September 17, 2003, 22:32
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Uh, Darius or Henrik or whoever?
September 22, 2003, 15:50
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Henrik, your turn!
September 26, 2003, 12:34
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Some natives where killed.
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September 26, 2003, 16:06
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Due to the appalling road infrastructure in Viking territory, no action was against the northern barbarians. A massive force has assembled for a final assault on New Carmarthen, however. Travelers from the north report that several enemy towns behind New Carmarthen lack stockades and are connected by a quality road system, so its fall should be the decisive.
September 27, 2003, 12:06
Local Time: 02:58
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Field Commander's Log in Chippewa
We have held through the night despite barbarous attacks by sea. We launch a hastily made craft of our own to fight these monsters on their own terms. We have taken out one of their dragon ships, but our crew have been shattered by the other, despite its being heavily damaged itself. Have sent dispatch to the General of the Eastern Army to send more supplies to counter this menace.
Field Commander's Log in Big Sioux
The final offensive against the northern tribes has been completed with the taking of Red Deer and Grand Rapids, thanks to the extra supplies given us this last season. I do not believe any tribes further north present any threat to the wellfare of the glorious empire-across the sea. All save garrisoning troops will be presented to the Eastern Commander next season.
Field Commander's Log outside Tlacopan
Continued assaults have continued to lower enemy numbers and moral, but has still not been enough to take the fortress city. The aristocracy in the north say that many factors have lead to us not being given all the support we need to take the city quickly. However, it is essential to our coastal road to supply cities that hav already been taken further south. Mabey next season...
Message to the Irish Knights East of Chippewa
Please Move, you are blocking the progress of the royal army of His Magesty the Emperor-Overseas. The Wiking menance must be obliterated, no matter the costs.
September 27, 2003, 14:37
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Irish knights in their wimpy armour and sissy helmets were ambushed and obliterated near Silver Lake. In other news, Romans are mommy's kids who will freeze to death in the North of the Norse.
September 27, 2003, 14:53
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The map.
September 29, 2003, 00:34
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Ok, quick question, how many people currently have any 'hero' units right now? I lost mine the first turn and haven't gotten any since.
September 29, 2003, 01:20
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I have 1 or 2.
September 29, 2003, 01:23
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I got a few early on but I haven't got any currently.
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September 29, 2003, 21:59
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Mine went to Valhalla fighting the Chinese in Winnipeg.
October 1, 2003, 23:34
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The Irish Army continues to move east. None of the hated vikings were spotted. The Irish government is now acting on the assumption that the Vikings are a bunch of wimps.
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
October 2, 2003, 21:33
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It doesn't matter which battle we die in. All it matters is that we die in battle.
October 3, 2003, 11:42
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Not much happening currently...
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October 4, 2003, 01:31
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Roman troops march to the Viking towns New Carmarthen and Great Falls, only to find them completely abandoned. One of their vaunted longships was spotted outside the latter village, so we garrisoned it lightly as this was so clearly a trap. Troops have also withdrawn from New Carmarthen, as a counterattack from New Cardiff is expected.
OOC: Leo, how do you pillage a railroad without having a unit remain there afterwards?
October 4, 2003, 12:37
Local Time: 02:58
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News to the Emperor-Overseas
Great Emperor, much rejoicing is in accord, for we have recently taken the great city of Tlacopan! This seeming ancient city has offered to us vaste treasuries of Gold and all the wealth of thier knowledge. Granted, we knew everything already, but their established places of learning will prove to be a stronghold for our own progress. Long live your Grace, the Emperor-Overseas!
Field Report of the Eastern Army Advancing to Silver Lake
The navel might of the Viking meanace shows no ability to fight the Chinese land armada! The limping longboat has been destroyed, while our engineers have layed seige to Silver Lake, wrasping it from the Pig's control. Two other Longboats were taken out in the process... one docked in Silver Lake, the other, recieving their food supplies from Silver Lake, starved in the middle of the Lake to the south. Knowing how barbaric these Stink Pots are, we can only imagine how grim their end was as they hacked each other to peices to feed themselves.
Naval Report to the Sub Admiral of the Southern Fleet
We have come across Alejehulo, a meso-American city that has been taken by our more civilized friends, the Romans. As we docked for some supplies, they told us of a city further south named Panama. Panama and Alejehulo both, they told us, have access to both great seas. We will head south and take Panama for the Glory of the Emperor-Overseas!
October 4, 2003, 14:43
Local Time: 22:58
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Originally posted by Darius871 OOC: Leo, how do you pillage a railroad without having a unit remain there afterwards?
OOC: You do it two turns before the enemy gets there.
Last edited by St Leo; October 4, 2003 at 14:56.
October 4, 2003, 15:20
Local Time: 21:58
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Ah, I thought my legions were what saw them, but I guess it was my old map.
October 4, 2003, 16:30
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Occidentals slaughtered near Borg East and Silver Lake. The Great Falls has been recaptured from the hordes unleashed by Loki the Trickster.
All hail Odin the Gallowmaster.
October 5, 2003, 03:01
Local Time: 12:58
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Irish forces have spent another frustrating year treking through forests, while the cowardly Vikings hide under thier beds.
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
October 10, 2003, 11:56
Local Time: 03:58
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Forgot to hit ctrl n last turn but the damage done was minimal
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October 14, 2003, 03:12
Local Time: 21:58
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Just hours before the final offensive was launched, a second sun rose over Rome. In
awe, astrologers declared this an omen foretelling victory, and a new golden age for
the Empire.
