June 9, 2002, 13:14
Local Time: 01:16
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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i was justy ruling out the possibility.
June 9, 2002, 16:53
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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Why Nuclear weapons are not viable:
1. It will just make them frustrated again and they'll go fascist again.
2. It will destroy valuable natural resources with the destruction of their rain forest.
3. It will screw up the western hemisphere even more.
wait.... if the earthbounds destroy their planet......
June 9, 2002, 17:18
Local Time: 02:16
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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Emperor Raffaello have a much more Democratic view for Italy, and decided to give the Italians back the Constitution that was abolished in 2080 after the end of Civil War between the Monarchists and the Repubblicans.
With the Constitution now the power of the Emperor was divided in four, The senate and the house of lords took the legislative power, the supreme court the judicial power and the Emperor shared the executive power with a Prime Minister elected by the people.
The Emperor could appoint 4 of 10 Supreme Court judges and nominate the house of lords.
The House of Lords have 200 members and together with the senate (500 members) forms the Parlament.
"This is our first step towards Democracy" declared Raffaello "Emperor Giovanni Del Vino was an enlighted ruler, but we Italians can not hope to always have an enlighted Emperor that works for justice and prosperity in Italy, therefore I reinstaureted the old Albertinian Constitution of the 1846, of King Carlo Alberto of Savoy, but modified it a little bit to fit with the present Italy situation"
The Italian people rejoiced at these words, Raffaello demostrated great wisdom in doing so.
The next day Italy will vote for a Prime Minister, the two candidates are Gioacchino Rimzidji from Zagreb, of the Colonial Party, and Alessandro Del Piero from Padova of the Green Party. No third party presented a candidate yet.
To Australia Thanks for your help, we will remove our troops from the areas... we hope you know what you are doing... and God have mercy on our souls.
To ULS: Thanks for your help my friend, you troops have been welcomed on Italian souls as heroes by the Italian people.
To Incaland: Cease immediatly your attack on the Italian coast, your genetic horror troops do not scare the Italian soldier, as we fight for our own freedom and land, we are ready to use any weapons against you, conventional and not.
To all nation of earth: Incaland and their ally Sweden are using all sorts of unconventional weapons against Italy and our friends, if you are not involved yet in the conflict, we would like to ask you a temporary alliance against those watmongering nations that are destroing our nice solar system.
Italians army increase its size to Huge due to the great increase of volunteers because of the Inca attack on Italian lands.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 9, 2002, 17:23
Local Time: 01:16
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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ULS troops helping in italy and the NAF might be scared of these "Abominations" if our troops wern't robotic.
I'd like to buy the tech for those light speed bullets.
June 9, 2002, 17:40
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 16
"Time for stage 2"Mimo said.
Biological Wepon detonated in Florence. 3/4 of the population killed, animals, crops poisoned.
Agent Orange released judiciously in Australia.
The former site of the labyrnith was overrun.
Detroit is attacked with biological weapons aswell.
Outreach's I and II targeted by IPBM's. Automatic responses will destroy Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Montreal, New Washington, Mexico City and 3 random Australian cities if a nuclear attack takes place.
Project Slammer: 2 years (secret)
June 9, 2002, 19:28
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 173
Article from the Canberra Kangaroo.
Agent Orange, which first posed a threat to Australians in the 1960s Vietnam conflict has been released on the city of Adelaide, thousands of people fled downtown markets after mysterious substances started seeping out of sewage pipes and drains. The substance has killed seven on contact and has destroyed all plant life within 20 miles of the city. Over 20,000 residents filed up at area hospitals waiting for medical aid. The blast which came from underneath a busily downtown district of Adelaide shook up buildings and set off car alarms, but no major damage has been reported. Within minuets noticeable affects on plant life and domestic pets could be observed throughout the city over a thousand emergency calls were made, and relief was air lifted in from Melbourne, about 750 kms away. Medical supplies and needed materials were given immediately, for President Hetkins has issued a quarantine on the entire city! "The quarantine is only until we can investigate the cause of the attack and assure Australians that there is no threat." Dr.Damion Jackson, Australia's chief of medical staff, remarked that it will be "quite difficult" to quarantine a city of over 7 million people. Although similar quarantines have taken place in 2001, 2030, 2077, and 2083.
