June 27, 2002, 10:51
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mad mad growth
STYOM played 10 turns, but IIRC Straybow asked us to play 20 if we could manage it. That's why La Fayette was re-elected much more than De Gaulle, Mitterrand and Chirac put together (president from 1320 to 1764, that is really far from real life for a Frenchman  ).
Anyway, I chose peaceful growth for a change:
1630: Wool to Teoti...: 152g + Barb King: 150g
1650: Silk to Teotihuacan: 140g, Silk to Teoti...: 122g, Coal to Teoti...: 116g.
Steam discovered; RR will be next.
1660: Silk to Tenochtitlan: 234g
1670: Pollution in Abington (SG2 was right  ...as usual)
We proceed to massive techgifting to the Mongols (6 techs, reducing beakers/turn from 1540 to 1408).
Vikings ask for 400g. We say 'No thanks'. They say 'war'.
1680: One of our exploring caravels sinks an unlucky Zulu trireme. Another one destroys a Viking elephant + catapult along the coast (I grant you this is not really 'peaceful' growth, but we are at war with them, aren't we?  ).
RR discovered, we choose Indust as next one.
1690: Hut: 50g. Gold to Teotihuacan: 79g; Coal to Tenochtitlan: 194g.
1710: Cloth = 194g; Hides: 110g; Dye = 210g (all to Teotihuacan)
1720: Indust discovered ('bye, bye KRC': not great in this game, apart from testing that SG2 is right...as usual)
1750: Our exploring Galleon sunk by Zulu ironclad
Zulu and Aztecs sign 'Tenochtitlan Pact'
Adam Smith completed in Avalon.
Corporation discovered, Electricity next.
1754: Celts and Mongols sign 'Khanbalyk Pact'
Our exploring transport sunk by Viking ironclad.
1756: Darwin completed in Avalon (wrong planning
 ); provides Elect + Electronics.
1758: Dye to Tlatelolco : 152g
1762: Steel discovered; Gravity next.
1764: Hoover Dam completed.
La Fayette is so old and so unwilling to be watched on TV stumbling like a pope that he suddenly resigns.
(nevertheless promissing to be back within a few centuries,
... now perhaps this is not quite realistic, but I enjoy the idea:
1) 'metempsychosis' is quite a nice name
2) falling in love again... and again... and again... quite a nice idea  ).
June 27, 2002, 12:26
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Thanks LaFayette - a hard act to follow - but I have DLed and am now on the case -- and I definitely don't promise not to go Fundy
June 27, 2002, 14:37
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I played 15. We may want to shorten the rounds or we won't all get to play again!
STYOM's alphabet jumps from "E" to "W." Very interesting
SG[1], nothing in the Roolz against Fundies but it is rather unsporting.
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June 27, 2002, 15:10
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The First Day
Charles 'Chubby' Chipmunk is elected Prime Minister of Briton. A mild mannered gentleman well known as a devout churchgoer and devoted father to his sixteen children by his wife and four 'wiflets'. All of whom live as an extended family in his converted 12th Century Abbey just outside Daresbury. His political opponents view him as a dangerous enemy, but staunch friend. His political platform came as a surprise to the electorate, for, for many centuries, British politics had centred around domestic issues and whether or not the trains ran to schedule; Chubby opened a new vista and proclaimed the external threats that the happy, peaceful realm of Briton faced. The British people had reacted with unusual unanimity, many pointing the finger and saying "Nnnniiii", and upon his election by a landslide majority had joined Chubby in his Call for Prayer in the Great Chapel at Avalon.
08:00 Monday morning - The Cabinet Office.
"Gentlemen, I have reviewed your reports; spoken to the two Ambassadors that will still receive us; and consulted with the ArchDeacon of Avalon. The country seems well, the trains run on time. So why was I not told that we had been invaded?"
This opening was greeted by gasps of shock and horror from the Great and Good who sat around the table.
"While I was speaking to our 'friend' the Chinese Ambassador he let slip an up to the minute map of his country. Mr. foreign Minister, can you tell us where the city of Tsingtao lies?"
This dignatory stuttered and referred to his aides, but he had to admit defeat.
"Tsingtao, gentlemen, lies 3 units directly NW of my own home town of Daresbury and contains a garrison of at least six Chinese units with naval support! You, Sir!", he indicated the still stuttering Foreign Minister, "are dismissed!"
