June 23, 2002, 19:40
Local Time: 22:07
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New ToT Succession game
Waves lap on far distant shores... and stirred by the waves of the great sea, a tribe arises, destined to rule, or to have its histories lost beneath the same timeless waves...
This is a succession game, playable in ToT with the no-limits patch. It's not necessary to have the patch to play, but late in the game, it may be needed to overcome game limits of money and population (?).
ToT- Original Game
Deity-7 Civs-Raging
Small Land Mass
Any are welcome to join, up to about 8. Especially welcome are veterans of the Invasion-Earth ToT game, and anyone who couldn't fit into the MGE or 2.4.2 games currently going on. We'll start with 20 turns, and then see where things stand, the second go-round.
If you choose to play, 2 things - post if you can't take your turn, and try to have each turn played in 48 hours, maximum. Oh, and please ensure you save the game in the 'Original' Folder, or bad things will happen
Any takers?
2. Thoth - up next
3. Julius Brenzaida
4. LDiCesare
5. Vlad Antlerkov (on hold  )
6. Jawn Henry
7. ??????
8. ???????
4000: A luvvly 2 whale start. First Blood founded, immediately. Archers from hut; First Blood is now building Settlers.
3950: Research begins with Alphabet.
3800: Go Ye Forth founded. Hut due east. Our Archer has located another hut.
3700: Alphabet - now trying for Ceremonial Burial
3300: Ceremonial Burial discovered - trying for Bronze Working.
3150: Lost Souls founded. Horsemen from hut near Lost Souls.
3050: Another hut located, S of Lost Souls.
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
Last edited by Six Thousand Year Old Man; June 25, 2002 at 17:44.
June 23, 2002, 20:05
Local Time: 23:07
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I'll have a go. I should have the results up in a couple of hours.
I live in Canada, which is a totalitarian state. - Ben Kenobi
June 23, 2002, 20:26
Local Time: 22:07
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Great to have you aboard, Thoth...
I'll edit the play list as people join in.
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 23, 2002, 20:53
Local Time: 23:07
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Location: Toronto, UnAmerica
Posts: 2,806
3000 BC: A new leader has arisen. He finds the empire well, but small and with inadequate knowledge. The empire shall grow, both in size and in learning.
2950: Our horsemen continue to explore.
2900: Yawn.
2850: The art of working bronze has been discovered. Our shamans begin squabling over a code of laws to govern our empire by.
13g spent in Lost Souls to speed up settler production.
2800: First Blood grows to size 2.
2750: Go Ye Forth produces settlers. A band of warriors to explore the world are started.
2700: First Blood builds settlers. More wariors mext
2500: Sherwood founded on a forest to the northeast
2450: Lost Souls complets a settler. Another is started.
First Blood completes a warrior. A settler is begun.
2350: Go Ye Forth completes a warrior. More settlers are begun.
2300: Hutton founded to the south of Lost Souls.
2250: Code of Laws. Monarchy next.
2000bc: We're now up to 5 cities, with a settler in position to build next turn. We're making 4g a turn, tech 11 turns (Monarchy expected in 6 turns or so). We have a scouting party of warriors to the north, though it appears we are on an island. There are two huts within city radii (one near Go Ye Forth, and one near Hutton). I've left them alone until after we get to Monarchy. All 5 cities are currently building settlers.
June 24, 2002, 02:32
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Count me in
I have downloaded and will play today
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 24, 2002, 05:46
Local Time: 05:07
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Hi, I would like to play. I will be without a computer for the first week of july (1-7) however. If I can take the turn after Julius, I will do, else wait a bit and see if there is still room.
June 24, 2002, 09:46
Local Time: 22:07
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Welcome aboard Julius and LDiCesare...
LDiCesare, Julius should be finished well before July 1  So, go ahead and jump in after he plays, and then when July comes up we can skip you until you let us know you're back.
