June 18, 2002, 21:59
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Things that make you go 'hmmm'.
Since the Stories forum seems to only contain fiction, I'm posting this here.
I like turn based strategy. The constant planning, calculating and watching something I created grow. But what I really enjoy is seeing the AI do things for reasons known only to some forgotten Aryan god. We've all seen them, where you have to stop, ponder and possibly smile at some action that totally defies logic.
In one game, I was massing battleships off my coast (there was about 30) when a Zulu ironclad with a Galley sailed into the middle of them. I was currently at war with Shaka at the time and I imagined a sign on it saying "Sink Me".
A recent game. There was this Roman city (Tyrus) next to American territory. A war between them erupted and this particular city being worthless, it was razed when conquered. What stopped me for a few moments was a when a few turns later, this city (same name - Tyrus) was back in the same spot. I initially considered a bug, but no other ill effects appeared so I continued playing. Once again, it disappeared (probably conquered and razed again). A few turns later it was back, same name, same spot. Once again, a few turns later it disappeared only to reappear a few turns after that. Shortly after, it disappeared again, never to reappear. Julius probably ran out of settlers on galleys in that area.
There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger
June 18, 2002, 22:18
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Well if you attack the ironclad and trireme, thats one less attack you can do on important stuff. Good-ole cannon fodder  . The AI seems fairly adequate at behind the lines harrasment with out of date units.
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June 18, 2002, 23:21
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i go hmm when an enemy has troups in my teritory. then i ponder war... but i dont say "im pondering war".. i just say "hmmmm"
June 19, 2002, 01:37
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the city thing is normal. If a city is destroyed, the next city name that pops up when the civ founds a new one i the old name... and the reason it was the same spot was because it fit.
June 19, 2002, 10:50
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On the hummm front, in a recent game as Iriquois, somehow the Iriquois were also an AI civ. On first contact with the Iriquoi, they were furious. Probably they were considering a copyright suit. Anyway, they were on the other side of a huge pangea map. At the beginning of the middle ages a strange sequence began: large Iriquois cities at the other end of the world began to flip to my Iriquois civ. The first time, I refused to accept them, thinking I could not ever even get a speaman over that far. On second and third flips, however, I took the cities and abandoned them. (Forgetting to sell the improvements, damn.) Says something about the midset this game gets you into, doesn't it.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
June 19, 2002, 11:17
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Originally posted by jshelr
On the hummm front, in a recent game as Iriquois, somehow the Iriquois were also an AI civ. On first contact with the Iriquoi, they were furious. Probably they were considering a copyright suit. Anyway, they were on the other side of a huge pangea map. At the beginning of the middle ages a strange sequence began: large Iriquois cities at the other end of the world began to flip to my Iriquois civ. The first time, I refused to accept them, thinking I could not ever even get a speaman over that far. On second and third flips, however, I took the cities and abandoned them. (Forgetting to sell the improvements, damn.) Says something about the midset this game gets you into, doesn't it.
How many Civ's were you playing with? I've never had that happen, but sounds kinda fun.
Orbis Non Sufficat
June 19, 2002, 12:05
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I was playing on the huge map with the suggested number of civs included. Is that 13?
June 19, 2002, 16:21
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thats very strange... sounds like a bug to me, is that a recent patch?
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality" Jules de Gaultier, French writer
June 20, 2002, 04:53
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aww man, you lucky dog. That would be cool to play against your own civ. Its curious though that their cities flipped to your side but none of yours (im assuming because no mention of this) flipped to theirs.
Anyway, something that made me go hmmm  was one game on Reagent (modified so that all ranks of units have 2 additional hitpoints to try and thrawrt random victories by inferior units ie. regulars 5, vet 6, elite 7)I was playing the Romans (as I always do, being part greasy I-talian i always feel partial towards those glorious, glorious Romans) and I quickly produced an archer within 7 turns of the start. I then marched this unit north out of the pennensula (earth map, all civs in proper starting locations) and uncoverd a hut that released a swarm of barbarians. After being attacked by all 3 he lost a hit point but was promoted to vet. He then whent north-west into France and conquered their only city and lost not a one hitpoint. He immediately marched off to Germany and conquered there only city losing a single point this time. I figured I better get greece before they make any of those damn hoplites. I destroyed Athens's single warrior and took Greece losing 2 hit points but was promoted to elite. He now had only 2 hit points, but my archer of destruction pushed on - would Russia fall next? It did. After taking Moscow and resting abit to regenerate more hitpoints (the poor guy was down to 1) he then took Russia's other city that was built by a sneaky little settler. I then marched this Unit back to Rome to be Paraded through the streets a hero.
