/me enters room full of raucous reporters and fans.
/me takes up his place at a lectern and waits for the rapturous applause (

) to die down
Ahem. I wish to announce the War Ministry's detailed plan to finally liberate the workers of Thebes and Philadelphia from their cruel overlords. We cannot listen to their pleas any longer, thus this plan is to be put into effect immediately!
I read the statement form the Ministry:
Here I present (separately) the plans for wresting the noble cities of Thebes and Philadelphia from
their corrupt overlords, the most pungent of rulers, the Americans and Egyptians. At the end is a
combined turn-by turn account of what is to be done (mainly for the Premier's benefit).
All of this depends on how quick we want things started. We could choose not to rushbuy some or all of
these Ironclads, but that will delay us and I will mention the turns delay at each point.
First plan: Striking while the Ironclads are Hot
Turn 0 -1720 AD, where we are now (things to do before pushing "Enter" to end the turn).
-Rushbuy 'Clad 1 in Light (64g) - 2 turns to build
-Move 2 Crusaders out of Heliopolis as on my
Turn 1
-Start moving 'Clad 1 to Thebes (will arrive on 4th turn)
-Continue moving Caravel carrying Caravan and Diplomat to Thebes (will arrive on 4th turn)
-Keep moving Crusaders
Turn 2
Turn 3
-Rush 'Clad 2 in Heliopolis (46g) - 3 turns to build
Turn 4
-Move 'Clad 2 to Thebes, arrives with 1 move left
-'Clad 1 arrives at Thebes with 5 moves left
-Caravel reaches Thebes, arrives with 2 moves left.
-Caravan bedazzles Thebans with our splendour, bedazzles us with their riches.
-Superclads ATTACK - if they kill all opposition, move Crusaders into city, Diplomat disembarks from
Caravel into city
Thebes is OURS
Turn 5
-Send 'Clads 1 & 2 towards Philadelphia (arrive turn 9)
With an income of 60/turn we will have easily recouped the rushbuy cost by the time we arrive and own
Thebes. Besides, we expect massive payouts upon entering the city, so I don't see why anyone should be
worried about the rushbuys.
Second Plan: Hot Ironclads and (American) Blood
Turn 1
-Pickup second musketeer and send Caravel form NE of kIndalia
map3 (now with two musketeers)
towards Philadelphia (will arrive on turn 4)
Turn 3
-Rush 'Clad 3 in Ten Zuiden (73g) - 8 turns to build
Turn 4
-Move 'Clad 3 to Philadelphia (will arrive on turn 6)
-Disembark Musketeers as at
Turn 5
-Rush 'Clad 4 in Light (91g) - 3 turns to build
-Move Crusader from two squares NE of Heliopolis E to tundra
Turn 6
-Move 'Clad 4 to Philadelphia - arrives with 1 move left
-'Clad 3 arrives at Philadelphia with 6 moves left
-ATTACK PHILADELPHIA. If we kill everything the Crusader can take the city.
Again, only 164 gold rushbuying here, regained by our own Trade Supremo within 3 turns. Thus at the
end of 6 turns we will be at the same monetary state as before, our liberated gains and caravan goodies
not counted!
If it makes the Premier happy, he can delay the assaults on the cities until the Superclads are with
full moves, and this just delays the attack on Thebes until turn 5, and the attack on Philadelphia
until turn 7. As this is the case, our land troops do not need to be in place for another turn, thus
we can delay the Crusaders moving towards Thebes by one turn (they leave turn 1 instead of before the
end of turn 0). We could also delay the movement of the Crusader from two squares NE of Heliopolis
towards Philadelphia until turn 6.
I have looked at the other cities building 'Clads: Balsindia is 21 moves away (3 full turns of moving),
currently 10 turns from building a 'Clad; Umbra is 31 moves away (5 turns of moving away) and 6 turns
from completing a 'Clad; Ormond is 29 moves away (5 turns of moving) and 5 turns from completion. I
think we should leave these until such a time as they are needed, or build them without rushing, in
which case we send them to the front immediately.
I can't expect the unexpected... that is the Premier's job.

If anything goes awry, I expect that
allowances will be made, and if there are more defenders than we thought in either of these cities it
could delay their conquest - but hopefully that is all!
That's it here, the plan on Washington shall commence once our soldiers have been lead to glorious
victory over Thebes and Philadelphia!
For the Premier:
Turn 0 -1720 AD, where we are now (things to do before pushing "Enter" to end the turn).
-Rushbuy 'Clad 1 in Light (64g) - 2 turns to build
-Move 2 Crusaders out of Heliopolis as on my
Turn 1
-Start moving 'Clad 1 to Thebes (will arrive on 4th turn)
-Continue moving Caravel carrying Caravan and Diplomat to Thebes (will arrive on 4th turn)
-Keep moving Crusaders
-Pickup second musketeer and send Caravel from NE of kIndalia
map3 (now with two musketeers)
towards Philadelphia (will arrive on turn 4)
Turn 2
Turn 3
-Rush 'Clad 2 in Heliopolis (46g) - 3 turns to build
-Rush 'Clad 3 in Ten Zuiden (73g) - 8 turns to build
Turn 4
-Move 'Clad 2 to Thebes, arrives with 1 move left
-'Clad 1 arrives at Thebes with 5 moves left
-Caravel reaches Thebes, arrives with 2 moves left.
-Caravan bedazzles Thebans with our splendour, bedazzles us with their riches.
-Superclads ATTACK - if they kill all opposition, move Crusaders into city, Diplomat disembarks from
Caravel into city
Thebes is OURS
-Move 'Clad 3 to Philadelphia (will arrive on turn 6)
-Disembark Musketeers as at
Turn 5
-Send 'Clads 1 & 2 towards Philadelphia (arrive turn 9)
-Rush 'Clad 4 in Light (91g) - 3 turns to build
-Move Crusader from two squares NE of Heliopolis E to tundra
Turn 6
-Move 'Clad 4 to Philadelphia - arrives with 1 move left
-'Clad 3 arrives at Philadelphia with 6 moves left
-ATTACK PHILADELPHIA. If we kill everything the Crusader can take the city.
-Change course of 'Clads 1 & 2 to Washington if Philadelphia is ours!
That is all. Discuss, cross-check etc. But above all don't be too negative. You won't BELIEVE how much time this took.
Minister of WAR, not peace.
Stupid capitalist ba*tards thought they could take my smiley.

But I got my damn smiley back.
/me shakes his fist