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 24, 2002, 11:46
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I'll join in after LDiCesare...
June 24, 2002, 11:52
Local Time: 03:07
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Location: Currently cleaning the 9000 rooms of Sticky Mouse's Palace
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2000bc -1800 Following Thot’s wise words, I don’t open huts, waiting to become a king first. We’re on a nice islands with many nice spots for a powerful republic.
1750bc, we have 100’000 citizen now. Mar del Plata founded.
1700bc. Monarchy is discovered. 2 legions from huts.
1650bc Kingdom proclaimed.
1350bc. We discover currency. Trade is next !
1250bc. Special One is founded.
1000bc. In Between is founded.
975bc. Trade is discovered. Safe Haven founded.
925bc. North Star is founded.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 24, 2002, 11:53
Local Time: 03:07
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Location: Currently cleaning the 9000 rooms of Sticky Mouse's Palace
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I overplayed for a few turns, but there was not much happening. I really like our starting location. There is one spot for a new city left in the south. An eleven city republic with heavy trading looks good to me. But it’s up to my successors to choose a path. First Blood is building the Colossus, but maybe Marco our the Garden will suit better ...
Here is the saved game.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
June 24, 2002, 12:45
Local Time: 22:07
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Location: Ad Rock
Posts: 2,665
List updated!
**HINT** Colossus would be nice but HG would be nicer! Can't imagine a gigamap with lots of cities and no HG
Naturally...advice is just advice, of course...
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 24, 2002, 14:28
Local Time: 05:07
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I am downloading and will post reply soon. As for HG, it all depends on whether we reach pottery before the statue is finished...
June 24, 2002, 16:08
Local Time: 05:07
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925BC: LDiCesare is proclaimed king. A quick check of the best cities shows Ulundi is barbarian ruled. Zulus shouldn't be much of a threat in this game. We are researching Writing.
Rush buying a settler in Lost Souls where people started complaining. Rush buys warrior in In Between to maintain order.
900BC: Setllers at Lost Souls. Rush buy temple in Special One which is going to grow. Sherwood switches from settler to Caravan. In Between builds warrior, starts a new one in order to maintain peace.
875BC: Temple built in Special One, switch to caravan.
850BC: Building roads to connect our capital to camel farms.
825BC: Writing discovered. Map Making comes next (7 turns). English start Pyramids. In Between revolts, warrior coming one turn late, but we now reach 300,000 souls...
800BC: Mar del Plata rush builds settler before red faces appear.
775BC: 2 settlers spawned, switched to caravans. In Between works on caravan too.
750BC: Moving settlers to build a city south. I will turn the forest to plains for better growth and avoid lost land squares.
725BC: Hutton builds settler, switch to caravan. Go Ye Forth switches to warrior which will go maintain order in our soon-to-grow capitol.
700BC: First camel produced. On its way to help wonders.
675BC: Warrior en route to First Blood. Go Ye Forth switches to camel.
650BC: Map making discovered. The royal gardener suggests researching pottery. 8 turns to go. Warrior defends First Blood.
625BC: Southern harbor founded. There is just a little spot near a lake in the north of our island that remains unsettled.
600BC: 400,000 inhabitants. Looking at the 5 best cities, Uppsala shows city walls. Thus vikings know masonry. Mar del Plata switches to trireme and will soon start exploring (starts tickling).
575BC: Special One builds food caravan. Caravan delivered in First Blood. 8 turns left for Colossus. The royal gardener is appointed head of scientist in order to speed up research.
550BC: Nothing extraordinary. Either I settle near the lake, or I go build roads and irrigate around Special One. But building now would cause people to become unhappy. Those at Special One warn that, should the settler not come to their city and make the landscape pretty, they will revolt. King LDiCesare hesitates, but the royal gardener suggests that flowers in the landscape are always a nice thing, so the settlers will plough the fields, build roads and put lots of pots of roses along the roads. This should inspire the scientists in the city.
