May 24, 2003, 08:24
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Originally posted by El Awrence
Kobra, what's your email? Japan would like to discuss this issue with Britain.
If you mean what I think you mean, I'd like to see what good your ships can do against Manila's coastal guns.
Originally posted by Kobra
What is the Russian, French and Japanese stand on this?
I won't speak for them, but German influence over the Ottoman Empire was a major tenet of the Prusso-Russian alliance, so I'm guessing he would back me on this.
As for France I don't know, since we haven't communicated much, but we are allied, and they have no love for the British. Furthermore none of us fear you.
Originally posted by Kobra
Will you be loyal allies or will you use common sense?
Speaking of 'loyal allies', I highly doubt the United States will sacrifice thousonds of their sons so that Britain can rape a few more imperial possessions (more specifically, the German Foreign Ministry got this impression through private correspondence).
Since you never bothered to publicly claim Iraq for yourself, I fail to see how it is somehow in your sphere of influence. We claimed it first, and we now have enough military presence in the region to back that claim. With your naval power and far-reaching colonial possessions, you have more than enough other regions you could subdue. The Ottoman Empire was already allotted to the German sphere of influence months ago after intense negotiations within the Continental Bloc. You have NO such a claim to the region except that you merely 'want' it.
Last edited by Darius871; May 24, 2003 at 09:00.
May 24, 2003, 15:40
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The Russian Republic stands proudly behind our eternal Continental allies. If Britain has had a claim to Baghdad, she should have made it first, and not secretly have gone and attempted to cast her yoke over the city before any other power knew what happened. This sort of backdoor conquest cannot be tolerated.
Also, Britain cannot think to seriously lay claim to Tehran, Kabul or Kandahar any more than Russia could claim Timbuktu. Britain has tried twice to colonize Afghanistan and failed dismally on both counts. This would hardly constitute a sphere of influence. And your units are so far from, and your support lines are already so long, that it doesn't make any sense to claim Tehran, particularly since our troops are operating in its area, it will prove essential to Russian rail development, and it has traditionally been in our sphere of influence. And rest assured that we have not ceded that to you.
Your blitzkrieg bullying may have worked for you thus far, but the nations of the Continental Alliance stand united against your might-makes-right attitude, and as we have strength to counter yours, we will ensure that this expansion for the sake of expansion mentality can not continue.
May 24, 2003, 19:08
Local Time: 22:20
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Panama Liberated!!
The United States of America proudly wishes to announce the liberation of Panama and her canal from the Colombians. Following an intense bombardment from an American steam frigate, American cannons landed in Panama City and destroyed the remainder of the Colombian cannons garrisoned there. The battle was fierce and left the steam frigate with heavy damage.
Honolulu Falls!
the US Pacific Forces made further gains early this month following a naval attack on Honolulu, the capital fo the Hawaiian islands. American forces landed in Hawaii and proudly raised the Stars and Stripes over the long chain of islands. This has brought the important naval base at Pearl Harbor under American control.
Haiti Under Blockade
Santo Domingo, the Haitan capital, has been put under seige by American artillery. The American navy is also near the island, ready to aid in the offensive on the island planned for July. The United States requests that the German and Japanese ships near Haiti steer clear of the island for their own safety.
President Addresses Foreign Powers
President Riggins announced in his home state that the United States has no intention of providing military support to the British Empire in case of war with the European Continental Bloc. However, the President urged Germany to accept Britain's peace proposal or another one that would make the borders of the Middle East permanent. He also addressed America's expectations that American shhips will be allowed to leave foreign waters in case of war. "I expect the nations of Europe to allow our ships safety from any war." he told his audience and addressed the Russian navy's blockade of the Dardanelles that has left an American trade ship in the Black Sea. The United States wants the Russians to allow this ship to leave. It has brought diamonds to Kharkov and is expected elsewhere. The President has also invited all the leaders of the European powers to meet in the United States in order to discuss the situation and to cement borders to finalize problems within disputed spheres of influence.
May 24, 2003, 19:50
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Japanese ships have sped across the world to trade. We will not accept any threats upon our commercial shipping.
May 24, 2003, 21:37
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Our apologies for trapping your ship in the Black Sea, although I do believe we left instructions on what to do with your ambassador (although perhaps it was with your predecessor). Nonetheless, with the fall of Constantinople, President Kurkov is expected to lift the blockade of the Black Sea, so prepare to head home next month.
