June 25, 2002, 09:21
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Originally posted by Ribannah
Some wonders by civs-to-come:
Angkor Wat counts as a temple in all cities within 4 squares
How about 4 closest cities on the same continent and city in which its built?
Originally posted by Ribannah
Stonehenge city squares in all cities within 4 squares get +1 of everything
Same as above.
Originally posted by Ribannah Salomon's Court decreases corruption
Good. Like half of a courthouse in each city?
Originally posted by Ribannah The Ten Commandments improves culture flipping odds
Eh. More culture per turn increases this.
Originally posted by Ribannah Camelot reduces the production costs of mounted units
By 25%?
Originally posted by Ribannah The Thousand and One Nights (or: Grand Bazar) decreases waste
Like Saloman's court, but for waste? I like these two.
Originally posted by Ribannah The Great Mountain Road reduces the time to build roads
Good one.
Originally posted by Ribannah Inquisition expells citizens of foreign cultures
And they go to nearest foreign city, not just destroyed.
Originally posted by Ribannah Topkapi Palace increases the effectiveness of artillery
+1 to all bombard values?
Originally posted by Ribannah East Indies Company counts as a harbor in each city
Good one.
Originally posted by Ribannah Kinderdike Mills +2 shields in each city at river/lake
Good one.
Originally posted by Ribannah Red Cross allows wounded units to return to nearest barracks
Could be quite powerful. Maybe 25-50% of the time.
Originally posted by Ribannah Sydney Opera House makes 8 content citizens happy
Same as Shakespeare. Maybe this could count as a happiness improvement in 5 cities or so.
Originally posted by Ribannah Kruger National Park no pollution from forest squares
Good. Maybe a corresponding one for each kind of terrain. A way to eliminate pollution that we have to clean up. Global warming would still occur, but no orange blobs on my tiles.
Originally posted by Ribannah Freud's Interpretation of Dreams counts as a luxury
What happens if you have 9 luxuries?
June 25, 2002, 10:29
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Originally posted by Ribannah
East Indies Company counts as a harbor in each city
This would be a must build if implemented.
Sydney Opera House makes 8 content citizens happy
8  Are you Australian? The SOH has a good organ but I'm not sure it is this significant. Wouldn't this be on par with Bach's?
But now that you mention it, a concert hall would be a nice happiness improvement for all cities.
June 25, 2002, 10:32
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Chunnel wonder: Should be built in two cities, no further than three tiles apart, on different continents facing eachother. On the map a tunnel (like in Ctp) becomes visible which acts like a road.
Somebody told me I should get a signature.
June 25, 2002, 10:33
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Originally posted by Carver
8 Are you Australian? The SOH has a good organ but I'm not sure it is this significant. Wouldn't this be on par with Bach's?
I think it's just like Shakespeare's Theater, which makes 8 unhappy people content ONLY in the city in which it is built.
June 25, 2002, 10:36
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Originally posted by Mannamagnus
Chunnel wonder: Should be built in two cities, no further than three tiles apart, on different continents facing eachother. On the map a tunnel (like in Ctp) becomes visible which acts like a road.
And allows everyone to build tunnels under coastal tiles. Maybe take an industrious worker in a Democracy 32 turns to build. The tunnels can only be 2 tiles in length and have an upkeep of 3 gold per turn per tile.
I also don't think this needs to be built in a coastal city. It should only require a coastal tile in the city radius of both cities.
June 25, 2002, 16:23
Local Time: 05:06
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hi ,
 , the telephone ,  , what could serve as a wonder there , ...
a telephone or telecom building would be nice to have in the city , it could make one citizen content , ....
wonders are nice , but there should be buildings with it to , ...
have a nice day
July 1, 2002, 07:46
Local Time: 05:06
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hi ,
in all they would have to trow at least ten great and ten small ones in the game , extra , .........
but shall they do so , ......
have a nice day
July 1, 2002, 09:14
Local Time: 05:06
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Originally posted by panag
in all they would have to trow at least ten great and ten small ones in the game , extra , .........
This space is empty... or is it?
July 1, 2002, 22:29
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Small Wonder: Duct Tape!
An excellent idea for an improvement or Small Wonder would be something like a 3M (or generic adhesives) facility.
"President, our workers have completed 'Duct Tape' in (nameofcityhere)."
Allows for half-priced maintenence.
Would require Synthetic Fibers. (As if MA wasn't enough of a reason to shoot for this one.)