525BC: Noth Star builds settler, starts trireme. Southern harbor starts caravan. Trireme built in Mar del Plata, starts exploring and discovers a lots of whales in the sea. Immediately inhabitants leave their fields and turn fishermen. Having sighted the whales, the captain of our glorious ship, the Unsinkable, sees that a small spot of land lies to the west. Leaving the safety of the coast in a bold move based only on his confidence in his own sight, the captain turns west and discovers a new land. The fact that this land is not part of our island seems to prove that worls isn't round, but flat.
500BC: Mar del Plata revolts themselves. Fishermen and farmers fight one another as the city grows. The mayor orders farmer to stop riotting and sing songs to praise our glorious whalemen instead. He urges construction of warriors to put farmers to work. The trireme follows the coast of the new found island to the north. Safe Haven looks like it sould revolt soon. The mayor sings a song to soothe the populace.
475BC: Mar del Plata is pleased with the songs of the fishermen, and all is well in the kingdom when something stupendous happens. The royal gardener enters the king's bedroom unexpectedly and tells the king that the scientists have just discovered the means to turn bronze statues into big flower pots. The king, surprised, asks the royal gardener to prove his words. Now the king wonders. Should we learn seafaring when we have coasts nearby? Or horseback riding which leads the path to elephants? Or literacy to get a Republic? Literacy is rumoured to be in favour of the AI, so it is chosen. Lost Souls builds a new food caravan.
450BC: The gardener decided to steal money from the treasury, corrupted lots of builders and, according to his boasts, managed to turn a huge bronze statue into hanging gardens. At this point, using caravans would lose shields, and the royal gardener, getting old, felt like finishing his dream before his death. Meanwhile, the Vikings are rumoured to start on pyramids. Awakened by the celebrations in the streets, the king looks through the windows and sees hanging gardens. He decides that this is worth boasting, and immediately orders building of an Embassy so we can tell all the other civs how good, powerful and mighty we are. He commissions a man called Marco Polo to supervise the works. Immediately, camels deliver workers to help the work.
425BC: In Between builds SILVER caravan, which First Blood badly wants while another caravan helps building Marco Polo's. Mar del Plata builds its warrior and switches to settler. Our trireme comes back to its home city to take some troops to explore the island which looks like a big one. However, the chief architect of the Colossus project, mad after seeing all his glorious statue vut to bits and turned into flower pots, launches a coup. The royal gardener dies amidst his beloved flowers, and king LDiCesare is hurt, and abdicates, leaving the kingdom for his successor, Vlad Antlerkov, to rule.
We are 6 turns for new techs, literacy researched. Our treasury is 157 gold, with 13 revenue per turn.
First Blood is the greatest city in the world, Mar del Plata the third. We have a population of 540,000, our demographics stats show us first everywhere except military, where we are seventh. Time will come when this changes.
I have built roads with our settlers, and one city. Mar del Plata just starts building a settler, so if someone wants to change that to a building, do it now. A library could be nice there in fact. I explored a little with our boat, but decided it would be better to send troops to scout the continent. It would take 2 turns to move the horsemen from hutton to the boat.
I hesitated between food and silver for the last caravan. Since silver was demanded by First Blood, I ecided to go for it. It should produce one or two additional arrows when it reached destination and I am building caravans almost everywhere else anyway.
I mostly wanted to build the HG and explore a bit. Next turn will be exploration-rich. One trireme discovered land to the southwest, another one is being built to the northeast and could be rushbuilt if needed. Marco Polo could give us a few maps and gold if the AI forgets being silly, and we should be able to trade at least literacy with them when we find it. Now, Colossus and LightHouse are open options instead of Marco.
June 24, 2002, 20:50
Local Time: 21:07
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Ah nutbunnies.
The game unzips fine, but crashes when I try to load the damn thing.
I guess I'll sit out this one...
