
Originally posted by Alexander's Horse on 05-20-2001 07:40 PM
Can we get back on topic? If the ai can't use stacked combat properly then the game will be ruined, at least in single player mode. It will just be too easy to wipe out ai civs. Civ I and II give no confidence that they will get it right.
You mean at one point we were on topic?
I know what your saying. But in this case, like almost every other new feature, it boils down to how good Firaxis programmed the AI. HOMM3 had pretty good AI stacks, and I see no reason why Firaxis couldn't do the same, unless they didn't try. And since we gamers put it high on our "fix-it" list, AND because I do think Firaxis is listening to us, AND because reports say that Sid wants to get this game done right, I am confident that the AI will be a worthwhile opponent.
Mostly confident.