Investigators are busy now piecing together who is responsible for the attack. The blame seems to fall on two men, of Incan decent seen climbing in and out of a sewage pipe right where the attack took place. A witness Shirley Prittley has identified the two men, both with Canadian and Incan passports. The men, Jerico Renaldo and Sherpa Cavliandos had been previously living in Vancouver. Two weeks ago they boarded a plane for Mexico City, and haven't been heard from since. Cavalindos and Renaldo have been arraigned but not formally charged, for others including 53 year old Dr. Michelle Yasaka, an Australian native, an expert on biological warfare, is linked to the scene. Authorities have refused to comment on anything else except that the attack was meant to infect and kill Australians. Inca suspects are also being held in Florence, where more warfare has been discovered, but at time of publication the Kangaroo has very little knowledge of what happened there. President Hetkins has issued a state of Emergency for all of South Australia, the territory where Adelaide is located. Spokesman Harold Fethers has requested that all tap drinking water is to be discarded and that residents be on very high alert. The Kangaroo will do its best to keep you updated on all the latest of this developing story.
Headline from the next days Canberra Kangaroo
Not much is known as of now, but the Kangaroo has just received word that a special meeting of Parliament ratified the use of Nuclear arms against the Incan Empire. The city of Santiago has been targeted and the bomb is set to land in an hour. The city of 10 Million will surely be obliterated and radiation will almost certainly wipe out the city of Valpariso a city of 2 Million. After the attack on Adelaide the president took on special emergency powers and OK'ed the use of "The Wombat" Australia's last resort. "The wombat" created in 2079 is on version 15.3, and has never been detonated. The device is powerful enough to wipe out from New York to Montreal! Those familiar with their American history will remember the devastating effects of the nuclear arsenal which wiped out much of the East cost. A much less powerful bomb killed from Montreal to Pittsburgh and everything in between. Others were detonated killing hundreds of thousands! The ULS urged Australia not to use the Wombat but Italian intelligence pulled out their troops and gave the go-ahead. Australia was not ready for an attack on Adelaide, and Incaland will surely not be ready for a genocide on Santiago. All Australian plane travel has been canceled and the Aussie Royal Airforce (ooc: very large, not quite huge) military planes are watching for a counter attack. May God be with us all.
In short:
Biological attack on Adelaide kills a few, infects thousands
Incan suspects arraigned on Bio. warfare charges.
"The Wombat" nuclear device deployed and will soon reach Santiago.
Inca: Bomb my cities and I will unleash a hell that you or your people have never dreamed of. I doubt you yourself will survive my attacks. If you think what happened in Santiago is bad, you haven't seen a thing....also see below.
(OOC: Reality police, Outreach I and II, i dont think thats very realistic for a third world nation. I think before anything like that happens it should be invesigated by the reality police. I say it cant happen)
June 9, 2002, 19:38
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
NAF Military HQ (Secret location):
"I think it is clear what we must do."
"Sir, this is a big step - there's no going back."
"With all we've been through, there hasn't been any need for this yet."
"If we want to maintain our stance on anti-nuclear use - then this is the alternative."
"But sir, we have a HUGE army, HUGE navy, LARGE airforce, and HUGE spaceforce - and each of those is only getting bigger. Our troops are TOP of the line for existing technology and training. Is this really necessary?"
"The Incans have already retaken Panama!"
"It's a wasteland sir, and our secret KillZone tech has already wiped out 95% of the troops they sent through the zone. Why worry?"
"It's not our decision alone Admiral. The Chancellor has given us the mandate. He has approved my plan."
"Genecoms are still risky sir, the public does not approve of genetic engineering for military purposes."
"The Incans have already pre-empted that. The public knows of their clone use. I think they'll understand. Especially when it means a better chance for our boys to return home."
"What about internal rebellion? Diplomacy? Overthrow their government?"
"We cannot hope for a diplomatic solution anymore. The once friendly Tenochitan is no more. The Incans have shown their true colours and sacrififec the Republic to their greed and bloodlust. They are our ETERNAL ENEMIES. We will not stop until every last one is eliminated."
"Everyone? That's genocide!"
"Remember what happened last time we let them off?"
"Yes. And now they have gone far beyond what was imaginable. "
"We take this battle to them - no more passive sitting back!"
--- Chancellor's address to the Nation ---
"People of the Federation, I come to you with grave news. In this time of celebration, as we unfolded our Vision and looked forward to a new era of peace and prosperity, the sceptre of war has been raised.