July 1, 2002, 23:14
Local Time: 21:06
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How about a Manifest Destiny great wonder that gives your settlers an extra move or something? Except I guess the point can be made that most land is colonized by the time you can build wonders. It would trigger a golden age for expansionist civs, and if not an extra move, maybe it can make it cheaper to build workers and settlers.
They don't call me Springfield Fats because I'm morbidly obese!
July 2, 2002, 00:13
Local Time: 22:06
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How about the Florida Election Commision, it could allow you to undertake an instantanious government change without anybody complaining  .
I like the idea of the World Trade Center as a wonder, I think it would be a sort of tribute.
The CIA: Lets you undertake a larger list of covert actions, like encouraging revolutions.
Silicon Vally: Reduces the minimum discovery rate to three turns.
Millitary Traning Center: Allows that city to produce elite units.
Defense Network: Would require integrated defense, makes every city on the continant of a certain size have two mech infantry units perminantly stationed there at no cost, maybe throw in a jet figher or something.
And finally, Department of Homeland Security: It costs fifty gold a turn, it doesn't do anything, and it makes other contries hate you. Increases waste in your capital and makes one citizen permenantly unhappy in every city. EFFECTS DO NOT EXPIRE.
July 2, 2002, 00:15
Local Time: 21:06
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Originally posted by Ben Williams
How about the Florida Election Commision, it could allow you to undertake an instantanious government change without anybody complaining .
I like the idea of the World Trade Center as a wonder, I think it would be a sort of tribute.
The CIA: Lets you undertake a larger list of covert actions, like encouraging revolutions.
Silicon Vally: Reduces the minimum discovery rate to three turns.
Millitary Traning Center: Allows that city to produce elite units.
Defense Network: Would require integrated defense, makes every city on the continant of a certain size have two mech infantry units perminantly stationed there at no cost, maybe throw in a jet figher or something.
And finally, Department of Homeland Security: It costs fifty gold a turn, it doesn't do anything, and it makes other contries hate you. Increases waste in your capital and makes one citizen permenantly unhappy in every city. EFFECTS DO NOT EXPIRE.
They don't call me Springfield Fats because I'm morbidly obese!
July 2, 2002, 17:25
Local Time: 05:06
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Posts: 186
Could the Hoover dam be fixed > when you build it you get a hydroplant in each city . But you should not get that when there is no river in the city that gets a hydroplant automatically . Or next to a fresh water lake .
July 2, 2002, 17:39
Local Time: 03:06
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There should be a wonder to reduce the cost of the spy missions...
July 2, 2002, 17:53
Local Time: 05:06
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Originally posted by ShredZ
There should be a wonder to reduce the cost of the spy missions...
It should be a great wonder .
July 2, 2002, 18:11
Local Time: 19:06
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I know that they toyed with the idea of having a physical Great Wall on the map that would block off any passage between sqares for units not of your civ. I would like to see more wonders like this (such as the Chunnel as a SW) which have a physical presence on the map.
BTW, they said that it would be too difficult to implement the Great Wall idea, but I wonder why...
July 2, 2002, 19:01
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It wouldn't even have to be a GREAT wall. With construction, let workers build a wall improvement on terrain that doesn't affect your units, but requires enemy units to spend 3 movement points to cross it. Would be a nice way to prevent enemy blitz attacks against you, but maybe armor would be able to bypass it.
They don't call me Springfield Fats because I'm morbidly obese!
July 2, 2002, 19:11
Local Time: 21:06
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To me, the most obvious Wonder never used in a game is...
The Wright Brothers
Imagine what it allows...
P.S. Someone should add this to a mod pack...
July 3, 2002, 00:28
Local Time: 21:06
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Originally posted by Palleon
It wouldn't even have to be a GREAT wall. With construction, let workers build a wall improvement on terrain that doesn't affect your units, but requires enemy units to spend 3 movement points to cross it. Would be a nice way to prevent enemy blitz attacks against you, but maybe armor would be able to bypass it.
This is possible in AoE--requires stone as a resource.
It could be implemented in Civ3 or in PTW as an extension of the Fortification or something.
July 3, 2002, 09:10
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Originally posted by Palleon
How about a Manifest Destiny great wonder that gives your settlers an extra move or something? Except I guess the point can be made that most land is colonized by the time you can build wonders. It would trigger a golden age for expansionist civs, and if not an extra move, maybe it can make it cheaper to build workers and settlers.
I think expansionist civs, if not everyone should have an advanced settler later in the game (like the Urban Planner in CTP). The normal advanced settler should have 2 moves. For expansionist civs the settler gets 2 moves plus the city it founds is automatically built with basic infastructure: aquaduct and courthouse maybe.