Ive never in all my life conquered 4 civilizations in a matter of a couple dozen turns with merely a single archer. This wasn't just 4 civs either, they were living on prime real estate that I know firmly controled (Europe is very lucrative as far as resources and is in a strategic position from my strategies point of view of colonizing north africa and pushing east to conquer Egypt and south to the resource rich lands of Shaka). Unfortunately, after solidifying my iron grip over most of Europe (Freaking England!) , my scenario crashed  do to the stupid extra recources i added to the mod. Only the Gods know now how well I would've done that game, only the Gods....
Last edited by Kramerman; June 20, 2002 at 05:02.
June 20, 2002, 09:14
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Yes, it's the latest patch. And the one-way city flipping kept on happening. It got to be funny because the two top civs on the scoring chart were both Iriquois. I don't suppose it's anything to really worry about unless your own civ starts to show up in the list of competing civs frequently.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
June 20, 2002, 12:50
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Originally posted by Kramerman
aww man, you lucky dog. That would be cool to play against your own civ. Its curious though that their cities flipped to your side but none of yours (im assuming because no mention of this) flipped to theirs.
Anyway, something that made me go hmmm was one game on Reagent (modified so that all ranks of units have 2 additional hitpoints to try and thrawrt random victories by inferior units ie. regulars 5, vet 6, elite 7)I was playing the Romans (as I always do, being part greasy I-talian i always feel partial towards those glorious, glorious Romans) and I quickly produced an archer within 7 turns of the start. I then marched this unit north out of the pennensula (earth map, all civs in proper starting locations) and uncoverd a hut that released a swarm of barbarians. After being attacked by all 3 he lost a hit point but was promoted to vet. He then whent north-west into France and conquered their only city and lost not a one hitpoint. He immediately marched off to Germany and conquered there only city losing a single point this time. I figured I better get greece before they make any of those damn hoplites. I destroyed Athens's single warrior and took Greece losing 2 hit points but was promoted to elite. He now had only 2 hit points, but my archer of destruction pushed on - would Russia fall next? It did. After taking Moscow and resting abit to regenerate more hitpoints (the poor guy was down to 1) he then took Russia's other city that was built by a sneaky little settler. I then marched this Unit back to Rome to be Paraded through the streets a hero.
Ive never in all my life conquered 4 civilizations in a matter of a couple dozen turns with merely a single archer. This wasn't just 4 civs either, they were living on prime real estate that I know firmly controled (Europe is very lucrative as far as resources and is in a strategic position from my strategies point of view of colonizing north africa and pushing east to conquer Egypt and south to the resource rich lands of Shaka). Unfortunately, after solidifying my iron grip over most of Europe (Freaking England!) , my scenario crashed do to the stupid extra recources i added to the mod. Only the Gods know now how well I would've done that game, only the Gods....
I beleive you should contribute to the Stories Forum with your "Archer of Destruction". Quite humorous.
June 20, 2002, 14:19
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This was the diplomacy screen on my sister's game in the industrial age. These are embargoes that are showing...
June 20, 2002, 14:34
Local Time: 02:51
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Oooooh I see, they are trying to make a spider web right ? Wow thats a serious mess...
What are those little yellow circles indicating over 5 of the leaders head circles ?
June 20, 2002, 15:58
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That's a flag that says that you have an embassy with them.
June 20, 2002, 16:19
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Was Catherine the Great really that ugly  ? When shes mad at you (which in my case is almost always) she's just down right repulsive. Just look at Jaguar Warrior's screenshot, she resembles a highly evolved bull dog. I mean, I dont want to sound hipocritical, Im not exactly pleasant to look at myself, but my face isnt in a game viewed by so many people on a daily freaking basis.  , maybe I'll just replace her head with something else.
