June 3, 2002, 13:01
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"The Problems " existing in 1 x 1 deity are computer generated and the same every game. They can be handled the same way every game, it does not change. The problems generated by 2 x 2 king are human generated. They are unpredictable, they change game to game, they change turn to turn.
"Civ planning"??????? In 1 x 1 deity???? You only have a handfull of citys, whats in depth planning about that???? Try planning the placement of 40 citys, roads to conect them, maybe some mining if there are no resource producers near by.
"2 x 2 king emphasises war and expansion" It also emphasises
trading for faster growth and technology.
Militarily, 2 x 2 king is 10 times tougher then 1 x 1 deity because you have many units out exploring, units that move 4 spaces creating countless more posible aproaches that have to be covered. In 1 move with few units, militarily there is virtually no strategy involved.
Micro-managing is also a great 2 x 2 skill that will seperate the classes and skill of the players. Making many, many more decisions every turn throughout your civ. Make good decisions, you will win, bad ones, you lose. In 1 x 1 deity, since you only have 10-15 citys instead of 40+, micromanaging is so much easier.
June 3, 2002, 13:05
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
Is it really that difficult to build a temple?
It's even easier not to build it  At lower levels, it's not even a consideration... at least at Deity, you need to choose when and where to build them... That's a heck of a lot more strategy than doing nothing
But again... every level has it own's strategies... Saying Deity doesn't require startegy is pretty narrow minded.
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June 3, 2002, 13:40
Just another peon
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
I want to hear 1 all powerful game winning strategy like there are in King 2x2x. There are a zillion things you can do in 2x2x King.
Make up your mind. Is there 1 all powerfull game winning strat or are there a zillion? Both can't be true.
And please, I am not a fan of 1x1x deity for MP. I prefer 2x1x deity with raging.
There is no all powerful strat. THERE ARE CHOICES. Do you expand attack during an early tech window advantage. Do you go for the SSC and divert resources to it instead of expanding attacking. Do you try an encroach strat to force your opponent to divert his resources. How fast do you go to sea? Do you try to force trade down a neighbors throat. Or do you play a straight defensive game, and use all of your resources for development.
Do you try a rush on an unprepared player. Do you stop expanding earlier once you have trade and just try to trade your way through.
Decisions decsions. That's what stratagy is. Not simply executing your so called 1 all powerfull game winning strat.
But it is obvious that there is a lot of different thoughts on how the settings effect play. No one is right or wrong. It's just an OPINION on what constitutes more stratagy.
The true mindless here, just call others that don't agree with their version idiots. That's real constructive
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 3, 2002, 13:43
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
Why do you even post on this DD?
Because this is an open forum to discuss civ II MP issues, which is what I am doing. You seem to think it is an insult board.
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
ALl you do is play deity with some rookies on a big ass map on the zone with like 6 other players. Do you even finish those games?
My preferred game is 3 or 4 players on a medium map. I rarely play on the zone. The "rookies" on the zone, as you call them, mostly want to play 2x2x king.
I have however, played everyone who posted in this thread except Ming, Scouse and Smash.
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
Do you ever finish those game?
LOL - Look who's talking. I am rarely the one to quit, unlike your resignation on our 2x1x game.
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
There should be an option on threads to ban certain people from posting their useless idiocy.
The only one who should be banned from this site is you, for continually breaking the rule against personal insults etc. Why Ming doesn't enforce it I'm not sure. But if an unbiased jury were to read that rule and your posts I'm sure you would be found guilty.
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
I've never met a good player that plays deity, nor will I probably ever.
Translation: I don't enjoy deity, therfore I will put anyone down who plays it.
June 3, 2002, 15:07
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How bout a game of 2x2 cheiftain?..should the most challenging of all.
June 3, 2002, 15:10
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Why Ming doesn't enforce it I'm not sure
Dam straight.Seems there are at least 2 different sets of rules
June 3, 2002, 15:11
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Hear hear, DD - particularly your two final points
June 3, 2002, 15:14
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Shut your mouth smash. If I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you. As for you DD, you talk nothing but **** and you have no skills to back it up. You simply aren't worth my time. As for you Rah, I am right, you are wrong. I am always right, everyone else is always wrong. If I say Deity has no strategy, it has no strategy and you are to say "Yes your lordship, you are absolutely right. Forgive me for my insuboordination, I will never doubt your glorious intellect again." Got it?