When the Cabinet reconvened at 10:00 that morning, the Foreign Ministers place was occupied by a short, rotund gentleman with pinz-nee spectacles and a monastic tonsure. He was introduced as the Abbot of Camelot a renowned scholar of foreign affairs.
... and I haven't even begun to rant about the tech path and Wonder selection - you guys tried hard no Commie, Fundy or SoL - but for my money - we shall just have to see how the game unfolds ...
June 27, 2002, 15:43
Local Time: 03:21
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Truly, I didn't mention those Chinese because I just didn't care.
Don't be frightened 'Chubby' (or don't even act as if you were  ). Not only do our trains run on schedule, but they are TGVs compared with the poor steam engines that those guys can offer.
We haven't yet started to show our muscles, apart from a few vet crusaders that those guys are very much frightened by, but we are 2 techs from Automobile (and researching faster than 3 techs/turn), which means that we might start building battleships already now... and tear them to pieces quite soon, Fundy or not Fundy, Commie or not Commie...
June 27, 2002, 16:00
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Originally posted by Straybow
I played 15. We may want to shorten the rounds or we won't all get to play again! 
STYOM's alphabet jumps from "E" to "W." Very interesting 
SG[1], nothing in the Roolz against Fundies but it is rather unsporting.
You may want to rename it FormerTintagel instead of WasTintagel, in that case  I had intended to capture the city, but destroyed it and rebuilt it instead. So I violated the letter of the rule rather than the spirit
I played 10 turns just because I didn't have time for more... suddenly rather busy here!  20 is too few at the start of the game, but I felt 10 was about right based on the level of activity on my turns.
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
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June 27, 2002, 16:03
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BTW 'Chubby', if you really enjoy shivering before going to bed, I must tell you that there are also some Celts on our holy island (somewhere in the South East,... poor Celts,... about 20 techs behind us  ).
June 27, 2002, 19:01
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Re: mad mad growth
Originally posted by La Fayette
1756: Darwin completed in Avalon (wrong planning
); provides Elect + Electronics.
I may have played too few turns  , named cities out of order  and generally mucked things up  ... but if Darwin's isn't a science wonder, I don't know what is
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 27, 2002, 23:19
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Darwin not mentioned in roolz. But it is only 2 techs.
As for Tsingtao, the Chinese landed a Settler and a Cat on the promontory between Camelot and Booboo at the beginning of my round. Later a Cat dropped off at the tip of the continent. I had a ship patrolling but the Cat stayed outside Dares' radius. The cat was at the edge of Daresbury in 1300.
I didn't think either mattered. A quick peek via cheat says that Tsingtao had been built a turn or two earlier. Mea culpa! Of course it didn't matter until they started using tiles in Dares' radius. How are we supposed to enjoy Daresbury Pheasant if the Chinks are using it?
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June 28, 2002, 02:20
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Ah come on, Stray -- don't use cheat -- I gave em a couple of techs and swapped maps -- I can already see the Mongs - they are soon for the history books if I have my druthers -- I know nothing of LaFayette's Celts - i guess that will prove a nasty surprise sometime soon -- I haven't actually played at all yet - just checking out the scene before I start -- hope to post this pm (GMT) - OK if I take ~15 turns, I did run short last time?
June 28, 2002, 03:51
Local Time: 03:21
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You are perfectly right: Darwin is definitely a science wonder.
No doubt.
But it wasn't on the list and this didn't come to my mind at all when playing.
(IMO the real impact of Darwin on science is very small. Let me explain:
1) Cost of Darwin: 400 shields = 8 camels
2) One time bonus for 1 camel rightly delivered = 200 gold (for example). This means 1600 gold (and also 1600 beakers  ) for 8 camels.
3) Therefore, if beakers needed/turn = 800 (for example), Darwin brings nothing to research and makes you lose 1600 gold  ).
June 28, 2002, 04:02
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And now the Chinese Policy incident
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 28, 2002, 18:08
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Shortly to be followed by the 'Refrigeration Incident' - I simply could not resist it - High Priest Chubby....
SG(2) even though I'm not playing ... it is worth kibitzing this game to see SG[1] wrecking a perfectly respectable DEMOCRACY
 @ SG(2) ... Chubby
June 29, 2002, 03:30
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Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 29, 2002, 04:33
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You can have it back, Julius. A successful Fundy regime needs exactly the same infrastructure as a Democracy and can afford it more quickly. Just wait and see  ...