You may have heard reports that the Incans have re-invaded Panama and are threatening us. That is only partly true. They have Panama, but over two million of them will not be leaving there. The KillZone that our military set up with the emergency funding have proven it's value. Those who worried about the extravagant cost can rest assured we put it to good use. Already our forces have pushed the Incans back across the border and are in the process of destroying all their military and industrial facilities in the northern sector. We are meeting heavy resistance and it will not be easy. We urge you to be patient, to be strong, and to brace yourselves for a vicious war.
Last time, we let them come to us. This time we will go to them. The ravages of war we will visit upon them! We will bring it to their doorsteps, into their homes, into their lives and lives of their children's children. The Incans have earned a place as the eternal enemies of our people. We will will not rest until they are destroyed. Truth and justice are on our side. Good will prevail and this abomination wiped from the face of the earth.
I now hand over the details to Supreme Commander Hogarth."
"Thank you Chancellor. I'll get right to the point. Because the threat must be removed promptly and in totality, we must invade with full force. Our existing army is enough to defend ourselves, but we will be invading a continent almost the same size as us. Though considerably less developed and less powerful than us, what they lack in quality, they make up for in quantity. It has caught us by surprise how quickly they can churn out their clones. So we must take every precaution. Our genecoms have silently dropped in and destroyed half their known clone facilities, but recon shows their production still going strong. There must be hidden facilities. So we remain vigilant. Their existing forces are still large, and while they cannot invade us, it will take ALL our might to invade them.
We have also destroyed the majority of their biochem plants - as a precaution - though it is not a threat to our Genecoms. We have not found their nuclear launchpads yet, but rest assured we are hunting for them. Our allies the ULS have some of the best surveillance in the solar system, they will help direct our Genecom special forces to disable those.
Only the enormous clone army remains a threat. Their space stations are scrap and so is their airforce. Their navy is lying on the bottom of the ocean or hiding in much more southern waters.
But these objectives have not been met without cost. We've lost over 3000 Genecoms in their sabotage efforts, and 20 000 in Panama. We've also lost a large number of aircraft in bombing and recon mission, as well as for the paradrops. Our Space Fleet has pretty much eliminated the Incan Space Fleet, but not wihout suffering a loss of the 4th Home Guard Fleet, and the 13th Expeditionary Fleet. We mourn their deaths today and in their memory, we take this solemn vow - never again will the Incans threaten the people of North America! Long live the Federation! Long live the Chancellor! Long live the North American way!"
Polls indicate NAF public is 99.8% behind this war, 86% support taking over Incan lands, and 57% support the complete eradication of everything Incan.
People are signing up in droves to become Genecoms and fight in this war.
Secret Military HQ
"Sir, if we push them back - and it is certain we will - and when we destroy everything they've got so they've nothing to lose, won't they launch their nukes at us?"
"Certainly. But we've got countermeasures. Our missile defense shield isn't perfect but it's moving along. It should be more than enough for the Incan's technology."
"But some will slip through, won't they?"
"Hopefully not, but if they do - I have been authorized to retaliate in full force. We'll wipe them from the planet and still have half our arsenal to spare."
"Sir, that's enough fallout to ruin the planet for everyone!"
"We have detox tech and our experience with nuclear holocaust will help our allies rebuild. We'll be set back decades, but we'll survive. But let's just hope it doesn't come to that."
"The Incans might just be that insane though..."
We use our KillZone Tech to wipe out most of the invading Incans but your troops who survived managed to disable it.
We have two more KillZone areas (but it's secret til you run into it).
We mobilize everything.
HUGE army increased to BTH (Bigger Than Huge) immediately.
Production capability is so high it more than makes up for any losses suffered so far. By year's end, we will have BTH everything and Huge navy.
Our experienced, veteran, superior tech spacecraft kick the crap out of your spacefleet. Consider your ass handed to you.
Genecom production in full swing. Genecoms are superior soldiers who match the enemy by at least 5 to 1. Highly resistant to biochemical warfare. We have 15 000 existing now.
Our navy clears Incans from the top quarter of their continent and we begin preparations for an invasion.
Our Spacefleet is wiping the Incan spacefleet from earth orbit. Their newly founded Spacefleet is no match for our veteran one, even if they had almost as many ships as we do.
We have also destroyed 90% of their space stations so there is nowhere for them to rebuild their ships.
