May 16, 2001, 16:31
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Oh, I noticed the latest preview makes a refference to "lesser civilization". I am not sure, though, whether this refers merely to another, less powerful civilization or the so called "minor civ". I would assume the former is the case.
May 16, 2001, 18:24
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This is great news!!!
At least there is still hope!!!
May 16, 2001, 20:53
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May 17, 2001, 01:59
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phew! it's not set in stone, yet. at least that is good news!
May 17, 2001, 02:46
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if only you stopped to notice that up until now everybody assumed that 8 civs were done and final and now that is totally changed....
if only
Actually, "no comment" could be interpreted a million ways. There may still be only 8 civs at once. For that matter, there may only be ONE civ at once and you just play Sim Civ.
For a lot a reasons, I wouldn't rule out THAT possibility, either.
May 17, 2001, 06:14
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And then yin what would be the exact point of having military units if there was no one there to attack you?
I suppose it depends on how they have designed the engine; perhaps they have left it open to be able to implement more civs. But I would certainly like to see more than 8 sides in the game; 16 would be nice...(15 + barbarians)
May 17, 2001, 06:28
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May 17, 2001, 10:21
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Originally posted by Provost Harrison on 05-17-2001 06:14 AM
And then yin what would be the exact point of having military units if there was no one there to attack you?
I suppose it depends on how they have designed the engine; perhaps they have left it open to be able to implement more civs. But I would certainly like to see more than 8 sides in the game; 16 would be nice...(15 + barbarians)
Yes, 16 (or actually seventeen, with Barbarians?) would be the most sensible maximum, since I remember hearing the number of different civs is going to be 16... it would be a good idea just to be able to have them all in the game at the same time, if you really want to play against that many civs. However, even if the limit is 8, I am still going to buy the game and enjoy it every bit as much, although I realise it will cause many complications for those who play or design scenarios.
May 18, 2001, 05:19
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I het the impression that Firaxis is setting up for no more than 16 civs (8 major, 8 minor) in a normal game, since they probably aren't doing the facial animations for more than that.
No biggee, that. I was starting to think those facial animation things are about as exciting as the civ2 heralds ( the only multimedia perk from civ2 I ALWAYS turn off).
But I hope that it isn't a hardwired thing, and that scenario makers will be able to include a lot of civs if they wish. with or without custom designed faces to animate.
BUT, until Firaxis comes out and says something, we won't know for sure. kind of like the 2020 - 2400 endgame date.
May 18, 2001, 06:16
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Originally posted by yin26 on 05-17-2001 02:46 AM
For that matter, there may only be ONE civ at once and you just play Sim Civ.
Oh, now that you mentioned it, I hope they'll have a SimCiv scenario ;-)
I have a few times had games with the pure purpose of building an empire.
This way Sid can also utilize his new visdim from Sim Golf
Next something even less serious.
What if Firaxis had desided to have a gave with only seven civ's, but got scared of your reply and desided to take a small rethink? (Everything is possible  )
May 18, 2001, 13:32
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I just love it.
1)Firaxis doesn't know how many Civs they'll have in one game.
2)In prototype for previewers has 7 (or 8).
3)Previewers report 7 (or 8) Civs.
4)Some Apolytoners (you know who you are) go nuts.
5)Firaxis reports that it doesn't know how many Civs they'll have in one game.
6)Apolytoners claim success for getting Firaxis to change their minds.
May 18, 2001, 13:53
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Imran really puts it in perspecitive... you guys really should wait for the word from Firaxis. After all, there is no use worrying over nothing!
"Third option, third option!"
Let's have civ bonuses that YOU control!
May 18, 2001, 13:58
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I agree, we can debate all we want, but most concepts were decided months ago by Firaxis and are just being balanced now, they just haven't announced things yet, to keep our interest high.
I like debating on the topics, but I think at this point in the game development, most of our debates can come to nothing because too much work has been put into the game engine to change things too dramatically. For that reason, any debate that doesn't involve the most definitely necessary inclusion of The King, Elvis, in Civ3 is not worth getting into strong arguements over
May 18, 2001, 17:55
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Originally posted by SerapisIV on 05-18-2001 01:58 PM
For that reason, any debate that doesn't involve the most definitely necessary inclusion of The King, Elvis, in Civ3 is not worth getting into strong arguements over
Serapis, I don't remember if you should take the brown, the red or the yellow pill, but to stay safe I suggest you take one of each, and a spoon of syrup for better misure.
Come on, stop that Elvis crusade: just build temple, colosseum, church or J.S. Bach Chatedral and raise luxury, then let Elvis sleeping hidden into some old Civ 2 file.
May 18, 2001, 19:02
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Lets stay off the Elvis debate, that is happening in another thread!!! This thread is for debating on more than 7 civs!!!
May 19, 2001, 14:21
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Sorry Kull if I can think for myself and don't always go with peer pressure. Independent thinking is needed for success, but I wouldn't expect you to know that.

If you actually READ Mike's post, you'll see he refers only to the "official announcement" of how many civs "may or may not be in the game". Interpreting THAT as "Firaxis doesn't know how many" is quite a stretch, even for you.
Actually it means basically the exact same thing. There is no announcement for how many civs may or may not be in the game means that they DON'T KNOW! This is very easy, but I guess easy inferences isn't your cup of tea?