Trust me
June 29, 2002, 09:06
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The Dream ...
1764 == Marketplace in Durance Vile, Dogsbody; Bank in Booboo on You; Stock Exchange in Abington; Theory of Gravity (Why?) -> Conscription (What else?); Chinese invasion of our NW territories temporarily slowed by Engineers and Freights - we have nothing else - not even a dip on the home continent!!!
1766 ==
1768 == Beads, ExMongol-Teotihuacan, 96g; Musketeer in ExMongol beats off a Celtic invasion and becomes vet; Texcoco size 8, bribed (Barbs are fair game right?) 404g with two Musks and a Dip; Hides, Betwixt 2 Bays-Teotihuacan, 112g; Oil, Doorstop-Teotihuacan, 102g; Beads, Escape my Fate-Teotihuacan, 148g; Beads, Brenzaidograd-Teotihuacan, 190g; Hides, Camelot-Teotihuacan, 142g;
1770 == Marketplace in CatchyName; Conscription (and Leo does his thing) -> Fundamentalism (did you ever doubt it?); Chinese Settler cheats past ZoC;
1772 == Guard Hill founded to prevent further Chinese incursions; Dye, Durance Vile-Tlatelolco, 224g; Salt, BeachyFish- Tiatihuacan, 158g;
1774 == Marketplace in Doorstop; Factory in Daresbury; Temple in Catchyname; Git's Port drunk, sorry I mean founded; Git's Whale founded; Beads, Divine Wind-Teotihuacan, 72g;
1776 == Temple in Durance Vile & Dogsbody; Bank in Camelot; Market Place in Beachy Fish; Cruisers in Avalon & Brenzaidograd;
1778 == Temple in Doorstop; Barracks in Daresbury; Fundamentalism -> Refrigeration; Dye, Former Tintagel-Tenochtitlan, 108g; Revolution;
1780 == Temple in Beachy Fish; Factory in Brenzaidograd & Avalon; Fundamentalist government established; Salt, Celtic Relic-Teotihuacan, 90g;
1782 == WLTLPD in Doorstop, Divine Wind, Booboo on You, Brenzaidograd, Abington & Avalon; Market Place in Divine Wind; Khanbalik reduced by naval bombardment and taken, 94g & Chivalry; Aztecs declare war for no obvious reason; Chinese diplomat (sneaking towards Guard Hill expelled; Rifleman claims Daresbury's pheasant with extreme prejudice (I imagine the Chinese will ask us to withdraw - I think not);
1784 == Market Place in Ex Mongol; WLTLPD in Escape My Fate, Dogsbody, Daresbury, Beachy Fish; Bank in Dogsbody; Harbour in Beachy Fish; Stock Exchange in Booboo on You; Barracks in Brenzaidagrad; Hides, Abington, 68g;
1786 == Chinese threaten us with their 'mighty armies' - we remain underwhelmed; Bank in Escape my Fate; Temple in Divine Wind; WLTLPD in Camelot; Harbour in Catchyname; 100g from hut;
1788 == Temple in Ex Mongol; Dye, Abington-Teotihuacan, 244g;
1790 == Chinese sneak attack - unsuccessfully te he  ; Gems, Brenzaidograd-Tenochtitlan, 588g; Tlatelolco and Lady Liberty are ours with 473g; Cork with 124g taken; Copper, Texcoco, 146g; Tsingtao destroyed - thus ends the Chinese incident - for now;
1792 == Bank in Ex Mongol; Factory in Divine Wind; Marketplace in Texcoco; Silk, Guard Hill, 80g; Cloth, Doorstop-Teotihuacan, 94g;
Chubby surveys the peaceful British countryside, the celebrating people, the 3000g in the treasury, and turns to his cabinet and says, "The British Democracy is safe in your hands, gentlemen. I shall retire."
June 29, 2002, 09:10
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Did I say that Julius?
It was, but we don't do adequate, we want superb...
June 29, 2002, 19:14
Local Time: 19:21
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Pythonized Play Order
Albatross! ALBATROSS!!
1)  Straybow * "Uh... I'm not quite dead, sir!"
2)  Julius * * They ate Sir Robin's minstrels. And there was much rejoicing.
