I do like playing with high corruption.
But I don't like 90 turns to finish Infantry situation, for some far away city.
I would like to INCREASE corruption and REDUCE waste.
That way I could play enlightened small states, which would have better tech then big decapent empires (because on higher corruption then in default game).
On the other hand big decapent empire will have much better numbers in its army since it will have lower waste then in default game.
In fact, players could get a strategical choice:
1) big, decadent, lower tech, militray state or
2) small enlightent state, with higher tech, but weaker military
Personlly I would also like to have default game changed to have higher corrutpion and lower waste.
I know that Firaxis is not planning to change corruption model, but what about one small tweak?
It could incerase gameplay.
It still limits big empires in some way (commerce).
And it's just several bytes in code.
(and some playtesting time)