Just debated for about an hour over many topics, though mainly between me and tassadar over science. Other topics include what civ to choose and some politics (though i edited it to remove the unimportant stuff, including some of the political alliance formations (in sum ninot and timeline allied themselves, though didn't join, the AAACC3/imperialist party)):
22:50:44 [Tassadar5000] civman
22:50:48 [civman2000] hi
22:50:49 [Timeline] your compition is here.....tassadar, do i smell a debate coming on?
22:51:26 [civman2000] lol, i saw a few demo gamers here and figured there was an unofficial mini-demo-chat
22:51:30 [Ninot] ooh, a debate? that could be interesting
22:52:20 [civman2000] so what should we debate about
22:52:31 [Dragoon_6th] i like debates only when i win
22:52:45 [civman2000] me too...i'm a relentless debater
22:53:10 [civman2000] i argue until i win or i realize that i thought the other side was saying something else...
22:53:29 [civman2000] but i never cave in and agree with what i originally disagreed about
22:54:02 [civman2000] usually i win because the other side doenst care enough to keep arguing
22:54:19 [Timeline] civman, why do you think you should get my vote in the election?
22:55:51 [civman2000] vote for me and vote for deatiled choices!
22:56:11 [Tassadar5000] Can you back that arguement up?
22:56:31 [civman2000] how am i supposed to do that?
22:56:37 [Ninot] civman, your science?
22:56:42 [Tassadar5000] I dunno, what do you mean by "detailed choices"
22:56:51 [civman2000] that's what i promise, it's not like i have to prove it!
22:57:18 [Ninot] i have a question for the candidates!
22:57:24 [civman2000] let me find a link...i ran for sci advisor in the civ2 game in june, i'll find my more detailed promises
22:57:26 [Tassadar5000] ask
22:59:26 [civman2000]
22:59:29 [Tassadar5000] I'm not sure timeline. i agree with Trip a lot, but I dont agree with Expansion and Military
22:59:35 [civman2000] my promises in the civ2 game
22:59:49 [Timeline] LOL CIVMAN< YOU LOST?!
23:00:28 [civman2000] i was the only person who got close to deeating an incumbent that month though
23:00:37 [Ninot] ok.. i am in the anti-party party.. so im gonna do a write in vote.. and put in "Guest"
23:01:04 [civman2000] ixnay put about 5 hours into his very last report, even though his earlier ones werent too great
23:03:02 [Tassadar5000] Civ, you haven't given any good reasons on why people should vote for you (er....i'm hungry right now, so i might not make sense. its a geek thing)
23:03:12 [Ninot] hey Civman2000, i gota two part question
23:03:32 [Ninot] its slightly selfish.. actually, only one part
23:03:55 [Ninot] does your party support either of the candidates in the foreign minister race?
23:05:19 [Tassadar5000] Any questions for me?
23:05:26 [civman2000] no official party position, but iu support ninot
23:05:26 [Timeline] Trip, does the imperialist party support anyone in the city planning or foriegn minister race?
23:05:30 [Ninot] does your party support either of the candidates in the foreign ministry race?
23:05:34 [civman2000] the other gy's too agressive
23:06:07 [Ninot] well, i can't reveal my science advisor vote yet, cuz your both here.. and i cant say ill vote for both of ya with both of ya here, rofl
23:06:26 [Timeline] city planner: Myself, Sir Ralph, and some other guys thats a settler
23:07:05 [Tassadar5000] Anyway....Civman, why do you believe you'd be better at the job than I am (beware, lag is happening with me again.)
23:07:07 [Ninot] Turambar is my oponent Trip
23:07:12 [Timeline] so trip, I would be very interest in your party leanings
23:07:33 [Trip] I have my own party, is that leaning?
23:08:41 [Ninot] see, i support the Imperialists, but i dont wanna join anything till the game starts.. sorry
23:08:41 [civman2000] tassadar: look at that link:
23:09:08 [Timeline] yea i am same as ninot, i support the imperialists.....