June 3, 2002, 15:16
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Originally posted by Smash
Dam straight.Seems there are at least 2 different sets of rules
Hmmm... Eyes has been restricted in the past for his behaviour... and at least when I tell him to chill, he usually does. Mild flaming has always been allowed (just check out your average ME thread in the OTF)
So feel free to have whatever opinion you want... it is just an opinion
Then again... after reading the post above this one (didn't see it when I was posting) maybe he does deserve to be restricted
Hey eyes... was that a PHYSICAL threat you just made... one more of those, and you will be toast for awhile...
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Last edited by Ming; June 3, 2002 at 15:28.
June 3, 2002, 15:25
Just another peon
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
As for you Rah, I am right, you are wrong. I am always right, everyone else is always wrong. If I say Deity has no strategy, it has no strategy and you are to say "Yes your lordship, you are absolutely right. Forgive me for my insuboordination, I will never doubt your glorious intellect again." Got it?
 Thank you your lordship for the clarification. 
Believe it or not, I do value your opinion, since your experiences are drastically different than mine.
There are reasons why I started using the signature that I have for the last few months.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 3, 2002, 15:46
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Ming - the last thing I would want to do is run one of these madhouses, and in general I think you do an excellent job at it. I say that in sincerity.
Now for my specific complaint:
It just seems there is a seperate set of rules for Eyes profanity, personal insults and off-subject inflammatory remarks then for others. Look at Budthepoet, as a recent example. His comments were out of line and he deserved what he got. But they were no different then anything Eyes does on a daily basis. With Bud it was "your outta here" with Eyes its "pass the popcorn" Even after his last outburst your response was a warning. From memory I've seen Eyes warned about 4 or 5 times in the last few posts.
Eyes goes far beyond the typical "I'm better then you" crap. He's called one person a loser drug addict, another an unemployed loser, and just about everybody a bleeping idiot, etc, etc, etc His comments quite often are as personal as he can possibly make them, quite often they are designed to hurt people not just trash talk and when he can do neither he results to name calling and obscenity.
In addition, I think he hurts the growth of this forum. If every new person who comes on here is subjected to his insults everytime they say something he doesn't agree with or finds too "newbieish" to discuss, they are less likely to come back. (recently a new player was on here asking advice and Eyes responded "find a new game" that was one of the more tame examples)
Like I said, in general I think you do a great job on this forum. It just seems that Eyes has been issued an immunity to the rules.
June 3, 2002, 15:54
Just another peon
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In eye's defence, (god, never thought I'd say that) is that he's like the Don Rickles of CivII. He insults everyone equally and people have a tendency to find humor in it rather then getting offended. At least I never have been offended by his insults.
Yes, that may be just my perception. I guess I like the entertainment. I don't see him as serious threatening person. Just a little arrogant with a big mouth. And I think the MP forum gets much more hits when he's on a roll.
And yes I see how that may be seen as a double standard. Thank goodness I don't really have to defend it.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 3, 2002, 15:57
Just another peon
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And he has provided some sound insights into the game. No matter how much I disagree with a few of them. He's a good player. How good? I'll leave that to him to speak of. He's much better than I could ever be at that.
And once during a vegas show, Rickles called me a mafiaso WOP. I wasn't offended because I know it's part of his sztick.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 3, 2002, 16:03
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Originally posted by Deity Dude
Like I said, in general I think you do a great job on this forum. It just seems that Eyes has been issued an immunity to the rules.
I hear you... And no he hasn't been issued an immunity. As I've said, he has been restricted in the past many times for his behaviour. I do talk to him on ICQ when he goes overboard...
There is nothing against the rules about chest beating... or saying somebodies strategies/style of play is bad or stupid. And when he gets more personal, I warn him and he does usually settle it down. What Budthepoet posted was in my opinion... the worst thing you can do... telling a mod to cram it and stay out of his business after being warned to chill... not even a close comparison.