May 25, 2003, 08:38
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The Chancellor has extended his sincere thanks for Russia's support.  (email sent by the way, sorry for the wait I've been busy)
Originally posted by EmuGod
President Riggins announced in his home state that the United States has no intention of providing military support to the British Empire in case of war with the European Continental Bloc.
We're glad the United States has chosen common sense. Rest assured that Germany will do all it can to maintain freedom of the seas for American and other foreign ships, even if Great Britain decides to go to war.
Originally posted by EmuGod
However, the President urged Germany to accept Britain's peace proposal or another one that would make the borders of the Middle East permanent.
We are more than willing to define the borders on paper, but no British possessions in Mesopotamia or Anatolia will be permitted. They are more than welcome to Damascus, Cairo, and Mecca, of course.
May 25, 2003, 14:01
Local Time: 22:20
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Posts: 628
There's one thing I do not understand. You saw Britain expanding in the Middle East, so why didn't you say anything? I understand that you might want Mesapotamia, but you haven't appeared to have done much to prevent any foreign expansion there. Your claim would be much stronger if you had told Eivind that you wanted that territory, particularly when he took Beirut. It seems as though you had a lot of time to tell him you wanted that area but you didn't. That's why I think you should compromise. Give him Baghdad, and yo uget everything north of it. It seems like a fair compromise. Iran can be discussed later, at the conference I invited you all to. Please attend, we'll serve real American food
May 25, 2003, 15:06
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Exactly my point, and exactly my proposal. But it was rejected by the war loving leader of the Germans
May 25, 2003, 17:36
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I hope everybody understands that Britain will take out Baghdad as planned, even if it means war with the Continental Alliance. We can not sit here and be dictated by weak and puny nations such as Germany, France and Russia.
We can all end this now before it gets out of hand. Please return to the negotiating table. This is your chance to show that you really want peace...
May 25, 2003, 22:41
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Originally posted by EmuGod
There's one thing I do not understand. You saw Britain expanding in the Middle East, so why didn't you say anything? I understand that you might want Mesapotamia, but you haven't appeared to have done much to prevent any foreign expansion there.
1) I have no problem with him taking the Levant. None at all. The reason I waited until the fall of Constantinople to announce my intentions was to show that my military has the capability to fulfill those intentions.
2) I didn't think that he would be foolish enough to attack Baghdad just one or two turns after having already taken Beirut, so I thought I had more time. If he really has, then that tells me he's expanding too quickly, which tells me a) his colonies there are poorly defended and b) he must be low on cash to facilitate such rapid expansion.
3) Most importantly: if I had said a month ago that Britain would not be allowed in Turkey or Iraq, HE WOULD HAVE ATTACKED THEM ANYWAY! He would have said 'Oh yeah? You don't have the military in the region to back you up, and Britain has been planning expansion in the Middle East for a long time' We would have been in the exact same situation as we are now. I am sure of this since they obviously had plans for the region, and because of the player. Had I claimed a long time ago, it would have made no difference in the grand scheme of things other than that my pretext might be a bit stronger.
Originally posted by EmuGod
Give him Baghdad, and yo uget everything north of it. It seems like a fair compromise.
Our position is clear. We were willing to compromise with the 4 cities I mentioned; he didn't take it.
Originally posted by Kobra
Exactly my point, and exactly my proposal. But it was rejected by the war loving leader of the Germans
If you attack Baghdad, fully knowing the consequences, history will remember that YOU were the warmongers.
Originally posted by Kobra
I hope everybody understands that Britain will take out Baghdad as planned, even if it means war with the Continental Alliance.
That's your choice, Prime Minister. An attack on Baghdad will be considered an attack on Berlin, and you will be the aggressor.
Last edited by Darius871; May 28, 2003 at 22:40.
May 26, 2003, 03:00
Local Time: 04:20
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I am sure of this since they obviously had plans for the region, and because of the player. Had I claimed a long time ago, it would have made no difference...
Well, now you will never know...
If you attack Baghdad, fully knowing the consequences, history will remember that YOU were the warmongers.
If you still hold your claim for Baghdad, fully knowing the consequemces, history will remeber YOU as the warmonger. This time I personally want peace, I really do. You have totally rejectedthe , at least to me and others I have spoken to, fair peace proposal.
Our position is clear. We were willing to compromise with the 4 cities I mentioned; he didn't take it.
That is not a compromise!
