June 10, 2002, 05:30
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Played my last game
Well I just finished what I think will be my last game of Civ III. I achieved my goal of scoring 5000 on Emp and it just takes too much time away while I'm trying to finish a Ph.D.
I gotta say that it was pretty fun and well worth it for the most part with the exception of a few annoyances. Even with this latest 1.21 version I still have mech inf killing my workers walking through my cities. The occasional crash when going to the advisors pissed me off a few times. And the AIs inability to even remotely stage a strategic attack or challenge left me wishing for human competition.
Thanks for the fun Firaxis. Looking forward to a future Civ in a few years with an advanced AI and a full range of MP ability.
Over and Out,
June 10, 2002, 06:59
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But you won´t stop visiting Poly, will you?
June 10, 2002, 07:55
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Come on, PTW is almost here...
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
June 10, 2002, 08:09
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Good luck with your Ph.D, and keep on civving afterwards, even if you do have to dig very deep into the bargain bins to find PTW.
June 10, 2002, 08:25
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Good luck bro... don't let that terrible AI drive you away
June 10, 2002, 09:32
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Thanks! Yeah I'm going to keep visiting here.  This is one of the best gaming and forum sites I've seen anywhere and it's fun. I'm following the MOO3 development closely, and there's a good forum for that here too. Take care everyone and do me a favor: if you happen to have the Russians in your next game....TAKE THEM OUT FIRST! Catherine has been a royal PITA in every civIII encounter, and she deserves a beat-down!
...a little bit of last revenge for all my troubles with her
happy civving
June 10, 2002, 10:43
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Re: Played my last game
Originally posted by Apolex
I still have mech inf killing my workers walking through my cities.
ok, I give up. No one at Firaxis has been able to reproduce this bug, and I cannot seem to find anywhere in the code where you would attack your own units, but I have just seen this comment too many times to believe that it wasn't true. So... does anyone have a saved game (with instructions) to replicate this bug? I would greatly appreciate it...
June 10, 2002, 10:54
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Re: Re: Played my last game
Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis
ok, I give up. No one at Firaxis has been able to reproduce this bug, and I cannot seem to find anywhere in the code where you would attack your own units, but I have just seen this comment too many times to believe that it wasn't true. So... does anyone have a saved game (with instructions) to replicate this bug? I would greatly appreciate it...
I don't have a save in which it's occurring, but if no one else provides one I think I can recreate it from an early save of a game in which it eventually happened in several of my cities. The automated workers started acting weird in that game as well. A bunch of them gathered in a desert and just stood there. I figured it was Area 57 or something.
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
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June 10, 2002, 11:16
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(That's Area "51" not Area 57)
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
June 10, 2002, 11:20
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Maybe Area 57 is even more secret and until now not known to anybody!
June 10, 2002, 12:01
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Originally posted by Jaybe
(That's Area "51" not Area 57)
I thought that looked wrong, but instead of an edit I'll go with Dr. Stiby's theory.
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
June 10, 2002, 12:05
Local Time: 21:16
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Car 57! Where are you?
"We are out in the desert. There are some idiotic workers just standing around out here."
Well, bring them in.
"They don't want to come in. They say that they are just following their programming."
Well, get rough with them.
"Okay, we will attack!"
For those not old as the hills, Car 57 was a tv show about some idiotic cops.
June 10, 2002, 12:08
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Soren, it probably only happens for people who've messed up their game by installing a mod. Your code is probably fine. It's just that it's not robust (i.e. has bugs) when parameters are changed in the editor.
(Just a guess).
June 10, 2002, 12:13
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Sorry GP, I have had my workers attacked by my own defenders before I installed any mod or changed it in any way. If I come across it again, I'll post a save.
Lime roots and treachery!
"Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten
June 10, 2002, 12:21
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This "friendly fire" bug happened to me again in this last game I just finished. It always seems to start once I have upgraded to Mech Inf. It begins by me noticing that one of my cities doesn't show a unit protecting it even though there is a Mech Inf in there. If one of my workers or any of my units try to move through that city it is killed. In fact one of my workers moving through such a city produced a great leader after my Elite mech inf killed it!
After reloading from the autosave after this starts, the problem disappears. But it seems to reappear later and in different cities. I have not yet found the common denominator for these cities going screwy, except that they all have a mech inf in them.
I am absolutely certain that I have v1.21 installed and started all my new games with it. Wish I could give you a save game, but this ghost bug disappears upon reload. Someone could take a screen shot while it's happening if you need further proof. I'm personally retired for now.
June 10, 2002, 12:29
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Originally posted by Apolex
In fact one of my workers moving through such a city produced a great leader after my Elite mech inf killed it!
