if this sentence doesn’t mean anything in english don’t worry, it is not better in french) and now someone else must step in to save the country, who was as this log tells you left to itself during this reign.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 4, 2002, 17:01
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Quite, frankly, I didn’t do anything, except building marketplaces and caravans. Land can still be improved near our capital and a few engineers should get there. A reign which everyone should soon forget. But we’re faring well, I think.
Here is the saved game.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 4, 2002, 17:21
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Sounds like all is peaceful in the Mad land of Scouse!
June 4, 2002, 19:16
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A Swiss leader in a peaceful world, isn't that a dream?
Remember he discovered Espionage though...
I told you this game is mad
June 4, 2002, 22:22
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STYOM: "Only if we mine the hill first."
But of course.
SG(2): "Provided everyone agrees to stick to the objectives the game play from 4000BC is different in many respects."
Huh? We had a plan? Oh, you're saying we should have a plan next time. Got it. It'll never fly…
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June 4, 2002, 23:26
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June 5, 2002, 03:19
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The Spanish won't trade whilst they are Wonder Building, "All our great minds are busy ... ", but someone else might have it - and what are vet spies for anyway
June 5, 2002, 06:06
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I hope to d/l the file tonight and to play tonight/tomorrow...
... and I want Democracy!
June 5, 2002, 06:31
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If you build enough infrastructure to make Democracy viable - I'll make a fortune as a Fundamentalist
You did say, "What's wrong with Anarchy?", right?
June 5, 2002, 07:26
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Originally posted by La Fayette
A Swiss leader in a peaceful world, isn't that a dream?
Remember he discovered Espionage though...
I told you this game is mad
I discoverded espionnage, but it was my predecessor who started looking for it.
Besides, as a neutral country, Switzerland was (and maybe still is) a spies' heaven
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 5, 2002, 09:04
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
If you build enough infrastructure to make Democracy viable - I'll make a fortune as a Fundamentalist 
You did say, "What's wrong with Anarchy?", right?
I want a senate! I want to be a senator! I want direct popular vote!
No more Politburo, no more nobles, "viva la Republique", long live Mr. President! (scandal in senate "Niccolotergate" - the government falls!)
Yeah, what's wrong with Anarchy? (apart from being kicked by the AI?)
June 5, 2002, 10:42
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida
Besides, as a neutral country, Switzerland was (and maybe still is) a spies' heaven
This is exactly what I had in mind!
(La Fayette, with sunglasses, on duty somewhere between Genève and Basel)
June 5, 2002, 16:57
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Starting just right now...
June 5, 2002, 19:03
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After Sad King Julius II left the country to itself, the old farts of the Scouse Communist Party (SCP) – as the “Ruling the Rodina Red Book” teaches – gift the hot seat to a junior member. Comrade Nikkolo “The Lazy” checks the country, here are the stats:
Tax 20% Sci 50% Lux 30% (this means one bottle of vodka, 20mt of toilet roll paper and a pound of the finest RazeMeIfUDare! Black Tea for everybody  )
Country funds: 738 gold pieces..
The old farts suggest not to talk about strange things as, for example, “Democracy”  .
Comrade Nikkolo – thinking that being seated on the hot seat is always better than to mine the coal in ScouseHolm mines – smiles and goes abroad with the foreign affairs minister. The results of the AD1630 "Gimme Money" Summer Tour are 62 gold from the Vikings for a cease fire.
Some caravans (ooops “4 wheeled camels”) delivered:
Oil to SH (38g) Copper (D) to SH (116g)! Dye to Caernafrot... Caeranftr... Caernasomething for 45g.
Having enjoied the 1630 Summer Tour, Comrade Nikkolo decides to make the 1640 “He’s back Tour”, the Mongols impressed send 50gold to the treasury.
The Spanish want a mere tribute (900gold) for a cease fire. Comrade Nikkolo’s answer: “Hah, we shall not waste good money for you”! ... they will learn what “schmonsequences” are! (War with the Spanish).
In the meantime the “triangled hat men” come up with a “new” idea: Feudalism. Some conheads suggest to Comrade Nikkolo to research a force called “MAGNETISM” (but this is prohibithed in the “Crooks & Clads Strategy for an easy Deity Win”  ) so they are thrown in a deep and obscure jail to meditate. Instead men from Shell and Fina Company push the research towards REFINING.
Classical music being played all over the country (Rachmaninoff and Chaikovskji win the Red-Grammy Award) until the discovery of REFINING.
Fanatics of classical music ask Comrade Nikkolo to research FUNDAMENTALISM so that, in the future one of the SG could be happy  .
The Old Farts Council agrees with the request.
In Sarzana a fellow of "Forrest Gump" starts his journey. His name is Ferdinand Magellan.