May 26, 2003, 18:56
Local Time: 04:20
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Still no responds? Very well then. Looks like we have a war, fellas
May 26, 2003, 20:58
Local Time: 21:20
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Originally posted by Kobra
Well, now you will never know...
No, I do. Are you seriously saying that if I had claimed Iraq weeks ago, you would have said 'Oh sure, by all means!'? BS. This makes no difference; our paths would have crossed whether then or now.
Originally posted by Kobra
If you still hold your claim for Baghdad, fully knowing the consequemces, history will remeber YOU as the warmonger.
Well it's pointless to debate who is the 'warmonger' here, we're both going to believe what we want to believe. In my opinion, since you will be committing the first overt act if you bombard Baghdad, and are responsible for your actions. You have two choices, march on the city or not, one means war and one does not. This is YOUR choice.
Originally posted by Kobra
You have totally rejectedthe , at least to me and others I have spoken to, fair peace proposal.
Who are these 'others'? Russia is committed to our concerns both here and in private, the Americans will maintain their neutrality (in fact they've been more keen to neutrality in private than they have been on this thread), and France hasn't been vocal about this matter.
Originally posted by Kobra
That is not a compromise!
Fine then, I'm being uncompromising. This is because the Ottoman Empire is as important to me as India is to you, and I will not back down.
If I don't have room to move in the Middle East, then all other routes for expansion are by sea. Russia, British India, and the U.S. all have Oriental and Independent cities along their borders, to which they can invade by land. Since Germany is not a naval power, the Middle East is the only practical place for us to go at this time. Britain, on the other hand, is capable of going anywhere it wants on the planet because it owns the seas, and this is why the Middle East is more important to me than you. Out of character, can you at least admit you understand my strategic predicament here?
Originally posted by Kobra
Still no responds? Very well then. Looks like we have a war, fellas
That's entirely your choice. If you really want to start this thing though, you better be damn sure you can win. I don't think you can.
May 26, 2003, 21:25
Local Time: 18:20
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Originally posted by Kobra
Still no responds? Very well then. Looks like we have a war, fellas
Hold on here, first of all, it's a holiday in the US, so don't be surprised if we've got other things to do. Second of all, we don't believe the British are so bloodthirsty that they wish to rush into this.
We've obviously got a problem here, and we're not going to get anywhere by reiterating our earlier statements and saying there's no compromise.
If you want to show that you want peace just start by calming down a bit, you sound as if you're declaring war on us before anything's even happened, there's still time to reslove this peacefully.
May 26, 2003, 21:43
Local Time: 22:20
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I've been talking with both Darius and Eivind and neither will budge, it seems war is inevitable.
May 26, 2003, 21:51
Local Time: 04:20
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The artilley shells that were heard around the globe
After a long siege of Baghdad, British forces finally started the bombardement of the city. The bombardment was followed up by British forces who secured the city and raised the Union Jack.
Soon after the succefull capturing of the crown jewel, the German, Russian and French ambassadors sent a joint statement for a declaration of war against the British Empire. This came as a shock on PM Kobra who brought it up to the Upper House. The Upper house rejected the declaration and Eivind was forced to dismantle the Parliment with the help of his loyal army.
German losses:
1 Gunboat in the Med.
1 Steam Yacht, carrying 3 units
One division of 4 units west of Constantinople
One division of 4 units east of Consatantinople
1 Steamer carrying 2 units west of Ireland
1 Steam Warship damaged severly in the North Sea.
French losses
1 Steam Warship in the Med.
1 Steam Frigate in the Med.
1 Steam Warship in the Pacific
1 Steam Frigate in the Pacific
1 Steam Warship damaged severly in the Pacific.
Russian losses:
A stack of 3 units, were one of them were a Steam Warship
1 Ironclad in the Med
(* Mecca captured )
Every major port and canal around the globe has been blocked by British War ships. Again, I am really sorry that negotiating didn't give any results
May 26, 2003, 22:03
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It has just come to my attention that France never responded to the ultimatum. But I asumed that France was a part of the evil Continental Alliance and they were therefor punished alongside Germany and Russia.
May 26, 2003, 22:04
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It is now obvious that Great Britain had no hope for peace, as she not only attacked Baghdad, but suddenly and deliberately slaughtered our troops all around the globe.
Even more disgusting, France has not even made a commitment to the German ultimatum. Somehow Britain clearly attacked them anyway, for no reason other than aggression. It is obvious she is just using this situation as a pathetic excuse to conquer in all directions.