Plus, if I restrict Eye's too many times, he will just drive me nuts creating DL's that I have to hunt down. But he is very close to getting his next restriction...
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June 3, 2002, 16:13
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So you're saying, because he has a reputation for name calling, obscenity etc etc he can but someone like Bud can't. That doesn't seem right to me. I don't think the standard should be what the moderator finds entertaining, it's too subjective. Either let everyone act like Eyes (in which case you'll end up with 4 or 5 loudmouths spouting profanity at each other all day long) or follow the posted rules that I thought the moderators were supposed to enforce.
Maybe there are more hits when Eyes does his routine, but I don't think that grows the forum. It just ends up Eyes taking turns insulting one of the same 8 or 10 people and them responding. It's getting old and I really don't find it entertaining.
Just as Don Rickles had to follow the rules of television when he was on television, I think Eyes should follow the posted rules of this forum if he is going to participate in it.
Having said that, I'm not going to discuss it anymore. I think it is pretty clear where I stand and it's not my intention to rally the forces against Eyes or put down Ming's performance as a moderator. I just wanted to state my opinion.
Last edited by Deity Dude; June 3, 2002 at 16:19.
June 3, 2002, 16:19
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Actually I've never been restricted or banned before. And you're only saying I'm close to being restricted because deity is whinning about it. The fact is that mod jobs are based on judgement and can only truly be hard core facts if I go way over the line on the COC. If you were to ban me, you'd have to ban everyone else because they do quite a bit of flaming as well. As for swearing...**** man, what the **** do you think this ****ing stars are that cover every ****ing swear word I ****ing say? OH MY GOD!!! HE'S TYPING STARS IN 4 CHARACTER INCREMENTS!! BAN HIM I SAY! BAN HIM!!! *************** ***** ***! *******! Wow, that was an untasteful display of profanity!
"It's getting old and I really don't find it entertaining."
Then go to another forum. I don't know if you've noticed or not but this forum is only made up of about 20 people and you rarely post here other than to whine or preach the superiority of deity. Now I'm sorry if you feel you are so much more mature, but you shoudl do more constructive with your time whinning about me flaming. Flaming is far more constructive than whinning. The job of the person flaming is to belittle the victim until he realizes he has no life and that he is nothing. I am helping these people understand that their lives are worthless, can't you see that? Only once they accept the fact that they could die and nobody would care will they be able to correct their flaws and become productive members of society. I can help you see the light as well if you like my son.
June 3, 2002, 16:21
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Originally posted by Deity Dude
he can but someone like Bud can't.
If eyes posted what Bud had, he would have gotten a two week or longer vacation. It is not a valid comparison. Go back and read the post Bud made right after being warned. Not even close...
But again, you are welcome to your opinion... I do make mistakes... but restricting Bud wasn't one of them. Other staff members have told me I should have nailed him for a month
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June 3, 2002, 16:24
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
Actually I've never been restricted or banned before.
Maybe you don't remember because you just created new logs on to use when yours didn't work  We have over 10 different varieties of "Eye's" handles in the member base...
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June 3, 2002, 16:36
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LOL I do remember a few times there my log on didn't seem to work. Thought it was just a technical issue. Oh well. hehehe
June 3, 2002, 17:04
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
I am helping these people understand that their lives are worthless, can't you see that? Only once they accept the fact that they could die and nobody would care will they be able to correct their flaws and become productive members of society. I can help you see the light as well if you like my son.
Well...every village needs its idiot
Btw, quite an entertaining thread after a 13 hour workday
Keep up the good work guys
June 3, 2002, 17:48
Just another peon
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Originally posted by Deity Dude
So you're saying, because he has a reputation for name calling, obscenity etc etc he can but someone like Bud can't. That doesn't seem right to me. I don't think the standard should be what the moderator finds entertaining, it's too subjective. Either let everyone act like Eyes (in which case you'll end up with 4 or 5 loudmouths spouting profanity at each other all day long) or follow the posted rules that I thought the moderators were supposed to enforce.