June 24, 2002, 21:08
Local Time: 22:07
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Since this seems to be the universal solution to ToT problems, I'll be the first to say it:
'Vlad, do you have the 1.1 patch installed?'
When I get home I'll see if I can download it, and let you if it's just you.
Also, to everyone... I think we can upload the saves in un-zipped format - even in a gigamap my first save uploaded fine. That should avoid most of the zip/unzip problems..
Or is it bad etiquette to waste storage capacity here?
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 25, 2002, 00:34
Local Time: 22:07
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Location: Ad Rock
Posts: 2,665
I can't seem to unzip the file  At least, nothing appears in any folder after I try...
LDiCesare, can you try to re-upload?
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 25, 2002, 00:51
Local Time: 05:07
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Here it is without a zip. I forgot to remove the directories in the zip, so maybe it appeared in a sub folder Program Files\Microprose\...
June 25, 2002, 01:55
Local Time: 22:07
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Location: Ad Rock
Posts: 2,665
Thanks LDiCesare, that seemed to work - for me anyway.
Vlad, try to play if you can... If it still doesn't work, check your ToT version.
Otherwise I will play again...
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
June 25, 2002, 09:03
Local Time: 21:07
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As it happens, I don't think I have the 1.1 patch.
Just downloaded and installed it. STILL didn't work.
Yeah, it's probably just me. STYOM, you can go ahead...
June 25, 2002, 09:06
Local Time: 21:07
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For that matter, I can't get ANY "Original" save to load. (Others are fine.)
Wait, found the problem-- something deleted the "Extra Advance 8" slot.
Edit: Wasn't the problem. STILL crashes.
June 25, 2002, 15:18
Local Time: 22:07
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425 BC: STYOM takes over the kingdom. Travelers reported that other nations were building great wonders such as the Pyramids, but STYOM does not recall which ones!  A great gamble is commenced, and a caravan of workers is started at Mar Del Plata, hopefully to one day become... a Colossus!
400: Workers start a road to Mar Del Plata.
375: Nothing happens, but the sound of the camel herders' horns are heard throughout the realm as Caravans are assembled.
350: Safe Haven builds Silk Caravan, starts Diplomat. Beads Caravan in Special One, starts Settler. Hides Caravan in Sherwood, starts Hides. Silver Inbetween>First Blood, 24g.
325: Literacy discovered. Researching Mysticism with an eye to Monotheism. A nice location with a whale and river is found by our scouting Trireme. The captain will now return to ferry Settlers to their new home!
300: Hides in Go Ye Forth; starts Temple.
Gibbon proclaims to the world that we are the largest civilization... hmmmm... where are these other lands he's comparing us to? Celts start Pyramids.
275: Hutton builds Beads Caravan; starts Temple.
250: Caravans crawl towards Mar Del Plata.
225: Very little of note.
200: Settlers land on distant shores, to colonize new lands!
175: Mysticism discovered.. trying for Philosophy, so that out wise men might learn to think more rationally...  DavyJonesLocker founded - Horsemen from hut! Good for exploring this new land 
English are almost finished Pyramids...
150: Diplomat in Safe Haven. English finish Pyramids, Celts and Vikings switch to Colossus! Land located to the north of our island.
125: Exploration along the river. Celts are about to finish Colossus.
100: We rush MPE in First Blood and tickle caravans to allow Colossus to be finished in Mar Del Plata. More exploration to the N and W of our little island.
75: Colossus completed. Vikings and Celts switch to Lighthouse. MPE completed. 2 caravans delivered to Mar Del Plata. VERY nice river complex, with Whale and Silk, located W of DavyJonesLocker.
50: Celts finish Lighthouse. Vikings change to Great Wall. Philosophy and Horseback Riding discovered; start Polytheism. Belatedly, STYOM thinks to check on the rest of the world via MPE. Mongols, Vikings, and English all have 6-7 cities. Aztecs seem to be stuck on 1 city (Island??). We determine to trade for Polytheism, Wheel, and Construction, all of which lead to Monotheism and Invention, 2 of STYOM's fave wonders.