May 26, 2003, 22:15
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Soon after the succefull capturing of the crown jewel, the German, Russian and French ambassadors sent a joint statement for a declaration of war against the British Empire. This came as a shock on PM Kobra who brought it up to the Upper House. The Upper house rejected the declaration and Eivind was forced to dismantle the Parliment with the help of his loyal army.
That's funny, I don't seem to recall ordering my ambassador to do anything like this, and I'm sure Germany and France would say the same thing. But it shouldn't surprise us that a Prime Minister who attacks his own Parliament would lie of such things to cover up his illegal first attack.
Again, I am really sorry that negotiating didn't give any results
Well the brave British PM should be given an award for patience after enduring "negotiations" (In which he just reiterated his ill-conceived point again and again) for FOUR WHOLE DAYS before attacking his neighbors.
Rest assured Prime Minister, the Russian Republic and her courageous allies in France and Germany will see to it that dusk is at last coming to the British Empire.
May 26, 2003, 22:35
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I can understand that the Russians and Germans can twist this situation around in their favour, who has rejected every reasonable proposals for a new border in the Middle East and peace on earth.
We are not the agressors here, we are merely protecting ouselves. If we hadn't attacked Continental targets this month, the Continentals would have struck on Britain instead.
May 26, 2003, 22:39
Local Time: 22:20
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Posts: 628
The United States of America is now officially declaring territories around the globe that it has intentions to add to the American Empire. The United States has intentions for the following areas and will NOT tolerate foreign expansion into these areas:
Abyssinia -> Addis Ababa
Somalia -> Mogadishu
the Americas ->all cities are part of the American sphere of influence per the Monroe doctrine as mentioned earlier
Siam -> Bangkok
China -> Tsingtao (only this port city, won't take anything else)
May 26, 2003, 23:09
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Germany accepts all of the United States' claims, and I'm assuming our allies will. We have no desire to get on America's bad side in trying times like these.
However I highly doubt that the British will accept American domination of ALL Latin American cities. Hopefully there's a conflict brewing.
Last edited by Darius871; May 26, 2003 at 23:15.
May 27, 2003, 01:08
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the Americas ->all cities are part of the American sphere of influence per the Monroe doctrine as mentioned earlier
Are you going for whole South America too??? i wont accept that at least 
Like USA in Control of the whole American world? pah! better change to communism soon
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May 27, 2003, 01:37
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Russia on the Attack!
Rebounding from the defeat dealt to the noble Russian Navy by the British aggressors, Russian ships destroyed the British war fleet in the Aegean. The Russian economy is currently being geared to war footing, and unlike the barbaric British, the civilized Russian people are enthusiastically supporting their nation to make a bloody coup unnecessary.
President Kurkov, fresh from an emergency summit with Chancellor Bismarck, delivered an address to the Duma today condemning British belligerence and expressing unwavering support to the armed forces of Russia and those of our Continental allies. He said that this war represents the conflict of two ideals, the antiquated notions of statism and making war arbitrarily, and that of limited government, free trade on the open seas and making war only when it serves a state's strategic or economic interests.
In his speech, Kurkov also noted that he accepted the American territorial claims without reservations, and his hope that the US would join our worthy cause against the decadent British, as he is sure Canada is a thorn in America's side.
May 27, 2003, 01:57
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Here's the civdip file, Darius
May 27, 2003, 07:49
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Japan will not tolerate any American encroachment in Asia.
May 27, 2003, 19:44
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Last edited by Darius871; May 27, 2003 at 19:59.
May 27, 2003, 22:04
Local Time: 22:20
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The United States will not tolerate any foreign expansion in ANY of the Americas, both north and south. These areas are under our sphere of influence and we need not occupy them for that to be so. France has no choice in the matter. You cannot hope to defeat the United States in this matter. If you persist in this attempt to further your territory in the western hemisphere, you will feel the full power of American industrial and military might. Without your allies to back you up, you have no chance of winning a war against the United States.
May 28, 2003, 19:47
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Japan has declared its strict neutrality in this affair. Japan hopes that our neutrality will be respected by all combattants. We also request that the Panama and Suez canals be maintained open for the shipping of commercial goods of all nations as well.
Japan also hopes that the other countries will respect our trade ships as they return and arrive in the Mediterranean and North Sea.
Japan also hopes that this situation may be ammended soon, and would like to propose a peace conference to iron out differences.
May 28, 2003, 19:48
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And maybe I should attach the file...
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