
Originally posted by Urban Ranger on 05-19-2001 02:12 AM
"A weapon is a device for making your enemy change his mind. The mind was the first and final battleground, the stuff in between was just noise.
It seems to be that if you can cut your enemy's head off, there's no need to change his mind since you have wiped his battleground clean.
But I digress 
Please consider that quote is not mine: it come from a Lois Mc Master Bujold book where the main character is Miles Naismith, the smart, phisically handicapped admiral I use as a nick name. I added it to my signature to better fit the role.

Anyway we are speaking about commanders, and commanders are usually far enough from battleground to take low risk about having his/her head cutted off... at least not until they come back from a lost battle to their emperor
A weapon is a device for making your enemy change his mind. The mind was the first and final battleground, the stuff in between was just noise.
- Admiral Naismith