25: Diplomacy...
English trade Construction for Map Making... but won't trade maps  . Wheel acquired in trade, and we gift a science... in exchange for maps.  The English have 6 cities far away on a tiny island  Just like real life.
4 techs gifted to Mongols (Construction, Monarchy, Mysticism, Trade) in exchange for maps. They're relatively far, not as far as the English, in between us and the English.
4 techs to Celts.. got their maps. They are N of the Mongols.
Trade Writing for Polytheism with Zulus + 2 techs, got their maps. Zulus are well to the east, with only 3 cities.
3 techs gifted to Aztecs - worshipful but no maps or alliance!  When I find them, they're going down.
2 techs to Vikings - got their maps. They're to the east, between Zulus and English.
Conclusion: None of the AI's are within screaming distance (except perhaps the Aztecs?). Expansion to the juicy island to the West, as well as to the north, seems feasible.
STYOM sends the emissaries from the foreign lands packing, and drifts off to sleep... dreaming of conquering the stubborn Aztecs, and seeing a giant chapel providing happiness to all his people.
I'll save now (16 turns)... everyone can play anywhere from 10-20 from here on in, as the turns grow more complex. Oh, the map of the Celtic lands shows a classic AI unsinkable Trireme path
Damn... just remembered.. forgot to gift Map Making to the Aztecs
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
Last edited by Six Thousand Year Old Man; June 25, 2002 at 17:31.
June 25, 2002, 16:11
Local Time: 22:07
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Location: Canada
Posts: 35
I took the 25bc file out for a spin. Seems interesting. Looks like fun. I like this concept of sharing a game too.
There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives. :)
June 25, 2002, 17:28
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Kind of a messed-up strategy on my part  I seldom build MPE, unless on a very big map, because I usually can't get it, and HG and Colossus. The fact that we got all three suggests that we're doing well.  In any event, I mis-timed some of the diplomacy, and I wanted to avoid getting the unnecessary Masonry. If my successor likes Super Science Cities, he may want to try for Mathematics from whoever has it, just to keep us in the race for Copernicus...
There are some great city sites to the west. I was storing up some caravans for Mike's, and sending a few between FirstBlood and MarDelPlata... trying for the 2 trading cities strategy.  I thought that was a good option since it will take forever to ship anything to foreign cities.
Vlad, please post if you are good to go... if not, Thoth is next...
To Jawn Henry: Why not jump in at the end of this (2nd)round, if you're interested?
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
Last edited by Six Thousand Year Old Man; June 25, 2002 at 17:42.
June 25, 2002, 17:58
Local Time: 22:07
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Location: Canada
Posts: 35
Looks like i'm already signed up! Will do.
It'll give me a chance to see what the (averge) style of play is.
I usually alternate between building a settler and something else (building, caravan, dplmt) until a city built about 4-5 settlers, keeping the last one for improvements, and using the previous one for a few terrain improvements, then go forth and build!
I also notice many don't like Pyramids, since cities expand too fast for the hardest level. Ok, i'll try to fit in. A word of warning: i tend to put up lots of buildings that boost trade and science. Happiness building - only when nessassary, and at deity, it is. And i caravan trade with the enemy, but rarely techs. (Unless they have something i want and i'm about to finish them off...)
Anyways, you'll see...
There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives. :)
June 26, 2002, 02:41
Local Time: 04:07
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Posts: 227
I would play too, but I have a time problem. 2 days is to short for me.
June 26, 2002, 18:54
Local Time: 23:07
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Posts: 2,806
Save downloaded, will play either tonight or tomorrow eve.