P.S. I think Shaka should have an afro in the modern ages. It would provide for local color, i'd say.
Last edited by Kramerman; June 20, 2002 at 16:32.
June 20, 2002, 17:40
Local Time: 21:51
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Afros went out of date over twenty years ago.
And that crazy Diplomacy screen shows you what a farce the interface really is.
June 20, 2002, 22:27
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Afros may have been greatly reduced in number, but i wouldnt say they've gone out of date. I see them around quite often these days.
Besides, 1982 was a long time ago but im pretty sure thats still considered modern times  .
June 21, 2002, 04:45
Local Time: 21:51
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You might want to have corn rows, tattoos, and a filthy rap record for Shaka - Iverson style. That's up to date in 2002!
June 21, 2002, 04:50
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Originally posted by Kramerman
Besides, 1982 was a long time ago but im pretty sure thats still considered modern times .
I always thought that circa end of WWII onwards was the Modern era.
June 21, 2002, 05:23
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true dat dawg
I always thought that circa end of WWII onwards was the Modern era.
I personally have always thought that the modern ages as we know it began as early as the 1920s, when urban sprawl, automobiles, mass media (radio and the first "talkies", or movies with sound), etc. had taken root in American society. I specify American society because many societies, *cough* bolivia *cough*, have yet to enter modern times  . Anyway, my "1982" remark was meant to be quite sarcastic, i must of failed to get that message across.
WW II onward is also a good definition for modern times for many reasons too. I wonder if their is any "official" starting point set by historians or something  ?
June 21, 2002, 05:28
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Originally posted by Coracle
You might want to have corn rows, tattoos, and a filthy rap record for Shaka - Iverson style. That's up to date in 2002!
Hell yeah!!!
Now we're talking.
corn rows - thats gold!
If I worked at Firaxis, or if i were black, Id petition to make that standard Zulu hair doo throuout the game.
But.....Im not  .
June 21, 2002, 06:47
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What makes me go Hmmm...is when I know all civs locations (not the whole world map, after buyning territorial maps) and someone offers me the worldmap for 360 gold...when I counter my map is only worth 1 gold
June 21, 2002, 07:09
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Will you guys stop saying 1982 was a long time ago. It was only yesterday. Barely enough time has past since then to play one game of civ III
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
June 21, 2002, 13:54
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Re: true dat dawg
Originally posted by Kramerman
WW II onward is also a good definition for modern times for many reasons too. I wonder if their is any "official" starting point set by historians or something ?
Well, oddly enough most historians take 1815 and the end of the Napolionic System as the END of the modern Era ! We are now in the "Recent History"
(Ancient Era - untill fall of Roman Empire -400 odd AD
Medieval Era - untill 1485
Modern Era 1485 -1815
Industrial Era 1815 - 1945
1945 Recent or Post-War Era)
I am a history doctor
June 21, 2002, 14:43
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hi ,
things that make you go "hmmmmm" , ...
put basic barbarian as rifleman , advanced as infantry , sea unit as destroyer , ...
and change the AI default level in the editor to "deity" , ....
have a nice day
June 21, 2002, 15:27
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Originally posted by panag
hi ,
things that make you go "hmmmmm" , ...
put basic barbarian as rifleman , advanced as infantry , sea unit as destroyer , ...
and change the AI default level in the editor to "deity" , ....
have a nice day
Panag, you've posted the "put AI default level in editor to deity" in dozens of different threads now, and I fear you are mis-informing all of the masochists out there who want as difficult a challenge as possible. If your intent in changing the default to Deity is to make a more challenging game, you're doing exactly the wrong thing. Putting the default AI difficulty level at Deity makes it easier for the human player -- harder for the AI.
Why is this so? The editor drop down selector you're referring to does not adjust the AI's "intelligence" or tactical skills -- these remain constant whatever the player's chosen start-up difficulty (i.e., regent or deity). The drop down you are referring to sets the relevant "content citizens born" number for the AI cities. By setting the AI's default level to Deity, you are ensuring that only 1 AI population point will be born content -- thereafter, each new AI citizen will be unhappy unless some happiness producers are employed.
