litle movie animation at the end...
i am a maniac of civ 1 and civ 2,,,
but i need to know if the litlle animated seqeunce with the evolution of your civ on the world map that was there in the first vresion will be back... its was for me a real deception to see it was not on civ 2 .
this little feature at the end of the game is realy important for a player who spends HOURS and HOURS on a game , its the gift of the winner...
it help to continue the game till the real end and stimulate player when he fell down,,, it create the game more addictive!!! ;-)
so i hope this fresh feature will be back with some improvement like:
-a remote to see the evolution on the map clik by clik
-and big title of big battle or revolution
-the evolution of the culture influence on the world map with evry cities
and colonies
thanks , i hope this notice will bring back the coolest feature of the game back in the days...
ho and what about bring back the news paper NEWS with the music of the nation ... i was loving this in civ 1