23:09:10 [civman2000] my promises before, pretty much the same now. Look in the debate thread for more
23:09:38 [Trip] it appears as though the election will be held tomorrow evening
23:09:40 [Timeline] by electing me, you would be electing someone who will help and support your agenda...timeline, just what the doc ordered
23:10:03 [Tassadar5000] Um, you lost that Civman. And, you believe your better than me because you'll always have three techs?
23:10:07 [Ninot] yeah Civman.. but i prefer to type imperialists than AAACC3.. imperial is a natural thing for me to type
23:10:32 [civman2000] tassadar, that's just specifics
23:10:47 [Ninot] well, right now, it looks like your views are pretty much along the same lines as mine as concerning how we should play the game
23:10:55 [Ninot] that and i like many of your candidates
23:10:59 [civman2000] the basic idea is that i always make sure the prez knows exactly what tto do, and guide the people in choosing the best techs
23:11:33 [civman2000] in my experience in the civ2 game, the candidates rarely differ very much in their ideas for the game
23:11:48 [Tassadar5000] I've already said that (in many more words) in the Science Advisor thread. So again, why do you think youd be better?
23:11:48 [Timeline] i will support the imperialists because in my task of city planning, i will ensure our cities are ready to make you look like an effective, competant leader
23:12:28 [Timeline] we will be prepared for battle if neseccary and science will be moved along to make us an advanced nation
23:12:33 [Ninot] but, in civ3, i will bet there might be folk who take over who abhore war enough to just sit back and gain culture..
23:12:51 [civman2000] In all my experience playing civ, science has always been my top priority
23:13:03 [Trip] Those who support me me in the first administration will be pleasantly rewarded when my coup overthrows the government and installs a dictatorship
23:13:15 [Timeline] science would also be my top priority.......
23:13:19 [civman2000] as a result, i have gained much experitse in scientific excellence!
23:13:44 [Timeline] and tassadar, if i am elected city planner, i will boost our commerce output to the maxim possible, same for you civman
23:14:08 [Tassadar5000] As I think I have already proven, I like to sit down and really think about things including science. I've never lost a game due to science. Timeline, thats a good thing
23:14:19 [civman2000] science can aid our military and keep it competitive, but after the early game and except during wartime it should focus on culture/wonders
23:15:10 [civman2000] nor have i. I almost always make keeping my tech lead the top priority
23:15:12 [Tassadar5000] Civ: Yes I agree, In the very beginning focusing on Defense is prudent, and then culture and science, with offense coming last
23:16:07 [civman2000] oonce i have a comfortable lead of 2-3, i will sell them for luxuries/treaties and then sell to everyone else, but I still try to keep the lead at almost all costs
23:16:35 [Ninot] well, ok.. a tech like radio, would you be willing to sell that pretty quickly?
23:16:45 [Timeline] i am sure ninot knows that if he sells techs, you must sell them to every civ cause they trade next turn?
23:17:07 [Trip] what if we don't get a tech lead ever
23:17:17 [civman2000] sure! Definitely, with no hesitation unless it will advnace the other civs an era
23:17:29 [Trip] if we're going to be playing on a harder difficulty level, ala Diety, chances are that we may never get ahead
23:17:33 [Tassadar5000] You sell when you have a lead of 2-3? That's risky, especially consdering that the civilizations trade with each other every turn. I try to wait until a significant lead, or until an emergency arises
23:17:57 [civman2000] hmmm...i usually play on regent, sometimes on manoarch
23:17:59 [Timeline] we wont be playing on diety
23:17:59 [Trip] Tass, the AI usually catches up anyways
23:17:59 [Ninot] ack.. dont tell me that
23:18:13 [Trip] unless you're surrounded by isolated civs, then I suggest selling them
23:18:23 [Ninot] anyways.. yeah, i know about the tech trading, i would be sure to get as much as possible for everything i trade
23:18:28 [civman2000] tassadar: i dont sell immediately. I sell if i need money or when my lux trades/RoPs, etc, expoire
23:18:28 [Trip] oterwise, we won't get anything for them, and the AI will quickly catch up anyways
23:18:44 [Tassadar5000] Trip: The AI will catch up to you no matter what. But trading the techs only makes them come faster. Oh ok Civman, I misunderstood.
