May 28, 2002, 00:47
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No, it is not challenging. It is stactic, same thing every game. You are not competing against each other, you are competing with predetermined computer restrictions. When the freedom of action is given to a human, as opposed to computer restrictions, then that will be a challenge.
And of course you cant do it every game. I never said you could. This entire discusion was weather or not commie is better then fundy. If the game progress to this point, then you better have 40 citys, good supply and demand. And nobody has provide sufficent information of why I might be wrong.
May 28, 2002, 01:39
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LOL, I knew Markus would blame the map or say it was 'easy' or something like that
Most of these strat gurus cannot play Deity raging hordes so they blame the machine - just the way a bad workman blames his tools.
(beer please Ming, make mine a lite)
May 28, 2002, 10:48
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From personal experience I have found 70 cities with veteran cavalry or dragoons combined with ironclads just seem to do better than 40 cities massing caravans to die against my mass ironclads and dragoons. It might just be me, but I don't know. Just always seems to go that way.
May 28, 2002, 12:31
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I can't believe this - I think I actually agree with Eyes!! Oh the shame!
May 28, 2002, 13:30
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May 28, 2002, 14:05
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 @ DrS
May 28, 2002, 15:28
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Ok, now i will voice my thoughts on the wonder issue. Ok, you guys can go back and forth either way its really illrelevant. To have a wonder or to not is illrelevent too. Really guys, having a wonder is always a plus, but that doesnt mean you can win or loose more or less with out it. It just means you have to adapt and compensate for what ever the other people have. Its easy to run a gov with no michs, is easier to do it. It doesnt matter, All you have to do is do the best you can with the best of what you have agains what the other person has. Having a wonder to be frank dont mean anything if the other knows how to play against it. I could have michs, and that can be countered so easily... Its only 3 citizens made happy. Thats a temple and a collesium. Either way, who cares? Why dont people just play the game, with the randomness that it creates. Isnt life the same way, Deal with what you get and play the best with it. Nothing is ever going to be handed to you perfectly. Christ only if your rich... and even then, im sure you got stress. Civ is the same way. Build what ever the hell you want to build. Play how ever you want to play, and quit Killing everyone elses way of doing it. And know that I Budthepoet will always beat all of you. Hehe Jk, but thought it was a nice twist. Gary, I see and understand your side, i also see everyone elses. Play on, play on. We should all be friends anyways, Civ is about to be taken over by young kids who are in there 20's all smoking dope and ****king whor-es. Hehe, or has it already? Hehe.... The thoughts of BudThepoet. Hehe.... Play on my fellow Civ players!!! Oh, and anyone who can get to Michigan, were throwing a civ 2 party hehe... All of us, at a house... what fun, cooking.... What is going to be left? Hehe or are we all plotting the slow demise of the michigan gov, and a slow take over of the usa, and then the world? Ahh the plot thickens.... Stay tuned for more Im sure.
I am the poet, the nothing, the civ player of all past names. You know me, i deny nothing. Play me if you want, or not. Talk smack, and ill defend myself.
May 28, 2002, 21:57
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Why do you even post here? You sound like a ****ing idiot.
May 29, 2002, 03:31
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Sean, Dont even dare... We can go round and round all day. I dont give a damn what i sound Like, dont you get that? I am BudThepoet, I dont care. I am Bud, man.... I am who i Am, and i dont get off on rather or not i sound inteligent to you or not, it is simply your retort to my comments. And if you shall assume such comments as a sign of intelegence, my.... THe wolrd you shall be shown. Besides sean, the light needs to be shifted, Gary is taking to much of the spotlight, in the fight with you. You and I shall go back to hatting one another yes, yes... perhaps? My post none the less, originally had something to do with the topic, your responce telling me I sound like a ****ing idiot.... How inteligent is that? Give it a rest Sean, Who is it your trying to impress? Of course i know your inteligent, so does everyone else. But im at least able to respect it. Give the show a rest man.... And do us all a favor, show some humanism once in a while. Not this superior God like Dogmatic judgenment you place upon the whole world of people that should be if anything your friends. Its a game for god sakes, and its a foolish place to make comments about a game. Get off the high horse, Sean.
I am the poet, the nothing, the civ player of all past names. You know me, i deny nothing. Play me if you want, or not. Talk smack, and ill defend myself.
May 29, 2002, 11:35
Local Time: 20:16
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Why must you make this some sort of life growing experience? Give me a ****ing break. Go on prozac or something because you're too damn emotional.
May 29, 2002, 11:39
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Normally at this time, I would just post a picture of a box of popcorn and sit back...
But this is not an argument of who is a better player, who has better strategies and tactics...
This is now just personal attacks.
So lets chill folks.
Again... feel free to go at about who is number one and other such things. But personal attacks/flame wars are simply not allowed.
Keep on Civin'
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May 29, 2002, 15:42
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Ming, Your nothing but a little school girl, ***** that me and Eyes should pin up and use as our little **** toy. Why dont you back the hell out of Mine and Seans COnversation. It has nothing to do with your sorry ass.
I am the poet, the nothing, the civ player of all past names. You know me, i deny nothing. Play me if you want, or not. Talk smack, and ill defend myself.
May 29, 2002, 15:51
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Why do I sense someone is going for a nice holiday in Mingapulco?