I produced two great leaders in one game this way. Glad to see it happened to someone else; I was met with disbelief and "hoax" accusations (in another thread) when I reported it before.
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
June 10, 2002, 12:32
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Lol @ Jimmytrick! Yeah I had the same thing happen with my workers in the same game (about the same time the ghost bug started happening). Even though there was pollution and stuff to do everywhere, I had a bunch of Shift-A'd workers just standing around in a desert square waiting for the aliens to beam them up or something. I wonder if the bugs are connected?
Stuie it's funny you should joke about Area 51 b/c I renamed the city next to that desert square "Roswell" after these workers just kept standing around there staring at the sky.
June 10, 2002, 12:55
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"And the AIs inability to even remotely stage a strategic attack or challenge left me wishing for human competition."
Yup, that's the quote of the month and it will eventually apply to all of us. The game is a very good one that can hold for a long time the attention even of very old fogies who remember car 54 fondly. (Wait until your own grandchildren tell you what they think of Friends.)
I have plenty of time to play despite the fact that I can't even remember the title of my PhD thesis anymore. Eventually, however, you begin to win every time you don't get a bad start, even on high difficulty levels. On Saturday, friend Lincoln blew a tech lead by researching recycling. Then he got pissed and demanded nuclear power. Not getting it, he attacked with a huge stack of mech infantry and some modern armor-- but too late. What was he thinking? AI end game strategy needs work to make it worthwhile to spend the time to play the game to the end.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
June 10, 2002, 14:18
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It was Car 54? LMAO!
June 10, 2002, 15:52
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They have Ph.D.'s at Rocky Top? What are you studying? Advanced steroids?
June 10, 2002, 16:51
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Re: Re: Played my last game
Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis
ok, I give up. No one at Firaxis has been able to reproduce this bug, and I cannot seem to find anywhere in the code where you would attack your own units, but I have just seen this comment too many times to believe that it wasn't true. So... does anyone have a saved game (with instructions) to replicate this bug? I would greatly appreciate it...
i may have a little more info. i had this happen with a city but the city was created in an odd way. it was created from a goody hut. the hut was popped when my cultural borders expanded (not hit by a unit) and the city just popped into existence. the city screen didn't even pop up. and the city had a defender, too. i didn't think much of it at first. but i brought some workers over to the new city (it was alone on a small island) and started to work. when they finished i moved them in a stack to the city where a transport was waiting and boom... they were all knocked dead by the defender. i looked inside the city and i think the defender was labeled barbarian. but i was able to sell it off and build a new one and continue.
sorry i have no save game for this. but as a developer myself, i know the more info you have, the easier to locate them nasty critters hiding in the tall grass code. love the game (my daughter misses the spanish!) and thanks for paying attention to the players.
"craven a go choke puppy"
June 10, 2002, 17:23
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Re: Re: Re: Played my last game
Originally posted by eewolf
i may have a little more info. i had this happen with a city but the city was created in an odd way. it was created from a goody hut. the hut was popped when my cultural borders expanded (not hit by a unit) and the city just popped into existence. the city screen didn't even pop up. and the city had a defender, too. i didn't think much of it at first. but i brought some workers over to the new city (it was alone on a small island) and started to work. when they finished i moved them in a stack to the city where a transport was waiting and boom... they were all knocked dead by the defender. i looked inside the city and i think the defender was labeled barbarian. but i was able to sell it off and build a new one and continue.
sorry i have no save game for this. but as a developer myself, i know the more info you have, the easier to locate them nasty critters hiding in the tall grass code. love the game (my daughter misses the spanish!) and thanks for paying attention to the players.
thank you!
June 10, 2002, 18:31
Local Time: 04:16
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Re: Re: Played my last game
Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis
ok, I give up. No one at Firaxis has been able to reproduce this bug, and I cannot seem to find anywhere in the code where you would attack your own units, but I have just seen this comment too many times to believe that it wasn't true. So... does anyone have a saved game (with instructions) to replicate this bug? I would greatly appreciate it...
hi ,
Soren , there where a couple mailed to infogrames , however , this is like talking to a stone wall , ....
there are several people who have problems with this or that , and they could be intresting , maybe , like you show here you want to see all these SAV(e's) , but then again , if people started to do so , in large numbers , would this not be a problem for you , and / or firaxis , ...
have a nice day
June 11, 2002, 11:05
Local Time: 18:16
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I've played my last game more times than I can remember. But I'm just so addicted I even gave up my daily heroin habit so I could free up more time.
June 11, 2002, 13:42
Local Time: 04:16
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I definately have to start playing more Civ. I have seen none of these bugs, crashes, whatever.
But then again...I only play about 3 hours per day. so maybe I'm not hardcore enough
Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark
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