I've been playing Civ 3 quite a lot lately and something strange happened the other day. After playing for about an hour my Cd-rom drive started making strange noises then my computer crashed. When I rebooted and got back to windows I tried loading Civ 3, but instead of loading I got the error message "No CD in drive". I used explorer to try to load right off the CD but instead of seeing the regular Civ 3 files on the CD all windows recognized was some single 22 kB audio file. Needless to say this was a bit strange so I took the cd out and noticed a large crack running from the inside of the cd right out to the outside. So it seems my cd is no longer gonna be in working order. My question is:
1) Does Infrogrames/Fireaxis replace cd's for a small fee (not the cost of the game itself) if I can provide all the necessary proofs of ownership.
2) Am I going to have to go down to the local EB and buy another copy?