While ours are engaged in clearing the skies, use your orbital bombers to destroy their production capabilities. Target their Genetic Clone Labs and Assembly Centres.
We swear a pact to protect each other and eliminate the Incans. If any Incans are to survive, it will be under someone else's jurisdiction.
We form an alliance with you, the ULS, and the UK.
We cancel our NAP. As an enemy of our allies, you are now an enemy of mine. We urge you to discuss peace terms. Do not make us destroy you. Our real aim is to destroy Incaland but we support our allies as they support us.
Join in crushing the Incans!
You have gone too far. We gave you peace but you turned your back on it. Now you will pay a hundredfold!
June 9, 2002, 19:44
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
NAF gives medical aid to Australia.
Five hundred biochem warfare specialists dispatched to assist Canberra.
(Our Genecoms are resistant so we can afford to let our top meds go. If you want, we can help you make Genecoms too but we're not sure how the Australians would like that. Our Los Angeles crisi was dealt with by quarantine, meds, and Genecom production)
NAF is alarmed at use of the Wombat, but understands. Since it's the south of Incaland, the top half will still be unaffected (until fallout spreads). Our forces are in place for CONVENTIONAL warfare. We expect to take the top half of the continent within 1 year (1 day). Don't bomb us accidentally.
June 9, 2002, 19:47
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
OOC: ChaotikVisions was my ally but he's gone. Since he was an ally and previously at war with the Incans, I think it's safe to assume the UK is at war with the Incans.
That makes the invasion force from the Pact of Freedom at least three levels above BTH.
Add in Aust/Italy/ULS, I think it's safe to say that the Incans are toast.
June 9, 2002, 19:55
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
NAF has apprehended the two suspects in the Canberra case. Authorities linked these terrorists to others who are suspected of the LA virus. Unfortunately, the police were unable to protect the suspects from an anrgy crowd who stoned one man to death. Police have the other under protective custiody in an unnamed medical ward. Interrogation will begin when he regains consciousness. Then we will hand him over to the australians for their investigation.
June 9, 2002, 20:07
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Oklahoma, USA
Posts: 557
OOC: One last thing before I go.
UK merges with Canmerixco to help prevent the furthering tide of nuclear and biological warfare, all resources put at the current leader of NAF(or whoever leads the whole big alliance now) hands.
OOC again: I'd say this ups military size for all of em to gigantic besides for nukes, also gives the Canmerixco EMP grenades and CAMs. Wanted to do something with it, although that looks like it doesn't matter too much now, since certain people seem to have unlimited resources.
"Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
June 9, 2002, 20:45
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 16
The Incans are hardly a third world nation, posessing space stations and 3 InterPlanetary Nuclear weapons.
well..... not any more.
The Two Outreach stations are gone as is a large part of the ULS. (all three gone not realistic for me to have more than 3)
Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth wer destroyed by nuclear weapons. Clone armies, diverted from the Central american front have landed between the wastelands of Sydney and Brisbane. *
Mexico City, and Los Angeles, Montreal, and London were also destroyed by such weapons.*
The other named cities have been spared for now.
*- The Nuclear weapons were planted in the city as opposed to an ICBM or Rocket. any countermeasures you have in place are ineffective against such placement.
June 9, 2002, 21:03
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: montreal
Posts: 173
Originally posted by Crazy Bill
The Incans are hardly a third world nation, posessing space stations and 3 InterPlanetary Nuclear weapons.
well..... not any more.
The Two Outreach stations are gone as is a large part of the ULS. (all three gone not realistic for me to have more than 3)
Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth wer destroyed by nuclear weapons. Clone armies, diverted from the Central american front have landed between the wastelands of Sydney and Brisbane. *
Mexico City, and Los Angeles, Montreal, and London were also destroyed by such weapons.*
The other named cities have been spared for now.
*- The Nuclear weapons were planted in the city as opposed to an ICBM or Rocket. any countermeasures you have in place are ineffective against such placement.
Wait let me predict your next move. incaland destroys the earth and everyone living on it with a super secret nuclear device that blows up everything. KA BOOM!
Another supersecret project explodeded the universe and killed everyone in it. no one survived except crazy bill and every incan citizen and space station. the incas went on to rule the universe as unquestioned gods. the end.
ps: all attacks against incans never happened it was all a dream.
 i dont usually ***** when i lose, but reality police tone it down to a sane level.
