I made a cool map that would work nicely in this game. It does a few things to cut down b*tching. Everyone starts out on the same sized square of dirt which are just as good as any other. This ensures equal land and starts.
Everyone is on their own island, so no danger of finding someone early and wiping them out. Using this map we can make sure the sides are evenly spaced, we could have the top three islands vs. the bottom three islands with th middle one up for grabs.
Yes, this will no doubt make navy fairly important, but all islands are 3 spaces apart, so slipping an invasion force onto the next island is entirely possible even if your opponent has magellans and lighthouse.
Those islands that flank the main ones are cool places to expand to, one or two good cities can fit on each.
I think this is an awesome map for this challenge, or for any multiplayer game, I urge you try it. Or if not, then does anyone want to play me on this?
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah