June 9, 2002, 06:28
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The Cult of the Rising Sun
Tokugawa looked at the city, looked at the vast mountains on either side and the chilly river to the west. He was proud. The first spearman was nearing completion and soon the japanese people would develop their own written language around the alphabet they had developed. Things were going well.
As he stood in the middle of the garden in Kyoto's stone temple contemplating the rising sun he heard footsteps. All of the temples his people had built faced the east so as to greet the sun his people worshipped. He looked away from the sun's radience to see his millitary advisor, garbed in his linen robe.
"Sir, may i have a word with you?"
"If it is important, i was talking with Sol"The people beleived that he alone posessed the ability to commune wuth the sun god.
"It is Shogun, our forces are poised, shall i send the messengers with the order?"
"Do so, the heathen French will box us in if we do not."
There was dirt.
Dirt of all descriptions, wet, dusty anything. and he had to march through it.
Yamamoto hated the dirt, he cursed at it as his bow hung limply from his side. His commander came to him.
"March faster, you cannot fall behind the others, we must take Lyons."
Yamamoto grunted, he was in no mood to be reprimanded. he did however speed up, he was fascinated by these pale, odd creatures. he hoped that he could capture one to study, almost as a pet.
he snapped himself out of that daydream. They are people too, he thought. Suddenly a cry came from the Charioteers in the front line. Lyons was near.
The laborer placed another brick down delicately. as his father had, and even his fathers. One day, it was said, this would be a great monument to the japanese people. in his grandfathers day they had lauged at the thought, even revolted when Osaka was chosen, although they said cursed in those days, to bear the burden of the construction of a Great Wonder. Now Sonie carried the load happily, he was part of something greater. Sol had dictated that his people construct this and who was he to argue with the emperor or Sol?
More might come, feedback is appreciated.
June 9, 2002, 15:10
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June 9, 2002, 15:22
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I won't i swear.
June 11, 2002, 00:55
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June 11, 2002, 11:36
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Excellent start Skilord
P.S. PLEEEEEEEZE update the map for SNESA3
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
June 22, 2002, 19:13
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I'm back and will write more soon. It is more intense than anything else i've written yret.
June 22, 2002, 19:49
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I'm back and will write more soon. It is more intense than anything else i've written yet. I actually have recognisable characters. I think it's awesome but i'lll leve that for you to choose later.
June 23, 2002, 20:30
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Chapter Two: Casus Pax
The Battle raged. Amid the beautiful French landscape the spearmen hurled their weapons and the chariots wheeled madly, feinting to the left, destroying to the right. They hurtled at amazing speeds and thrusting their own spears in front of them. Blood was everywhere. War, whether it be percision helicopter strikes or the crude hurling of spears creats a lot of blood. Yamamoto was even bloodied, although he stood a distance off with the other archers, prepared to pepper the feild of combat with their arrows should the spearmen show th slightest sign of victory.They wanted the action but still cheered feircely for their brethren as they battled to the death with the valient, and yet pitifully outnumbered spearmen. Yamamoto saw the french standard fall and the colorbearer of Japan rushed over to finish the job. The French spirit faltered as their flag burned in the sky above them. Smoke rushing up to greet the sun.
* * *
The Raven landed on it's perch. It had become fashionable in international diplomacy to select a bird as the messanger of one's nation. Togukawa smiled, the Raven was french.
Said the Raven,"I am here to offer you peace."
"Peace on my terms is the only acceptable form,"he replied. Hours of Diplomacy followed, but in the end France surrendered much gold and several technologies to ressurect peace between the rival nations.
"We will fight no more?"Togukawa asked the dark bird.
Quoth the Raven,"Nevermore."
* * *
The french Girls had been surprisingly welcoming, Yamamoto thought. He looked next to him at a particularly gorgeous example of frenchhood. Amelia hadn't left his side since they had met. She had shown him several things that french and japanese girls had in common, although she was far more inventive than any japanese girl he had ever met.
"You know,"he said turning to her,"Your really something special."
"I do,"She said her brown eyes sparkling as she leaned over to kiss him. It had been a long day, marching into Lyons, preparing for an assault on Paris, when word of the peace came through the soldiers had been granted some R&R. Most had immediately headed for places of ill reputebut he had walked out to discover more about these fascinating, pale, people. Amelia had been staring back, unlike most of her countrimen she had been fascinated rather than terrified.They had stared at each other closely, waiting for the other to do something untuil she broke the atmosphere by leaning over to kiss him. That had been the first in a long line of experiments that had exhausted Yamamoto in every way imaginable. He had to report to base now though, he turned to her.
"You can go home?"he asked in his broken french.
"Promise to come back?"she asked. when he nodded she smiled, brushing her dark hair out of her face and bouncing off into the street, leaving him staring behind.
* * *
The American Osterich bounded across the feild grinning in it's odd fashion. it loved flexing the american muscle.
Remarks? Comments? Praise?
July 4, 2002, 11:44
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He looked at the huge bird before him. Togukawa was not a tall man and the bird stood over him, looking down and making a hilarious demend.
"So if the Japanese people fail to deliver Gold and technology you will declare war?"
the bird sqwuaked a yes.
"His features changed completelyy, this bird was serious. his face turned red and his cheeks puffed out as he furiously screamed at the fowl creature.
The bird tried desperately to bury it's head in the marble floor. It was moving at tremendous speeds and after it was done slamming it's head to the floor it passed out with a thud.
They were moving out, he hated to say goodbye to Amelia but he had to. She chased the caravan after their hands had parted, sobbing all the way. He looked to his commander.
"Your Bows are antiques"The man said, passing out longer bows with sturdier arrows and a tighter string. "These longbows are costing your government a lot of money so you had best respect them. we will be providing support for the Samuri invasion force, our first target is Houston, then we will Move all the way to Boston, cutting a swath through the American farms and roads and setting fire to their mines. Understand?"
The troops nodded.
The slave tiptoed through the dark corridor, venturing to the next source of light, keeping Master's next meal safe from the spiders and rats of the subterranean level of the villa. He laughed, if master caught a rat in his mansion he would torture it as vigorously as he would a slave caught up there. He would also kill the rat, not the slaves because that would be too illegal, although the torture was also techically beyond the relm of law abiding citizens, as was gambling which he knew that Master had his pudgy hands in.
Tojo laughed, a few feet above as the slave used a dumbwaiter to hoist the meal to him, he wiped his greasy hands on his gigantic stomache.
"I've never bet on a war before, it is an interesting idea."
The slim, intimidated man replied,"Well..... uhhh can i expect Uhhh.... maybe a ...... reward for the idea?"
"Of course," the large man smiled, "Just meet my butler here at the dock tonight, he will have your reward."
Police cheif Sato marched over to the huddled group of officers as waves hurled themselves futilely against the dock.
"It isn't pretty sir,"One of the officers said, moving out of the way.
The bloated corpse had been beaten and drowned. The skin was blueish. He had been here for a while. Sato almost threw up. It was a signature killing of a specific crimelord, he couldn't remember his name though it was a particularly sadistic one.
"Awful, find out who he had been dealing with in the past couple of weeks."
"Yes sir"
July 5, 2002, 08:22
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That was quite a good read
July 7, 2002, 17:18
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July 7, 2002, 20:55
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Disgrace of an Empire
WARNING this is a dark chapter it gets worse for our heroes though. This warning might be needless, better safe than sorry.
When the messanger had reported that the samuri were gone commands had come down the line from the general in charge of Operation Hurricane had decided to hold back his Longbowmen to maintain Japanese control in the area until reinforcements had arrived. The CO of the Archers however felt that discretion was not in fact the greater part of valor. They were on the march, approaching the beleugered pikemen of the city.
'Sir."The gaurdsman said, bursting into Sato's office, "we got a lead on that murder case."
"Excellent, what is it."
"The victim had been seen leaving the villa of a crimelord by the name of Tojo. He's the man to see if you want something to do with gambling or the arts of chance he also is less widely known as a dealer of women. The killing type is signature of his and he has been tried twice in the republic's courts for slave abuse."
"Could we get a man into his villa to scope things out?"
"Nope, his slaves carry stuff to him through a series of tunnels underneath the mansion if their caught above them..."he trailed off making a gesture as though he was slitting his throat with his thumb. "We'd get no information there."
"What about at his Casino?"
"It's out to sea. We haven't found it yet."
"Well find it!"The Police cheif shouted.
The first salvo had been flaming arrows. this had confounded the already wounded Americans and when the salvos became randomly interspersed flaming and not they were confused. In the desparation of battle they began to hurl their pikes at the distant foe. The Japanese longbows carried 120 pounds of force and meant that the longbowmen were beefier types. Almost the same had been true of the original bows so training with the new bows hadn't been difficult.
He should have seen the pike. He had seen it, just not responded. He stood their mystified as it came hurtling down at him. Moments later he looked down at his right leg.
That's not a natural angle.
he woke up and walked through the cities of the burning town. American women lay there as japanese soldiers lined up to disgrace them. Men were killed, their goods kept by the soldiers, their wives and daughters.....
he felt dirty, disgusted these were not men but pigs. He hated that he had been placed in this unit. When soldiers offered him wine he declined, he knew it was stolen.
He looked to the sun, risining the east to survey the works of his soldiers.
"Forgive them,"he begged warning it of what it was to see.
Another man intoned those words to the sun in the Japanese city of Osaka, entering the bar filled with gamblers and cutthroats. Gaurdsman Nigumi entered the smokey room, looking around, finding a man with a tatoo depicting the ace of spades. The sign of Tojo's gang. There's my man, the officer thought. he strode up confidently to the man, introducing himself as being reffered to them from a small time customer, a 'freind' of his.
"What can i put my money on?" he asked.
July 7, 2002, 21:28
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I don't like the stuff about torturing rats; but the rest is good.  Looking forward to seeing what happens.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
July 8, 2002, 09:39
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Trying to characterise Tojo (here) as a real slimeball.
July 11, 2002, 10:29
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Chapter 5: Noontime Judgement
They marched solemnly towards the knights under the cover of the clouds, Sol wept in disgrace at his chosen people.
Yamamoto felt his sadness. He knew the rain was a bad omen they were destined to loose this battle. He knew it. the Pikemen would hold Houston though, they were some great guys who had frowned upon the Longbowmen's evil as well, he had been with them instead of his own unit since they arrived. The Twelfth Protectors were a great bunch of guys.
The boat rocked back and forth under Nigumi, it's immense sides being pushed gently by the gently waves.
"So this is the biggest gambling house in Japan?" he asked. The boat was full of poker games and blackjack tables, a series of blackboards displayed the odds for all the bets that were on today. He placed a few coins on the table," 30 gold on the Thunder."
He was betting on the futbol match later that day, the thunder were the best team in the nation so his odds weren't very good, he had less chance of loosing the departments money, they had been clear that he was to spend as little of it as possible, the preist to give him the holy granting had cost enough. Gambling was a deadly sin as far as Sol was concerned. He needed the granting so that he didn't spend his afterlife in the icey crevice of Shra-Kallli, the japanese hell. he spent a couple of hours just sitting at the bar memorising details about the casino. The boat from the mainland came with the most recent scores. the Thunder had lost. He cursed and made his way to the ferry, to touch dry land again.
This was disgraceful, the others hadn't been able to hurt the kights at all and were being slaughtered en masse. He pulled back his bow and launched an arrow.
It occured to him that he was the only faithful one left.
He threw his bow down.
He marched away, back to reims.
July 11, 2002, 18:55
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how is it?
October 7, 2002, 20:15
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I am ressurecting this story, it was always fun to write.
October 8, 2002, 13:12
Local Time: 03:13
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Glad to hear it this forum needs more stories,I had some of this before my only complaint albeit a very small one is that I found it hard to follow with all the jumping to and fro.I do hope Yamamoto doesnt get courtmartialled.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
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