Just as Don Rickles had to follow the rules of television when he was on television, I think Eyes should follow the posted rules of this forum if he is going to participate in it.
DD, I see your point and understand and again reiterate that I'm glad I don't have to make that call. But even when Rickles followed the rules of television, he still stretched them and called everyone DUMMIES. People expected it and lived to be called a dummy. But of course with all the PC crap these days, he was reduced to doing his bit in Vegas. I'm not saying eyes is as good as rickles, but it has come to be expected, and some of us get a kick out of when he picks on us, and as others have posted, it's entertainment that we can always use since CIVIII came out. I do feel bad when the newbies take him seriously, but so few newbies visit MP these days,............
No need for further discusion, I think we've both made and understand each others points. (and respect them)
How can you not like Eye's last "technical issue" post. Classic stuff.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 9, 2002, 01:29
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Ahh But ming... Wasnt my post sweet and loveable... A twist of romance with the vulgarity of a crude porno. Hehe... Naa ming, I dont care about getting booted. Although I dare say Me and Sean have both been banned a few times for talking ****. Always happens. Deity thanks for the stick up. I was a **** to ming though. Eyes is the fu-ck that I hate. And Rah, where the hell have you been? Have you not seen Sean, when he is insulting peoples Lives, or hell I think the worst was when he called Skeptic a *****... Bravelakers wife. Sean Insults people, but he is very meticulate. Like a surgeon with scalpal. He goes for what will piss them off the best. He does it all the time. Im sure he will glady mention some of my lifes tribulations, to poke more fun at and to call me a liar about. Either way, i can prove him wrong on every single point. And sean, come with me for a week. We would take a trip. Ill show you what life is about. Your little segrated world, apart from true life.... How sheltered you are... Boy. Very very sheltered.
I am the poet, the nothing, the civ player of all past names. You know me, i deny nothing. Play me if you want, or not. Talk smack, and ill defend myself.
June 9, 2002, 12:36
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I fear a great tragedy has befallen the civ2MP forum with the arrival of bud. Other morons will soon invade our land and it is up to us to stop them. Can you imagine seeing more people posting like him?
June 9, 2002, 14:56
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Could someone help me with this?
How do you spell Xenofoob?
June 9, 2002, 14:56
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
I fear a great tragedy has befallen the civ2MP forum with the arrival of bud. Other morons will soon invade our land and it is up to us to stop them. Can you imagine seeing more people posting like him?
hi ,
everyone has the right to post , ......
have a nice day
June 9, 2002, 16:14
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Originally posted by atawa
Could someone help me with this?
How do you spell Xenofoob?
June 9, 2002, 21:47
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Originally posted by EyesOfNight
I fear a great tragedy has befallen the civ2MP forum with the arrival of bud. Other morons will soon invade our land and it is up to us to stop them. Can you imagine seeing more people posting like him?
but but your already here
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
June 10, 2002, 09:38
Just another peon
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Yes anything that attracts the likes of Panag, is not a good thing.
Have a stick this pole.......... Day Panag.
And Bud, I don't take Sean's insults seriously. Insults can only hurt you if you let them. Treat them as compliments that you're worth the time and effort to insult. Entertainment at best. Life is short, and Civ is just a game.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
June 10, 2002, 11:30
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Oh i most certianly understand. Sean has for the most part backed way off the serious, attacking of someones true life. I never get upset, till he sticks his head in an ass it doesnt belong in.
I am the poet, the nothing, the civ player of all past names. You know me, i deny nothing. Play me if you want, or not. Talk smack, and ill defend myself.
June 10, 2002, 12:54
Local Time: 03:17
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Originally posted by rah
Yes anything that attracts the likes of Panag, is not a good thing.
Have a stick this pole.......... Day Panag.
And Bud, I don't take Sean's insults seriously. Insults can only hurt you if you let them. Treat them as compliments that you're worth the time and effort to insult. Entertainment at best. Life is short, and Civ is just a game.
hi ,
Rah , just take a look at some of your post's , .....
ya aint no angel yourself , ..........
have a great day
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