Finally, an opportunity to demonstrate the might of Caesar's invincible legions! In the Year of our Lord, 1047, Rome launched the greatest conquest in the history of mankind, under the great leadership of Centurion Narcissus Meridius.
Centurion Narcissus Meridius is honored by his troops before the long march to New Cardiff... and destiny.
After over years of stalemate in the forests and hills of Appalachia, the arrival of some 200,000 slaves in New Carmarthen marked the beginning of the end for the Nordic barbarians. A paved road was promptly built to the Viking front lines at New Cardiff, and our 25 legions assembled outside the city. The mere sight of 125,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry rising over the horizon made the men of the town's petty garrison defecate in fear. In this impaired state they couldn't inflict a single casualty on the inundation of Roman troops, although a colonel's dog was accidentally run over by a supply cart on the way.
When the linchpin of New Cardiff was pulled, ALL of the Vikings' continental possessions fell, one by one, thanks to our quality roads. New Kells, New Tintagel, New Caernarfon, New Aarhus, New Hladir, Long Bend, Great Falls, Oshawa, Grand Huron, and Killdeer now fly the banners of Rome.
The only major loss of the war was unfortunately the worst we could possibly bear. After painting red the tundras around New Hladir with the blood of countless Vikings, Meridius took three horses and rode nonstop to Long Bend to direct a final offensive against Vikings along the Great Lakes. After his brilliant shock tactics took Oshawa, Grand Huron, and Great Falls, the men of the remaining Viking longships, with no safe harbors in sight, quickly starved or froze to death, ending the Viking naval threat once and for all.
Meridius then traveled back to Long Bend, after hearing scouts' reports that a high-quality road led north from the city. In his usual brazen manner he traveled up the mysterious road without any escort other than 10 horsemen and a few hundred infantry. When he came across the tiny enemy town of Algonquin he attacked with his paltry force, only to be completely encircled. After a full week, while his entourage had managed to kill seventeen times as many of the enemy as they had, the battle was lost.
Meridius and his escorts are caught in
a gully and slaughtered at the Battle
of Aldonquin.
When two legions arrived at the town a month later, the great Centurion's head was found on a pike, left to be torn apart by vultures. It became clear to our men that these Vikings were less than barbarians. They were mere animals, with no sense of honor. A quick charge was led against the monsters in Aldonquin, who quickly surrendered.
While previously we'd had the courtesy to merely put our captives to the sword, their desecration of our great general warranted a stronger demonstration. All of the defenders were tied to poles and beaten with branches and singed with hot pokers for a full week, until they died from shock, dehydration, or exposure. Their bodies were then dragged behind our chariots until their bones were exposed, and then left to be devoured by wolves. Then, and only then, was our great leader truly avenged, and he was given a proper burial. He now takes his rightful place in the afterlife among Cyrus, Darius, Alexander, Julis Caesar, the only men whose conquests could ever compare to his.
With the exception of the three island cities from whence Viking colonialism sprang, their threat has been completely expunged. Finally the New World can return to peace, under the guidance of the great empires of East and West. Long live Nova Roma!
October 14, 2003, 08:29
Local Time: 12:58
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The Irish government requests that the Romans get the hell out of Irish territory.
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
October 14, 2003, 21:07
Local Time: 02:58
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East Borg Reduced to Ruble
Dear governor Yizhu,
Our Eastern Army has accomplished what it set out to do. The Native threat is terminated, and the Viking menace has been quelched due to the joint effort between us and the Romans. The last known mainland fortification that the Vikings held has been taken by us, East Borg. Therefore, I shall continue to build these towns into cities for our glorious emperor-overseas!
There is a new balance of Power. We hold the west and these Romans hold the East. The Irish seem to want their home colonies that were liberated by the Romans from the Vikings, but it remains to be seen wether the Romans will concure. This descision should be the basis on how we treat our new neighbors, more civilized than the Vikings as they may be.
I hear our navy in the south is doing well against the barbarian natives in the south. I will hold an impressive feast when I hear Panama has been taken. You, of course are invited.
Comander of the Eastern Army and Governor of the lands across the mountains,
Wong Tzu
October 14, 2003, 21:53
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Six legions of the yellow hairy pigdogs slaughtered honourably in the North. The Norse will enjoy the battle between them, the gallumphing green giants, and the westerners.
The fallow northern fields thirst for the fertilizing lifeblood.
October 14, 2003, 22:07
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Originally posted by Case
The Irish government requests that the Romans get the hell out of Irish territory.
You're fortunate enough that the Emperor allowed your people to live.  We're willing to hand over Great Falls, Grand Huron, Oshawa, Killdeer, and Algonquin, but giving back your original colonies would be impossible, as it would cut us off from our Viking territory. I suggest you take this offer.
October 15, 2003, 06:42
Local Time: 12:58
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The Irish government kow-tows to our Roman masters, and humbly accepts their kind offer of some minor encampments in the back woods.
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
October 15, 2003, 10:59
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The war against the savages of the south rages on...
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October 22, 2003, 19:20
Local Time: 02:58
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Darius! Are you there?
October 23, 2003, 04:19
Local Time: 21:58
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- New Armagh and New Uppsala captured with ease; one longship sunk. One turn left, Vikings... one turn.
- Great Falls, Grand Huron, Oshawa, Killdeer, and Algonquin have been abandoned. Irish civilians are free to repopulate the area and prosper.
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