I guess you mean that you posted in the wrong forum. Once I did this with my CityMod2 thread. (Now both of them are in the right forum.

) To let others know about we are talking I copied your post from the thread in the General-CTP2 forum to this post.
Originally posted by Aias
I would like to attempt to creat a mod for CTP2, but I have no idea where to start. I want to change a few sprites, put in a few tweaks, etc. So, I guess that I am asking where do I start? Can I import units from C:CTP? How do I incorporate other mods (AI frenzy, Good Mod, etc) into my mod? How can I create sprites? Also, would it be better if I started with creating a scenerio? I'm looking into creating a Trojan War scenario.
Also, I have looked through the forums, but I haven't found a good tutorial for SLIC. Where can I find one? And how can I do some of the work without screwing up my CTP2 install and the games that I am playing at present? Any help would be appreciated!
I'm inspired by all of the great work done here and want to try my hand. I basically have no computer programming experience, so it will probably take a while to have anything workable.
Thanks to all!
At first I would start with Dave's mod-guide:
Than I would go for the questions are left, by the way Ben wrote a nice slic guide, you can find here on Apolyton the slic documention by Activion. You should also visit Locutus': Resitence is Futile page, there you find some Slic1 stuff that is also usefull for Slic2. For you others questions (unfortunatly I don't have enough time to answer them in detail): Units from CTP1 can be used in CTP2. To create sprites you need the Spritemaker available in the CTP2 and CTP1 download section of Apolyton. Unfortunatly to describe the creation process needs a little longer that my time is. If you like to create a Trojan War Scenario than do it, if you rather like to create a mod than do, don't use the scenario structure for mods, it is not bug free, use rather ModSwapper to not screw up your CTP2 installation.