Dye to Caernafr.. Carenart... Caernasomething 42 gold and Hides (to Caernasomething from ScouseHolm) for 338 gold!!!
Our friends, the Celts, send us 150 gold asking in exchange a piece of paper on which is written “Death to the Vikings”  .
Comrade Nikkolo, glad that his signature is worth more than a cargo of dye, signs with a smile  .
In Sarzana Mr. Magellan finishes his journey (Forrest Gump is still running...) and as result (?) now the speed of all vessels is increased of 2 knots.
FUNDAMENTALISM discovered but, since Comrade Oedo and his parchment scrolls are not available, Comrade Nikkolo decides to remain a Comrade.
A scientific expedition discovers that Spanishs don’t eat Whale Meat ("Whale meat stinks" and "Whale meat is BAD" are the slogans in the Spanish supermarkets to avoid the fresh "Finest HomebytheSea Whale Meat" cans to be sold). Being one of the oldest Scouse traditions (amd under pressure from the Fishermen Labor Unions), Comrade Nikkolo remembers that we are at war with the Spanish so he orders a task force to be prepared (KGB is very pleased to send some “Lolitas”  together with our fierce conscripts) to teach these infidel eaters "what is good and what is bad".
Cardiff build the Great Library.
SGs are hired to run the business  .
Et voilà. Our powrful expedition captures Madrid (the Great Wall + Sir Richard Crusade) obtains Chivalry and for a mere 1000 gold our politicians show to Cordoba, Seville and Toledo which is the Right Way.... ("The Whale Meat War")
Happy with his BlitzKrieg Comrade Nikkolo retires in his new Estate in the heart of Madrid, being awarded of the "Proud to be a Whale Eater" golden medal his nickname changed from "The Lazy" (AD1630) to "The Fishermen Hero"
Last edited by Messer Niccolò; June 5, 2002 at 19:10.
June 5, 2002, 19:05
Local Time: 02:14
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After "The Whale Meat War"
And this is the save!
June 5, 2002, 19:16
Local Time: 02:14
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Oh, I was forgetting...
I've "parked" our caravel fleet in the eastern part of our country because of the lack of trade cargos (used to help mr. Magellan to accomplish his voyage...).
June 5, 2002, 20:53
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My turn  I think I should be able to download tonight and play, or tomorrow at the latest.
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"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 5, 2002, 21:59
Local Time: 18:14
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"Short decisive wars" work so much better in Civ than in real life. Are we gonna regress to Fundie barbarism or stay on the path of enlightened dictatorship rule?
Gits, I shall leave it to the two of you to do the play order  thingies
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Last edited by Straybow; June 6, 2002 at 09:46.
June 6, 2002, 04:17
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Last edited by Scouse Gits; June 7, 2002 at 11:32.
June 6, 2002, 06:45
Local Time: 01:14
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Allright this is a mad succession game, so I should not ask this one
But we're going in every direction and winning easily. Is it the 2.42 AI so much weaker than MGE or the work of our combined and somehow compatible genius
Is there a God taking care of the Old Farts Politburo
But very smart play, Messer Niccolo
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 6, 2002, 07:57
Local Time: 01:14
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I would not say that the 2.42 is weaker, but it is less aggressive - not that our reputation lasted long, but a human with a spotless rep can dine out on the AI's generosity for millenia.
As I remarked above - three fast cities on whales gave us a lead and a Super Science/Trade City makes us uncatchable - but now we have cities abroad we will need to take great care to avoid our Science lead being extinguished by AI spies.
We now need SuperHighways in SH - then just watch tose trade routes
June 6, 2002, 10:11
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But we're going in every direction and winning easily.
Julius ... I agree!
SG[1] is right - the window for Fundamentalism is past. If we finish off Spain we will have over 30 cities and a reasonable production base to build a spaceship. Automobile is on the distant horizon and with superhighways in ScouseHolme and Madrid trade between these two cities will be worthwhile, especially if we build up the size of the former Spanish capital.
Turns will shortly fall every 2 years (from 1750) so a landing in the 19th Century looks feasible.
I vote for the Mad Comrades on AC
June 6, 2002, 11:55
Local Time: 18:14
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SGs, did you download my cities on poor terrain map?
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June 6, 2002, 12:47
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StrayBow - just got it - I too have never tried an OCC-1, but I shall look at this and maybe this will be my first ...
June 6, 2002, 15:59
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
@ I think the time for religious enlightenment is past (* sob *)
@ long live the PolitBuro (* old farts *)
 you may be surprised by my up-loaded save, when it comes... I've played seven of 10 turns and things are considerably different now. Hopefully in a good way!