June 9, 2002, 21:05
Local Time: 02:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Emperor Raffaello couldn't believe his eyes when he read of the tragedy that occured to Firenze!
"Those Incans... they will pay for it... I can't believe they done so"
Firenze was one of the largest cities in the New Italian Empire with well over 5 milion people living there. The survivor (about 1 milion and a half) are seriously intoxicated by the biological warfare used by the Incans and are being cured at the San Girolamo hospital of Arezzo... less then half of them is expected to survive.
"This is an attack against civilians" declared Raffaello "There were no military bases in the city, and very few factories compared to other cities, all the Incans wanted was to kill people, women, children, men... they do not care as long as they kill, kill and KILL"
Poll register that after Raffaello's speech 78% of the Italians are ready to fight, and if necessary, die for their country.
68% approve the use of Nuclear and Biological weapons against Incaland
"Donatello" said Raffaello "contact Leonardo and tell him that we are ready to release the 'Savonarola' on Incaland"
"The Savonarola?? But sire... that is horrible... it will turn every human or humanoid into a brain-dead zombie"
"Do not question my word Donatello, I'm still the emperor, and We will do whatever I say"
"Yes Sire"
The Savonarola was a top-secret device that the Italian army developed in the late 2090s when the Persian Empire was menacing Italian sovreignity: It is a special bomb with the carateristic of not creating a real explosion, but very intense electric impulse that spread for the ray of 80 miles. The eletrecity realised by the Savonarola is so powerful and intense that it literally melts the brain of any humans or humanoid that fall into it's ray.
Three of this device have been launched in the cities of Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
Home defense
General Garibaldi, back from the moon, is convinced that the Incas are insane enough to launch Nukes against Italian cities, all kinds of SDI defense and missile interception have been installed on any major Italian City, The Defense has now only 75% chances of intercept and unnarm a Nuke or IPBM, but it will be perfected on the next two years (2 days) for over 99%
It will be 87% in one year (tomorrow) and 99% in two days.
NAF: Italy welcomes the alliance with you, we are very determined on crushing the Incans
Australia: We are sorry for what happened in Adelaide, I hope you will understand that we can not send medical help there, we are having a really tough time in Firenze right now
Sweden: Surrender immediatly, or you'll face the same fate of your Incan ally.
All other nation in the solar system: Join are quest against Incan insanity.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 9, 2002, 21:09
Local Time: 02:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Originally posted by Cinna
i dont usually ***** when i lose, but reality police tone it down to a sane level.
I agree with Cinna!
You should be able to do only one attack a day, and keep it real, come on, no world leader with a little bit of brain would do like you... plus, you are ruining the story, turning it in a destroy the earth game,
REMEMBER The purpouse of a NES is to create a nice diplomacy, interactive story with other people, NOT to win the game.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 9, 2002, 21:37
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
NAF High Council sincerely regrets not spending more efforts on colonizing some other planet as it looks like the end of the world.
NAF evacuates as many of it's people as possible from the earth as nuclear holocaust is about to descend.
We hope that other planets will allow us to land our refugees amongst you. We bring good skilled workers, a bright and able citizenry who are very resourceful and determined, plus technologies.
NAF High Council nationalizes the Big Twelve and expropriates all their funds to pay for the war and for damage control in Montreal and LA. The Big Twelve are furious but the Chancellor doesn't care. He throws them in prison for lack of patriotism. Democracy watch is also alarmed but given the circumstances of impending doom, they keep their mouths shut. The people are 100% behind Chancellor Trent as a very strong authority will be needed to get them through this mess.
People are sent to underground bunkers and fallout shelters. Over 90% of the NAF population elects to stay and fight the Incans and rebuild their homeland. 10% decide to seek shelter on another planet but less than 1% of the NAF population can be immediately evacuated. Even our doubly HUGE Spacefleet cannot hold more than 8 million refugees. The spacedocks are jammed.
Genecom production accelerated as citizens demand resistance to fallout effects and as more sign up to fight the evil Incans. Genecom technicians cannot keep up with demand. Medical wards overflow. Black market versions of the Genecom technology are set up in several NAF cities. These do not work as well as the official centres but it does improve resistance.