1) The "number of simultaneous civs" has been constant throughout the Civ series.
2) All the Civ3 reviewers have walked away from their previews believing that nothing has changed in that regard.
And also Civ3 is 50% done. Can you say jumping the gun? A bit premature? Although I guess you (and your significant other, by that I mean your hand) already know the meaning of premature.
If you want to run around yelling and jumping up and down like five year old children, no skin off my back, but don't think I'll stand for it.
May 19, 2001, 15:40
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Nice try Imran, but thinking is the one element which is clearly missing from all your posts. Taunting? Flaming? Ridicule? All present and accounted for. But rational thought? Sorry, just echoing silence in that arena. You've shown some evidence of maturity in the past year, but I guess old habits are hard to break.
May 19, 2001, 21:50
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Taunting? Flaming? Ridicule? All present and accounted for. But rational thought? Sorry, just echoing silence in that arena.
Oh, says Kull... but started his first post in this thread with:

Imran: Your continued belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy is quite inspiring. And thanks for sharing that last piece of mental masturbation with the rest of us.
Thank you for your hypocrisy, but maybe, when you educate yourself you can join the rest of humanity in rational thinking. Something you are sorely lacking.
Is it any coincidence that you neglected to deflect any of my points? No, because you find it easier to hit and run. Your game isn't well played though and your 'thought' or lack thereof is solely lacking.
And funny that you attempt to make an argument on maturity. Is the pot calling the kettle black? I do believe so!
May 19, 2001, 22:14
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May 19, 2001, 23:39
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Originally posted by ancient on 05-19-2001 10:14 PM
so its true magazines do just make everything up! 
Maybe, maybe not. Firaxis was never quoted in the magazines as saying so, but conversations that are the base of the previews might have made the 7/8 number. All Mike's quote said is that Firaxis wouldn't confirm the previews or make an official announcement themselves.
Wait, I saw CTP2 previews with scores above 80%, yeah you're right, they are pretty full of it.
May 20, 2001, 00:41
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Imran: Your continued belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy is quite inspiring. And thanks for sharing that last piece of mental masturbation with the rest of us.
If you actually READ Mike's post, you'll see he refers only to the "official announcement" of how many civs "may or may not be in the game". Interpreting THAT as "Firaxis doesn't know how many" is quite a stretch, even for you.
What intrigues those of us who are capable of independent thought, is this:
1) The "number of simultaneous civs" has been constant throughout the Civ series.
2) All the Civ3 reviewers have walked away from their previews believing that nothing has changed in that regard.
3) There was a mini-firestorm at Apolyton over the apparent continuation of this limit.
4) The only official comment from Firaxis (in the midst of the civ-limit uproar) is that "we haven't made a formal announcement on this yet".
So if some of us thought that was a bit suspicious, well exxxccccuuuuuuse meeeeee!!
May 20, 2001, 13:43
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May 21, 2001, 00:32
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Grumble, grumble.....losing really long posts is right near the top of my "most aggravating events" list.  The synopsis:
1) Apology to Imraan. I don't care for the tone you've displayed in EVERY post on this topic, but rolling in the gutter just gets both people dirty.
2) Imraan: Read Mike Breitkreutz' post again. Do you see the words "we don't know how many civs there will be" in there anywhere? No you don't. Which means you're guilty of exactly the same behaviour you've ridiculed in others, i.e. drawing your own non-fact-based opinions from a VERY limited set of sources.
3) Purpose of this Topic: "Tea Leaf Reading". None of us REALLY know what Firaxis is going to do (or has already done but is unwilling to own up to) with respect to "number of simultaneous civs". There are precious few facts on this subject, so it leaves a wide latitude for interpretation. The possibility that Firaxis "doesn't know" is just as valid as "Sid's dog ate the development paper containing that data".
May 21, 2001, 10:42
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Originally posted by ancient on 05-19-2001 10:14 PM
As the game currently uses SMAC engine the playable civs maybe are 7 in the versions of the game that has been showed to press.
That's a realistic possibility. I've already agreed on that point, writing about graphic map looking too dull to be the result of (more or less quoting) "12 thousand of tiles painted by Firaxis artist".
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May 26, 2001, 19:20
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I'm not sure I'll buy Civ 3 if it had only 7-8 civs per game.
To me increasing the number of civs per game is the single most important improvement.
May 26, 2001, 20:25
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Originally posted by Dr.Oogkloot
I'm not sure I'll buy Civ 3 if it had only 7-8 civs per game.
To me increasing the number of civs per game is the single most important improvement.
Even if they do release it with 7-8 civs I am still going to buy it, just because it has so many other good things to it!!!
But it would make it a PLUS if they do include more than 7 civs!!!
May 26, 2001, 20:30
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The game would just have so much more depth with more civs. Hope the make it possible.
May 26, 2001, 20:54
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Originally posted by manofthehour
The game would just have so much more depth with more civs. Hope the make it possible.
Thats what we all hope!!!
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