This game isn't a 'monster' yet, but it's taking a little longer. I expect to have a report for tomorrow AM!
(Chairman) STYOM
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 6, 2002, 18:57
Local Time: 02:14
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Did I read well? Chairman STYOM?  No STYOMGate?
No more "Old Farts" Politburo?
 --> STYOM suggests to Mr. Niccolò how to become chairman and avoid revolution...
Can't wait for tomorrow! Post the save!
Last edited by Messer Niccolò; June 7, 2002 at 10:42.
June 7, 2002, 10:23
Local Time: 20:14
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(I've been reading everyone's posts with great interest as to the way we should go... and I've decided on taking a few more cities  )
Hopes, dreams, aspirations:
1) More sciences...
2) More cities...
3) Get embassies (we shouldn't need UN if we stay out of Demo)
3) More... wait... wait....
...Chairman STYOM has taken over control over the Scousian state. Massives purges are the order of the day. Former chairpersons of the State have let themselves be distracted by bourgeois considerations of trade, wealth, and spaceships. Space! What is space to us if foreign peoples lie oppressed beneath a capitalist yoke?? We must bring unity to the Earth under the Scousian banner.
Joyous citizens of ScouseHolme rename their town Global Peace to celebrate our new world order. In fact, many cities are renamed in honour of our new destiny...
1730: Caravel fleet is loaded with military units, to sail for Spain. Production in many cities changed.
The greedy Spanish dogs demand 500 for peace. The Chairman vows that the craven Isabella will be first up against the proverbial wall when Spain is bent to the proletarian will.
1740: Embassies established with Mongols and Babylonians. The imperialists are weak, pitifully weak! Our Chairman denounces his predecessors as cowards, for failing to exploit the imperialist decadence
Some coin induces Valencia and Valladolid to give up their shallow decadent ways.
Spanish move their capital to Saragossa.
1750: Combustion discovered, and our scientists begin work on Leadership. Faint screams are heard from the back benches (waaaaaay back!) of the Praesidium.
Party dogma dictates that for some reason, the bourgeois states will grow to hate us in this year. Tribute demanded from Mongols results in war. Basran citizens revolt against their Mongol oppressors and join our cause.
1752: Troops landed near Spanish lands. Babylonians declare war when asked for tribute. Walls destroyed in Ur; Ur captured.
Panama Hatt re-founded (mined hill), so as to keep the Great Canal working, but renamed ChairmanIsWise.
The oppressed residents of Samarkand revolt against their evil Mongol masters.
Spanish finish Sun Tzu. Celts demand Industrialization to continue alliance. We calmly explain that Industrialization leads to capitalism, and we cannot burden them with such dangerous knowledge. Thus, alliance dissolved
1754: Leadership discovered; researching Theology (it was that or Atomic Theory  )
Bokhara (Mongol) revolts.
1756: Bilbao revolts, and the Citizens spontaneously rename the city DownWithIsabella. Cease fire agreed to, but we shall not let the cowardly Isabella off the hook for long.
Peace with Babylonians... for now...
Tabriz bombarded and captured.
1758: Karakorum revolts, and is renamed Hail STYOM in honour of the Chairman.
War with Spanish.
Celts unsuccessfully attempt to spy on us! Soon they will see the error of their materialistic, decadent ways.
1760: Theology discovered; researching Tactics
Babylonians declare war
Spanish Carmarthen revolts. Walls down in Barcelona and Babylon.
Peace treaty with Mongols (only Ormuz left)
Celts start Oracle
1762: Barcelona besieged; Babylon falls. Granada revolts and is renamed IsabellaMustGo!
1764: Siege of Barcelona continues.
1766: Barcelona falls! (Sun Tzu) Ashur, final refuge of Hammurabi, located in the Antarctic. The Vikings of Roskilde revolts to our glorious cause.
While touring the seaport of CrimeanResort, marshalling point for our invasion fleets, Chairman STYOM hears word of an agitator in the Politburo. This agitator is rumored by some accounts to be a religious fanatic, and by others, to be a futurist harboring dreams of the stars. Without question this upstart cannot undo what has been done  but may take the Scousians in many different directions...
OK. Some of you wanted to fly to AC, but the numbers don't lie:
Babylonians: 1 city
Mongols: 1 city
Spanish: 3 cities
Vikings: 4 cities
Celts: 7 cities
and us...? 44 cities
So, yes, if someone wanted to fly to AC, it could be done by the early to mid 1800s... research about 25 techs (minimum 40-50 turns, I think, in Commie) and build enough factories to get the parts together.
OR - switch to fundie and rule the world by 1800 at the latest!
I left both options open, and refrained from killing off Mongols (key civ for tech gifting) and Babylonians.
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
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