NAF pulls back troops to firmly held borderlands and does the unthinkable. Nuclear retaliation from the country that always tried to avoid it. Since the Incans have already hit us and in two very large metropolitan areas, killing more than 50 million civilians and subjecting 200 million more to immediate fallout, we launch a tenth of our arsenal (60 nuclear weapons, of which 10 are high yield) at the Incans. We estimate that at best 45 and at worst 20 will get past Incan defenses. 20 hits will be more than enough to end this senseless war. Everything south of Bogota has been targeted except for those regions already neutralized by other nations.
Chancellor Trent does this with a heavy heart, he sends his regrets and apologizes. The conscience of the nation, Reverend Wocienski, popularly known as Mahatma Woz, says a prayer for the world. (*Mahatma means Great Soul)
Members of the Peace Party resign en mass from the Assembly. The public is not sympathetic to them. Foreign Minister Jurgen issues the following notice:
***We warn you that all communications will be temporarily disrupted (due to the EMP pulses of the nukes) and to prepare for that. If you are vigilant, you can have your systems up and running in less than an hour.
Longterm, we warn all nations to prepare for NUCLEAR WINTER. The fallout from this exchange will circle the globe several times. We have deliberately avoided using any more nukes because we want to minimize nuclear winter effects. If the Incans still resists, we will wipe up the rest conventionally. Our Genecoms will be able to scour irradiated areas for survivors and terminate them.
The world may descend into a DARK AGES for some time.***
Our entire airforce is off active engagement and is now scouring the skies to shoot down any other nuke missiles that may come our way.
Lastly, 12 divisions of NAF troops (include several battalions of Genecoms) paradrop into Italy and into Australia to combat Incan clones. These troops are under their local commanders authority but our local commanders are ordered to submit to your military supreme command. They are essentially at your disposal. We expect to divert more troops to your countries to help you since the nukes we dropped on Incanland will finish that threat (except for more terrorists - even superhigh security levels aren't invincible.) With the UK's EMP grenades and CAMS, this war should be over soon - though the effects will be long lasting. (Remember that the UK is our eternal ally - Pact of Freedom)
Note: While Genecoms are superior in resistance and combat capabilities, they are also sterile. NAF will convert nearly 10% of its population to Genecoms by the end of this year (turn). It hopes not to have to convert more to Genecoms as we do want our population to recover (right now, volunteers to become Genecoms are still very high, more than we need. We were reluctant to ever being the Genecom project seeing as how that would lead to a CLASS SOCIETY - a two-tiered system where regular people would be 2nd class citizens. Still, the Incans have forced our hand. Genecoms are here to stay. They may be our salvation now but surely will cause future troubles.
We send refugees into space (8 million). this uses up all space onboard our BTH space fleet.
Genecom production speeds even more (using blackmarket meds)
60 NUKES to Incaland.
Warning and apology to everyone.
Drop troops to assist Italians and Australians (under their command)
ULS is safe from harm as Incan spacefleet is destroyed and has no way of attacking them. We know the ULS is badly hurt by terrorists but we hope our refugees can help you rebuild. If you don't accept them, they'll go to Mars, and then who knows?
I'm trying to maintain some kind of reality police check but things are progressing too fast for my tastes. Build up army instantly? clone people in 1 yr? colonize a planet in 1 yr? good grief! It took me several years (a week) to even get my NAF put together and now it's all gone to hell!
I need to write shorter ones because I keep missing posts in the meantime. I'm editing, but sorry if I cause any confusion.
Last edited by Captain; June 9, 2002 at 21:52.
June 9, 2002, 21:54
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
The reality Police Strike Back
OOC: I find it hard to beleive that Incaland has anything left.
The ULS thanks god that it is not on the planet earth, although a great deal of it has been wrecked the radiation doesn't stick around noticeably in space. In a final set of offensives and rocket launches (non nuclear)Incaland is reduced to slag. there is no government left there, mimo whatshisface is decapitated and his head is stuck on a stick for all to see (sorry about the brutality but if anyone deserves it he does)
Crazy Bill is hereby banned from this NES and any other SNESA.
Reconstruction of moon bases: 5 years
Reconstruction of Outreach I: 10 years
Reconstruction of Outreach II: 15 years
June 9, 2002, 22:06
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 144
I'll take Russia if it is still open
June 9, 2002, 22:07
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
The ULS has begun rebuilding.... but we are forever scarred. The Incan teror regimes have been dismantled and Special Ops troops have been sent tIncaland to make sure that they have only primitive technologies. they will have to build themselves back to a modern nation. maybe this time around they will learn some manners.
