a long long time ago I downloaded a gigmap of the world, but I can't find it online anymore. I was wondering if somewhere out there someone has an extra copy I can snatch off of them. It's no the one with the screwed up southern hemisphere, the one I had was actually very well made. Anyway if someone has a copy can you post it for DL or if you know the link can yopu post that.
Location: Currently cleaning the 9000 rooms of Sticky Mouse's Palace
Posts: 1,171
There is also my maxiworld map, different and better than my gigaworld one. Great possibilites of expansion of AI civs, as was witnessed in the Invasion Earth and True Gift of the Gods succession games.
You might want to take a look at this one too
So here it is. There's quite a few good earth maps there, and I am currently and slowly working on a new one.