This would give expansionist civs another bonus late in the game.
Even though the world is usually claimed by the middle ages the advanced settler would be good for resettling territory after war and razing.
Last edited by Carver; July 3, 2002 at 13:12.
July 3, 2002, 12:46
Local Time: 05:06
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hi ,
forbidden palace should be a great wonder , in return the small state capital wonder should show up , only one for every 10 cities , reducing corruption , but no like a palace , and there should be a minimum amout of space that you can put it , between two , ....
or just have one or two for each civ , and still keep the forbidden palace as a great wonder , ...
have a nice day
July 3, 2002, 16:46
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Originally posted by SABRA
Could the Hoover dam be fixed > when you build it you get a hydroplant in each city . But you should not get that when there is no river in the city that gets a hydroplant automatically . Or next to a fresh water lake .
Doesn't need fixed. It represents that the Hoover Dam provides electricity for a very large area in the western US.
Think of it as not actually having a hydro plant in that city, but having the effects of one.
July 3, 2002, 16:48
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Originally posted by Venger
To me, the most obvious Wonder never used in a game is...
The Wright Brothers
Imagine what it allows...
P.S. Someone should add this to a mod pack...
This is simply the technology "Flight". It would allow... "Airplanes".
July 3, 2002, 19:39
Local Time: 14:06
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Small wonders requiring resources
We need more resource-based small wonders. At present, we only have the Iron Works. On average I can build this about one game in five at best. The games without Iron Works make you forget that the Iron Works are even possible.
So how about some ideas for other resource-based small wonders?
* Oil Refinery - oil in city radius, increases production, generates some pollution, can explode
Any other ideas?
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 4, 2002, 01:10
Local Time: 21:06
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Glue factory. Needs horses in radius, produces 50% more shields, but gives the horses a chance to disappear.
They don't call me Springfield Fats because I'm morbidly obese!
July 4, 2002, 09:18
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resourced base wonders
Silk 'factory': needs at least two silk in city-squares, produces like 2 extra gold per square (just gold), expires somewhere like with Frigate....
Bourdoux/Champagne-wineyard: 1 extra happy face for whole civ, requires again like 2 wine (what shall we do with the drunken sailors, what ....)
All I can think of in the moment
July 4, 2002, 14:48
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Originally posted by Palleon
Glue factory. Needs horses in radius, produces 50% more shields, but gives the horses a chance to disappear.
Yes, Adhesives are GREAT!!! w/ the Adhesives Factory and after learning Synthetic Fibers, you could research Duct Tape. It would allow half-priced maintenence.
I mean, a civ w/o Duct Tape; can they even really be considered a civilization???!!
You can't tell me that all those folks bound for Alpha Centauri are completely Duct Tapeless. How're they gonna fix the ship mid-flight if something goes wrong???
July 4, 2002, 15:32
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Originally posted by dunk999
This is simply the technology "Flight". It would allow... "Airplanes".
I am of two minds about this -
1) Someone has to BUILD TWB before planes can be built
2) Whoever builds this gets veteran air units
3) Both...
Still, I think it's wonders, units, resources, diversity and such that spice up the game and make it so enjoyable, rather than running through just another tech avalanche...
July 4, 2002, 22:09
Local Time: 14:06
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Originally posted by steven8r
You can't tell me that all those folks bound for Alpha Centauri are completely Duct Tapeless. How're they gonna fix the ship mid-flight if something goes wrong???
Too right. The Duct Tape on board saved the crew of Apollo 13 when things went wrong.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 4, 2002, 22:24
Local Time: 21:06
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Great/Small Wonder Idea: Hollywood
I don't think that I'm the first to come up w/ this idea, I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but I just can't remember seeing it lately. (If you've already mentioned this here or somewhere else, please don't think I'm trying to hog the glory for this one.)
A mid/late industrial age advance could be Motion Pictures. This would allow the Theatre improvement in your cities. With 5 or so Theatres, it would make possible the 'Hollywood' wonder (With this approach it would have to be a SW).
It would increase happiness or at lease contentment, or even in times of war it could decrease War Weariness--Entertainment/War Propaganda flicks, respectively.
How many early John Wayne films made young boys want to go off and join the War Effort during WWII? Even Elvis did several movies while in the Army.
I'm using the above as examples of how a Hollywood wonder could reduce war weariness (just in case you were wondering about that one--the happy/content part isn't that hard to figure out.)
Just an idea.
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