June 26, 2002, 17:45
Local Time: 03:05
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Posts: 77
War with Russia? Eh?
I'm very lost on the whole movement of our alliance...or, ex-alliance...
June 26, 2002, 17:49
Local Time: 15:05
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nevermind you never saw this, kapiesh? (how do you sell that?)
June 26, 2002, 18:07
Local Time: 03:05
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To: Spain, France, Italy
From: Tzar Alexander I of Russia
It is with great pride I agree to joining your alliance. The might of the east shall compliment the might of the west. Long live the alliance.
To: Sweden
From: Tzar Alexander I of Russia
The Russian army will not encroach any further north into the sovereign territory of Sweden and will halt her forces in Province 63. We warn you that your previous position towards my great nation have not gone unnoticed and we will remain forever vigilant.
For now, we are happy to enter into a Non-Aggression Pact.
To: Prussia
From: Tzar Alexander I of Russia
We agree to recognise at present the ruling rights the Prussian people have over the before-mentioned territories. Furthermore, we also agree with Russia's sovereign right to rule the province of Poland. For now, the Russian people will remain vigilant of Prussia, but will not make any encroachment on their sovereign soil.
OOC: Eek! Talk about the fickle world of politics!
Oooh! Pretty flashing red button! * PUSH *
June 26, 2002, 18:08
Local Time: 21:05
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OOC: Toasty: the alliance is still alive, I've jsut secretly rebelled and joined the other side  . The main plan was/is to subjugate Russia and maybe the ottomans or one other civ before taking on the Great Alliance.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
June 26, 2002, 18:12
Local Time: 21:05
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TO Russia: I think I can get the Great Alliance behind me, how about a couple turns from now sneak attacking Prussia? I think you should join the Great Alliance too (OOC: don't bother responding to this part but just from now on Sweden knows that Russia is in the alliance because that's what you would respond).
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
June 26, 2002, 18:18
Local Time: 15:05
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Posts: 2,709
*coded message, carrier orderd to destory message and kill self upon capture (even though he's illiterate)*
To all alliance nations: I suggest we attack the nations of Prussia and Austria. When they are no longer in existance we can carve the turkey so to speak (we can divide the territories equally amongst ourselves)
June 26, 2002, 19:05
Local Time: 21:05
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Sounds good, though Austria will be a tough challenge...how about allying with the turkey to take down those German-speakers and eat it as desert afterwards?
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
June 26, 2002, 19:22
Local Time: 15:05
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Posts: 2,709
speak in English so they won't understand you...
Good Idea lets see what the other think
June 26, 2002, 19:59
Local Time: 23:05
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Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
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sounds good to me. :trickey starts a chant: lets go to war, lets go to war, lets go to war.........
June 26, 2002, 20:03
Local Time: 15:05
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we need to secure peace with libya before I can attack at full strength.
To Libya: Join our alliance won't you?
June 26, 2002, 20:26
Local Time: 03:05
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
To Jason: I've sent you the most blank map I have.
To thrusters_back: It wasn't your suicidal moves, it was trickey's! Or are you the same person?!
So if thrusters_back takes Turkey, SKILORD has taken Britain, then that just leaves Austria and Libya, or has someone claimed either of those?
Libya will remain neutral in any conflict, unless a war of annihilation is waged, in which case Libya will help the weaker side.
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
June 26, 2002, 20:27
Local Time: 03:05
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Location: Australia
Posts: 122
To: Spain, France, Italy, Sweden
From: Tzar Alexander I of Russia
The Russian Empire stands beside her allies in whatever decision they make but warns against the possibility of sneak attacks.
To: Prussia
From: Tzar Alexander I of Russia
My allies have designs for Prussia. Russia continues to recognise the sovereign rights of Prussia, but we will not hesitate to act on what we believe is best for the Russian people and the Alliance. You have been warned.
OOC: Becoming somewhat lop-sided. Let's look at the alliances:
Great Alliance:
Sweden (secret)
Northern Alliance
Sweden (not really but in-game is still officially with them)
Unaligned (as far as I can tell)
Ottoman Empire
Gonna get messy.
