Who can help me? Since i have CtP2 all MPGames crashes after houres of playing. I tryed all versions, nothing will help. Now after getting the APOLMod, game seems to be stable, after multi syncros my Friend got most of his improve points.
Usally our Games crashed after killing a last AI City. But now we managed it to ged rid of all AIs, without crashes. But now it crashes at switching from Server Player turn to Turn of my Friend. Usally only my Friend crashes, so that i can make a Quicksave before Computer gets that one player is gone. After Relaunching i load the game with the quicksave and my Friend can join in his turn and make it till his next turn. It will be a real problem if booth computers are crashing. I really played a lot of CtP MPGames, but we never could finish a session. Does anybody know a method to continue our games? I tried to switch off sounds, anims ... but nothing works against crashes.
Please Help!
Thank You Sir Rosso