If you're trying to create a more challenging game (or advise others on how to do so), set the default AI difficulty level to "Chieftan." This will allow the AI cities to grow to 5 population points before any sign of unhappiness.
June 21, 2002, 15:38
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Originally posted by Catt
Panag, you've posted the "put AI default level in editor to deity" in dozens of different threads now, and I fear you are mis-informing all of the masochists out there who want as difficult a challenge as possible. If your intent in changing the default to Deity is to make a more challenging game, you're doing exactly the wrong thing. Putting the default AI difficulty level at Deity makes it easier for the human player -- harder for the AI.
Why is this so? The editor drop down selector you're referring to does not adjust the AI's "intelligence" or tactical skills -- these remain constant whatever the player's chosen start-up difficulty (i.e., regent or deity). The drop down you are referring to sets the relevant "content citizens born" number for the AI cities. By setting the AI's default level to Deity, you are ensuring that only 1 AI population point will be born content -- thereafter, each new AI citizen will be unhappy unless some happiness producers are employed.
If you're trying to create a more challenging game (or advise others on how to do so), set the default AI difficulty level to "Chieftan." This will allow the AI cities to grow to 5 population points before any sign of unhappiness.
hi ,
when one's wants to make it intresting , go for the deity level , why , well , the AI is forced to come out to look for happy resources , that is why , as to start with , ...
second , the AI changes some of it's tactics , ...
sure you have thought about this , ...
or do you want an AI , who is so happy that he stay's where he is , and does not find it worth to move out , and to use its power , .....
if not , then the best is to put it at deity , .....
have a nice day
June 21, 2002, 15:44
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Originally posted by panag
hi ,
when one's wants to make it intresting , go for the deity level , why , well , the AI is forced to come out to look for happy resources , that is why , as to start with , ...
second , the AI changes some of it's tactics , ...
sure you have thought about this , ...
or do you want an AI , who is so happy that he stay's where he is , and does not find it worth to move out , and to use its power , .....
if not , then the best is to put it at deity , .....
have a nice day
I only played with this selector in the editor a few times some time ago -- basically when I wanted to understand exactly what the editor selector actually did. I must say that in my few games experimenting with it I didn't notice any change in the AI's desire to out-settle the human player or to grab as much land as possible. I also didn't notice any change in tactics -- what sort of tactical changes are you seeing?
June 21, 2002, 15:55
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Originally posted by Catt
I only played with this selector in the editor a few times some time ago -- basically when I wanted to understand exactly what the editor selector actually did. I must say that in my few games experimenting with it I didn't notice any change in the AI's desire to out-settle the human player or to grab as much land as possible. I also didn't notice any change in tactics -- what sort of tactical changes are you seeing?
hi ,
you gave part of the answer yourself , ...
recourses , in partically the ones that make the citizens happy , .... so he shall come out , ....more often , and not only with an ironclad , you might see two battle ships and a transport , more use of subs , etc , ....
he shall try to get bombers and fighters , and dont be surprised you see a couple of yours shot down , ...
also , combined with you starting at deity it shall at first give him more settlers and such , ...
the AI try's to build wonders , more , and in particullar the cure for cancer and longetivity , ....
there is talk about more and different AI calculations , but the findings on that one are still in research , ...
you even see airsupport , when he lands on your beaches , or more army's when he comes over land , ....
most of the games are also moded , example , a carrier holds 10-12 , and the AI sends them , he even protects them , ....
and many more examples ,
the AI shall go to war more with its own neighboring civ's , .....
have a nice day / night
June 21, 2002, 18:15
Local Time: 20:51
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Will you guys stop saying 1982 was a long time ago. It was only yesterday. Barely enough time has past since then to play one game of civ III
Yes! I know. I was being sarcastic when I said this. Let me explain: I originally said i wanted Shaka to have a fro in modern times. Coracle said no, that fros went out of style 20 years ago, as if that was before modern times. 20 yrs ago, being 1982, i sarcasticly said 1982 was a *long* time ago but im pretty sure thats still considered modern times and then I winked .
(Ancient Era - untill fall of Roman Empire -400 odd AD
Thanks for clearing that up, war of art. So, the modern times did not start in *wink* 1982 *wink*(being sarcastic), the "recent" times actually started in 1815. interesting.
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