Oooh! Pretty flashing red button! * PUSH *
June 26, 2002, 20:40
Local Time: 15:05
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Posts: 2,709
June 26, 2002, 20:40
Local Time: 03:05
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Posts: 393
Don't worry, any unclaimed nations will jump in on the losing side lol.
Also guys, instead of this *secret coded* stuff you're used to in other NESs, this isn't a story, it's a game and a story!
What I mean is use PMing to tell someone something secretly, and stop them acting on your plans!
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
June 26, 2002, 22:27
Local Time: 03:05
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Location: Portugal
Posts: 70
shoot thir taken
Last edited by Cap'n Crunch; June 27, 2002 at 00:05.
June 26, 2002, 23:03
Local Time: 19:05
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Posts: 20
Can people please start saying which country they are when they write to someone? I know the countries, but not the people! I continualy have to keep on going to the 1st page! lol
Mess with the best and die like the rest!
June 27, 2002, 01:54
Local Time: 03:05
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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can i at least get a link to d/load it from?
June 27, 2002, 01:58
Local Time: 03:05
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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speak in English so they won't understand you...
Unfortunately for that plan the English are allied with Prussia.
Interpreters offered to Austria should they join us!
June 27, 2002, 02:43
Local Time: 15:05
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Posts: 2,709
cbraund the reason we write most things in *code* is because it's a lot easier than PMing everyone one by one. Besides all of the truely secrect stuff is getting PMed
June 27, 2002, 08:12
Local Time: 21:05
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OK, can we have a list of usernames in each alliance for easy PMing? I think this is it, please correct any mistakes:
Great Alliance:
Emperor Jason
civman2000 (secret)
Northern Alliance
civman2000 (not really but in-game is still officially with them)
Unaligned (as far as I can tell)
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
June 27, 2002, 08:34
Local Time: 23:05
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Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada
Posts: 740
(( sorry bout my suicidel moves. believe it or not, i am firends with thruster, he was over at my house.))
June 27, 2002, 08:40
Local Time: 21:05
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Great alliance members: check your inboxes, reply quick because I might have to change my moves that I sent to cbraund
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
June 27, 2002, 10:53
Local Time: 03:05
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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I NEED to see the map..... can i get a link to download it from!
June 27, 2002, 11:56
Local Time: 23:05
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Posts: 40
Me and trickey are friends where not Same person...........
June 27, 2002, 12:00
Local Time: 23:05
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Posts: 40
To World : Turkey has noticed all these alliances and is getting worried about a soon war, We would like to take part in this to be allied and have friends incase problems do ocure Turkey is up for alliances.
June 27, 2002, 12:52
Local Time: 03:05
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Posts: 393
Here's a link(just don't tell CivFanatics it's on their uploads lol):
When the map is updated, the link will be 3 instead of 2, and I will prolly post the link.
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
June 27, 2002, 13:01
Local Time: 03:05
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Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Right, I need orders from Trickey, Space05us, Toasty, SKILORD and thrusters_back(read the rules please thrusters, you can't claim territories by buying them!).
If I do not have those orders by about midnight my time(GMT), then I will move for them.
Unless sufficient people still haven't given in orders, in which case I may extend it to tomorrow night.
Also please guys, if you're going to join, read the goddamned rules!
Finally, Libya and Austria are still free.
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
June 27, 2002, 13:53
Local Time: 22:05
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I want austria, have the rules been ammended on the first page cuz I've seen a lot of discrepency on the rules.
Actually, if you could PM me the rules there would be little chance for me to screw them up...
Oh and I want in the alliance with skilord, we ruled SNESA one on the same side.
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
June 27, 2002, 13:54
Local Time: 22:05
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my leader name will be The Allmighty Shabazz or just Shabazz for short. Only allies can call me Shabazz though.
First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...
June 27, 2002, 14:01
Local Time: 21:05
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cbraund, I'm going to change the moves I pmed you pending approvla by my allies...so you might expect a last minute report form me
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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