Help! Game Glitching when i conquer!
Hi, and thanks in advance
I just got a router and my two computers finally hooked up, so I was ready to do some monster LAN-ctp2 action. (this was the first civ game either of us played in months) During the first game my brother and I played, everything was fine until the turn (112) I conquered the Arabs(I had saved it right before). I ended my turn and it suddenly booted both of us out. THinking this to be a random glitch, we restarted a few times, but the result was the same. We figured the data had corrupted somehow, so we started over. Finally, today I had the last Greek city in my sight, but in case i saved it that turn. Well, surprise surprise it booted me out.
Two questions:
HOw do I stop this from happening
Are either of my datas repairable or are they both gone
(AS a note, I was running the game with apolyton pack, but the result was the same for the original game)