23:18:58 [Timeline] trip, question: (if you dont answer i am voting for the settler: how much do you value early exploration?
23:19:02 [Trip] yes, but you can at least get something out of it
23:19:27 [Trip] exploration of the immediate area where you plan to build cities is important
23:19:37 [civman2000] i think exploration should be very high priority, that's why i prefer expansionist
23:19:40 [Tassadar5000] Sometimes selling a tech to a civ can suddenly give them a small boost in research. Ive seen it happen.
23:19:47 [Timeline] ok, what about getting contact with as many other civs as [possible?
23:19:57 [Trip] but until you establish a firm infrastructure, anything other than that (aside from sending out a lone warrior to do his will) is best to wait for
23:20:10 [Trip] contact is always good
23:20:19 [Trip] trading techs early is important
23:20:34 [civman2000] but if we discover a new continent how important is it to contact everyone
23:20:35 [Trip] send out a lone warrior or two to search for civs
23:20:36 [Tassadar5000] Early, yes. But when you start getting industrial, etc...I would disagree.
23:20:46 [Timeline] contact is vital for wonders like the great library, which i am sure civman and tassadar are very interested in
23:20:47 [Trip] depends on what part of the game you mean
23:20:51 [civman2000] it can be very expensive or time consuming
23:21:34 [Timeline] yes but it [Great Library] only benefits you from civs you have discovered
23:21:36 [Trip] we COULD go straight to literacy
23:21:38 [civman2000] but the problem is it can only last for a few techs before becoming obselete...
23:21:44 [Trip] and start building the pyramids in one city from the get-go
23:21:51 [Timeline] so, contact with many civs is important for this wonder
23:22:01 [Trip] it becomes obsolete with what? electricity? education?
23:22:05 [civman2000] Trip: I usually do (after geting the military essentials), and just trade/buy the rest
23:22:07 [Tassadar5000] But during the time it gives you those techs...
23:22:17 [civman2000] education
23:22:33 [Trip] I think it was electricity in 2, that's what I'm thinking of
23:22:33 [Ninot] well if we get one city built to pump out settlers, and have the capitol building the pyramids, that could work
23:22:51 [Tassadar5000] But sometimes if your lucky, the computer decides to research all techs but education until it has to. But that hardly ever happens to me
23:23:02 [Trip] I think if we want any chance at the GL, we'll have to go straight for literacy, and start building the Pyramids VERY early
23:23:29 [Tassadar5000] What civ are we being again? Egypt?
23:23:39 [Trip] most likely
23:23:40 [Timeline] why do you value paramids so highly, its just part of your militaristic play style isnt it?
23:23:41 [civman2000] trip: well i say it's worth it!
23:23:41 [Ninot] probably
23:23:43 [Trip] that or babylon
23:24:01 [civman2000] pyramids is to just build up shields
23:24:05 [Ninot] well, i value the pyramids because if we get literacy before they are finnished, its an easy switch to GL
23:24:12 [Timeline] gotta go vote babylon
23:24:28 [Ninot] i voted Rome!
23:24:29 [Tassadar5000] TImeline! Vote egypt, not babylon!
23:24:37 [civman2000] i like iroqs...
23:24:55 [Timeline] no...babylon scientific civ man! (dont know if egypt is?)
23:24:59 [civman2000] and babs too...
23:25:17 [Trip] egypt is what, industrious and religious?
23:25:18 [Tassadar5000] Egypt is industrious. It allows us to complete things faster
23:25:24 [Timeline] religious, only 1 turn anarchy drool
23:25:28 [Tassadar5000] yes trip.