And Bud...start smoking some more dope
May 29, 2002, 15:59
Local Time: 20:16
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Originally posted by Budthepoet
Ming, Your nothing but a little school girl, ***** that me and Eyes should pin up and use as our little **** toy. Why dont you back the hell out of Mine and Seans COnversation. It has nothing to do with your sorry ass.
Hmmm... I guess you have no clue what a forum moderator's job is. Bummer... See ya...
You can contact me by PM when you understand what a moderators job is... And you can apologize for not realizing your stupid and moronic mistake. Until then... have a nice vacation
Keep on Civin'
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May 29, 2002, 16:21
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May 29, 2002, 16:24
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Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
May 29, 2002, 16:27
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I told him that he was gonna get banned for that crap......
Legalize it now!!!!!....Free the Weed!!!
May 29, 2002, 18:14
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HAHAHA!! What an idiot. He preaches about how this is just a game when he sits there and talks about life and its meaning on a forum. Serious mental problems there.
May 29, 2002, 19:01
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If he didn't want Ming to get involved why didn't he move the conversation away from the forums ?
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
May 29, 2002, 20:02
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Originally posted by Budthepoet
if you shall assume such comments as a sign of intelegence,
May 30, 2002, 00:59
Local Time: 01:16
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Well, eyes, what a stupid statement you made. Obviously , the understanding of investment principles are far beyond your comprehension. For your sake, I sure hope you have a money manager so my tax dollars wont go to support you when you blow all your money.
The only thing that matters in Civ, is how many units or caravans or city improvements you produce in a turn. If you are not trading in a caravan, where you get 250 gold later in the game, assuming a fair start and fair land, then you will simply not have the assests to keep up with a traders production.
The Math:
250 payoff from a caravan... cost of the van is 30 resources or 75 gold. Thus you profit 175 gold or 90 resources and that city produces something every 2 turns. Spend an additional 50, assuming no gunpowder or feudalism, then it produces something every turn.
Now, to show your stupidity, how do you plan to build all thoose crusaders and ironclads in a quanity greater then a trader?
Obviously, you cant. If you were playing with yourself (with your pants zipped up) and one civ in a hot seat game, traded and one did not, assuming exact same skill level of the player, then the trader will always win a fair start.
May 30, 2002, 01:04
Local Time: 01:16
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Maybe, it is you "who is blaming his tool" and choose to play 1 x 1 deity cause you suck on a real game like 2 x 2 king. I am so sick and tired of hearing how much more difficult 1 x 1 deity is. Simply, it is so much easier then 2 x 2 king because the possible problems that might arise are extremely limited and for the most part confined to just predetermined computer restrictions.
Some of the things you dont have to worry about in 1 x 1 deity are:
1) units moving 4 spaces (non-road or river)
2) large numbers of units falling upon your citys
3) human cleaverness on a strategic scale
May 30, 2002, 06:21
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I'll buy (1) above - but never the others ...
May 30, 2002, 06:52
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I wonder what bud has got to say about it.....Bud!!....oh thats right.......BANNED!!!!!!!!!......hehehe.....sorry bud....can't resist
Legalize it now!!!!!....Free the Weed!!!
May 30, 2002, 18:43
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Originally posted by StrategicKingMi
I am so sick and tired of hearing how much more difficult 1 x 1 deity is.
Next he's gonna say he can beat anybody in a best of three at 1x1x deity. Oh wait, we already did that one.
May 30, 2002, 19:00
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May 31, 2002, 14:02
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2x2x king players can play deity  , first beat me for the first time before saying something ridiculous like that
We all played 1x1x deity in SP before we started playing online so we know the basics.
But how many 1x1x deity players can hold their own in a 2x2x king match?
Both 1x1x Deity and 2x2x King have their own charactaristics, witch makes them very different games, most people only play their own 'superior' setting while some people just enjoy playing all settings, thus enjoying all aspects that makes this game great
Btw Strate, didnt caravans cost 50 shields
May 31, 2002, 15:30
Local Time: 17:16
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I've played a fair amount of all settings and of course 2x2 king games are easier!..yes you are playing humans but with those settings you can have over 100 cities by 1ad(certainly 50) without having to worry a thing about managing and controlling unrest.I can't tell you how many times you see all the top 5 cities with no flag flying.That irks me.
The least you can do is play deity.The game is at its best at deity in sp.No reason I can think of why it wouldn't be so in mp.Plus there is one less hassle with even #s of settlers.
btw-emperor is an under rated and underplayed level for mp.
May 31, 2002, 16:11
Local Time: 21:16
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Originally posted by Smash
btw-emperor is an under rated and underplayed level for mp.
I like the extra settler with deity.
May 31, 2002, 21:51
Local Time: 03:16
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Originally posted by Smash
I've played a fair amount of all settings and of course 2x2 king games are easier!..yes you are playing humans but with those settings you can have over 100 cities by 1ad(certainly 50) without having to worry a thing about managing and controlling unrest.I can't tell you how many times you see all the top 5 cities with no flag flying.That irks me.
So its easyer to have an oponent with 50 city's too?
The problem with king is that its not half as easy to defend then on deity.
The least you can do is play deity.The game is at its best at deity in sp.No reason I can think of why it wouldn't be so in mp.Plus there is one less hassle with even #s of settlers.
In SP you play AI  , off course the game is at its best on deity.
btw-emperor is an under rated and underplayed level for mp.
Yup but people tend to play either king or deity, look me up sometimes when you want to play emp btw
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