3)  STYOM * "Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcicial aquatic ceremony!"
4)  LaFayette * "…and that, my Leige, is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped."
5)  SG[1] "Zoot!" "No, I am Zoot's identical twin sister, Inge."
Alphabetical means name your founded cities in rough (first letter) alpha order, as an organizational aid. Don't worry about TANSTAAFL coming after Tunafish; don't feel you must rename captured cities.
No Science Wonders (GL, Cope's, Newton's) assures that we will not grossly outpace our competitors. The size of continents should be a limit to early expansion as well.
No City Bribing (modified) applies to core AI cities. The exception: occasional loner AI city (from wandering Settlers the AI likes to send out, or Adv Tribe, etc) far from their core is fair game. Invasion actions shall be limited to one (1) attempt to sabotage walls (or another improvement) per city and unlimited production sabotage attempts.
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Last edited by Straybow; July 19, 2002 at 02:29.
June 29, 2002, 19:19
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LaFayette, Darwin is a better deal than that. Food caravans for wonder production are generally produced in cities that have no open commodity slots, so no trade revenue or beaker bonus is lost.
Git, Nice job taking Tlatelolco and SoL. Glad you finally got to found some Git cities. At this rate of 5 cities per letter LaFayette, STYOM, and Straybow are outta luck unless we sleaze.
I still say Fundi victory is shooting fish in a barrel. Ho-hum.
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June 30, 2002, 06:45
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Fundy - what Fundy?
July 1, 2002, 22:13
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High Priest Chubby?
Wadja do, run sci down to zero while Fundi then swap back to Dem and restart research on Fridge after getting SoL?
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Last edited by Straybow; July 2, 2002 at 14:29.
July 1, 2002, 22:16
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Sorry guys…
Aaaggh! Little did I know what a monster my round of the MGE game was going to be like. Didn't get much sleep & had trouble staying awake at work! I'm only starting this today…
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Last edited by Straybow; July 2, 2002 at 15:48.
July 2, 2002, 15:45
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Two questions
What was that "refrigeration" incident
Whose turn is it to play
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
July 4, 2002, 03:23
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I believe Stray is up - I too had a hell of a slog on the MGE game - I sympathise with him.
The 'Refrigeration Incident' - when I told SG(2) that I had gone Fundy on this nice peaceful Democratic game he thought that, "I had pi$$ed through your letterbox", but when I told him I had then selected Refrigeration (probably the most useless tech on the tree) rather than the various juicy techs that might have ben offered (but weren't - honest) he described that as, "and then knocked on the door to ask how far..." ... but then he is a Scouse Git
Yes Stray - every 10% devoted to Science in Fundy is 5% of your total trade arrows wasted - I did trade like hell that about half filled the box.
July 4, 2002, 07:52
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[threadjack mode]
Sorry fo threadjacking, but I thought it would be better than creating a new thread to just to say it!
So just 2 things:
1)  @ SG(2) in SG(1) post! I really like the "letterbox pissing" description! English can be such a colourful and descriptive language...
2)  @ all in this Succession game, and above all at those I read the most in other threads in the last year: SGs, La Fayette and Julius (et oui, il y a d'autres romands chez Poly...  )!
Though I never took part in a Succession game, I have been learning a lot by reading your posts, so many thanks to you all (Straybow, Niccolo and STYOM not forgotten).
I hope to join you when I have more time (involved in a few pbems at the time and, let's face it, in Summer I give more room to Real Life...) if you're patient enough to "coach" a player whose experience can't be compared to yours...
So, keep on the good work !
[/threadjack mode]
July 4, 2002, 12:39
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Cyrion - You will be most welcome - and don't forget when RL really imposes itself one can always pass up one's turn.
July 4, 2002, 13:20
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Delay, delay, delay
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July 5, 2002, 10:10
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SG and Straybow: thanks for your welcome! And I'll definitely join a new (MGE) game in the next weeks.
And yes, I promise I won't forget anything I learned in the Amnesiac game...
July 5, 2002, 15:01
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Hint to Stray et al -- Assuming that I get another go at this one - I don't expect to see many chinese faces left smiling from the North West Frontier ...
July 7, 2002, 21:35
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I've been building Freight towards UN and doing some kick-áss long-distance trading. And about the "refrigeration incident," I've twice had only one advance presented for study during this round
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