23:25:42 [civman2000] i like both, but the iroqs can give you an even bigger tech lead on a pangea map...
23:25:52 [Trip] later on Tass
23:25:57 [civman2000] religious is top priority
23:25:58 [Trip] once city size > 12
23:26:04 [Timeline] indy gets you faster settlers too right?
23:26:12 [Timeline] that could go along well with city planing........
23:26:18 [Tassadar5000] yeah, getting a city size 12 isnt too difficult.
23:26:19 [Timeline] i mean faster workers agh
23:26:25 [Ninot] uhh, faster workers, yeah
23:26:26 [Tassadar5000] and the workers are a nice bonus as well
23:26:29 [civman2000] yep
23:26:46 [civman2000] yeah, if only we could have every bonus...
23:26:48 [Trip] let's hope we don't get stuck in the middle of a jungle O_o
23:26:56 [Timeline] ok.....sigh, i shall follow my comrades
23:27:00 [Timeline] my god be with us
23:27:00 [civman2000] i made a mod where every civ had every bonus and every uu
23:27:02 [Trip] we should make our own uber-civ
23:27:31 [civman2000] tthe uus didnt make golden ages and it turned out you needed to appease all 6 bonuses to get a ga
23:27:57 [civman2000] only differences between civs were starting techs
23:28:25 [civman2000] that made india (i think, commercial and religious, right) the best
23:29:58 [Tassadar5000] This isnt much of a debate, is it Civman?
23:30:50 [civman2000] the debate was good
23:31:02 [civman2000] we just agree a lot
23:31:15 [Timeline] well you have me both thinking, out of all the ministarial positions, science is gonna be the hardest to decide
23:31:18 [civman2000] that's the problem...
23:31:21 [Tassadar5000] Civman, what are your few starting techs
23:32:45 [civman2000] starting techs: bronze and iron working, warrior code, alphabet, writing
23:33:57 [Tassadar5000] Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial, Alphabet, Writing, Literature.
23:37:11 [civman2000] oh in the top techs i forgot cermeonial burial...it's been months since i wasnt religious
23:37:33 [Tassadar5000] Civman, just being prepared for everything.
23:37:53 [Tassadar5000] i'm always religious when I choose someone, unless i'm persia.
23:38:21 [civman2000] yeah, persia rules too...everything about them except not being religious
23:46:47 [Tassadar5000] Civman: I understand why you start with Bronze Working. But why Iron Working, and then why WARRIOR CODE?
23:47:02 [civman2000] that wasnt in order, that was just a list
23:47:32 [Tassadar5000] Then what order do you predict it will be in?
23:48:18 [civman2000] bronze working, warrior code, iron working, alphabet (if we havent traded for it yet), writing...
23:48:50 [civman2000] then maybe literature...
23:48:50 [Tassadar5000] And that may change due to unforseen circumstances, of course. But why warrior code?
23:49:04 [civman2000] i'm not sure
23:49:21 [Space05us] cheap offensive units
23:49:24 [civman2000] usually i'll have traded for it or found it in a hut by that time...
23:51:41 [Tassadar5000] Civman, in your long term plans, what are you placing emphasis on?
23:52:06 [civman2000] too far off
23:52:16 [civman2000] i'm worrying about the first term for now
23:52:45 [civman2000] but in the middle ages get all those wonders from unneeded techs asap, if our science is secured by then
23:52:51 [Tassadar5000] Er, let me rephrase that. What are your plans for after the middle ages (assuming we get there fairly quickly)
23:53:34 [civman2000] feudalism-chivalry-engineering-invention-gunpowder
23:53:48 [civman2000] trade/buy for montheism and theology
23:53:59 [civman2000] past there i cant say
23:54:25 [Tassadar5000] Hmm...In my experience, you just named the techs that the computer researches first. (Deud, Chiv, Engine, Invention, Gun)
23:54:59 [civman2000] well, the ai is smart and goes for the good techs!
23:55:16 [civman2000] but you can always get monotheism out of all the sicentific civs...