The ULS strictly demands that no nation of the world sets foot in South America, "That cursed continent", ever. we will enforce this. We are looking outside our solar system to a planet of new hope, where space domes are not needed. Alpha Centauri. It will take 20 years before any nation can even consider colonizing it, with the possible, if unlikely exception of the martians and or plutonians.
The ULS extends hands of freindship to the two afforementioned alien races, hoping to get help in her reconstruction efforts.
OOC: I am p!$$3I) to say the least.
June 9, 2002, 22:09
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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High Lord: No, Cap'n Crunch has it.
June 9, 2002, 22:11
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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I am going on vacation for a couple of weeks. Either Captain or Giovanni can be in charge of reality police in my absence.
June 9, 2002, 22:13
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 144
anything open?
June 9, 2002, 22:13
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
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High Lord J
China and Persia are still open iirc.
If you take them, try not to pull a crazy war thing. I'm sick of war. Let's make some other objective.
War is like a trump card. We should try to avoid using it until forced to. There are many other exciting things to write about, all kinds of diplomacy and domestic affairs. Try putting yourself in the place of a regular joe in the empire/republic - what are your concerns, and then back in the ruler's shoes, figure out how you're going to meet those concerns. Try to envision how there might be conflict within your own borders.
Refugees issue?
June 9, 2002, 22:17
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 144
I would like China
June 9, 2002, 22:19
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
Originally posted by High Lord J
I would like China
sure, try to read up on the SNESA history so far so you can see how we got where we are.
skim it if time is short. most of the long posts have SUMMARIES at the end of the posts.
June 9, 2002, 22:26
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 144
accuatly you know what take me out of China I don't feel like figuring out like 14 pages of info and try to catch up. Good luck everyone.
June 9, 2002, 22:27
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 144
Accuatly I am in this is two good to miss
June 9, 2002, 22:40
Local Time: 01:16
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
The ULS is in no postition to take refugees for another 5 years. we will do so automatically then. i will see to it that humanity survives these coming dark ages.
June 9, 2002, 22:41
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
good! glad to have you!
sorry to have almost discouraged you - I just wanted you to know what's going on because LOTS of things have changed since the first page.
Chancellor Miles Trent of the NAF sends a representative (Foreign Minister Jurgen) to discuss diplomacy with the new Chinese Ruler. He also sends a peace gift in these tense times, a priceless pair of rare pure-white doves.
Fallout shouldn't affect China directly yet but climate change is in the works.
President Pluto,
We understand your position. Our refugees will make their way to Mars and seek shelter there. They should be completed the majority of their reconstruction by this time. We hope your reconstruction efforts go well and wish you the very best in these chaotic times. Rest assured that nothing will be permitted to interfere with ULS reconstruction during this most sensitive time.
Kind regards,
Space Minister Hava Nagali
Domestic Minister Evelyn Chan
NAF Evacuation Committee
Project Second Chance
Last edited by Captain; June 9, 2002 at 22:47.
June 9, 2002, 23:00
Local Time: 20:16
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
NAF troops remain on assignment in South America along with UK allied forces.
We are occupying the top 20% of the continent and have no intention of removing ourselves.
NAF troops south of the equator will be recalled shortly. They will remain for 1 yr until they verify all Incan weapons of mass destruction are negated and all Incan production facilities that survived are destroyed.
NAF military absolutely deny any and all allegations about concentration camps for Incan survivors. We are not the criminals here.
NAF understand ULS position that South America be a demilitarized zone but we are retaining what we have as a buffer zone.
If the UN ever gets created, we will pass over control of this zone to the IPF.
Genecom production halted, despite public outcry. We are at 3% Genecom and the Chancellor is concerned we'll lose our reproductive capabilities. Blackmarket Genecoms are still active though.
Requesting a LOAN of 9 trillion NAF$ (the equivalent of 36 trillion RMB) from China to speed our recovery. This is equal to 20% of our current GDP and by our records, about the same % of yours. It's a lot to ask but your country was untouched by war. We hope you can show us some kindness.
We will repay over a period of 10 years with the generous interest rate of 10% p.a. compounded monthly. (That's double the prime rate.) This request is negotiable.
(OOC: That means we borrow a LOT from you and repay a LOT. We'll be indebted for 10 yrs to you if you accept. )
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