I live in Canada, which is a totalitarian state. - Ben Kenobi
June 26, 2002, 21:49
Local Time: 23:07
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Location: Toronto, UnAmerica
Posts: 2,806
25 BC: Thoth the Spendthrift takes power. He surveys the empire, and finds most of it good.
Temples are rushed in Mar Del Plata and Hutton. The local entertainers are put to work in the fields. The residents of Sherwood are told that they are to help Mike build a Chapel instead of building a local temple. They begin the construction of a caravan of goods to aid in this project, which is to be built in Lost Soul.
Focus for the next 20 turns: Researching Monotheism and building Michelangelo's Chapel. Exploring more of the world (and popping huts  ). Establishing 2 more trade routes for First Blood and developing the infrastructure of our two Big Trade cities (First Blood and Mar Del Plata).
We contact the Aztecs and give them Pottery and Map Making  in exchange for their maps.
1 AD: In Between comissions a diplomat and begins constructing a caravan. Mar Del Plat begins building a library. Hutton and Lost Souls both begin constructing caravans.
20 AD: 40g spent speeding caravan construction.
40 AD: Special One completes a caravan destined for Mike. A diplomat is begun. Southern Harbour completes a band of warriors to control the surly populace. They shall find happiness working to improve the lands around our cities.
60 AD: More gold spent speeding caravans. I estimate we should have 8 caravans arriving in Lost Souls within 7 turns, Monotheism is only 4 turns or so away. Our happiness problems will soon be eased. The council ponders the wisdom of reasearching The Republic next so that we can reap the benifits of the People's Love.
80 AD: North Star builds a temple. The people are put to work assembling a caravan to trade with the trade rich city of Mar Del Plata.
120 AD: Monotheism! Republic is selected next.
140 AD: In Between finishes a caravan and begins another. Special One completes a diplomat and begins a caravan, Hutton builds a caravan, begins a settler, Go Ye Forth builds a settler and begins a caravan. First Blood builds a Hides caravan and begins another.
160 AD: Advanced tribe to the north of Special One. Due to the abundance of swamps the new city is named North Fen.
180 AD: Lost Souls completes a caravan. Michelangelo's Chapel is built next. Two barbarian horsemen rudely greet our exploring party as they enter a village near Davy Jones Locker. One is destroyed by our horseman, the other is bribed.
200 AD: Lost Souls builds Michelangleo's Chapel. Caravans from First Blood and Special One are due to arrive in Mar Del Plata. Luxuries raised to initiate WLTK Day in Mar Del Plata
220 AD: We Love the King Day celebrated in Mar Del Plata, North Star and Safe Haven.
Hides (d) caravan arrives in Mar Del Plata from First Blood: 52g.
Our scientists now estimate that we will have The Republic in 300 AD. Luxuries are maintained at 20% to ensure Mar Del Plata's continued love for our rule.
240 AD: Mar Del Plata completes it's library and begins work on an aqueduct.
260 AD:
7 Barbarian horsemen emerge from a village near Davy Jone's Locker. Our horsemen die attacking one of them, and our diplomat flees into the woods.
280 AD: Republic discovered, we revolt. Seafaring is selected as our next goal. We trade the Republic to the Zulus for Mathematics. Laketown founded near Davy Jone's Locker. A barbarian horseman is bribed for 41g.
300 AD: Republic!
320: WLTP day celebrations ring out from our cities!
340 AD: Barbarian Uprising near Laketown.
360 AD: Crusaders from Davy Jone's Locker capture a barbarian leader and collect 150g.
400 AD: We still have a few cities growing through celebrations, a carefull eye on the luxuries should max out most of our cities within a few turns. We now have aqueducts in Special One, First Blood and Mar Del Plata. Our treasury stands at 125g. Barbarians contiue to infest the areas around Laketown, but the forces in the area should be sufficient to deal with them.
June 26, 2002, 22:56
Local Time: 22:07
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Location: Ad Rock
Posts: 2,665
Originally posted by Thoth
We contact the Aztecs and give them Pottery and Map Making in exchange for their maps.
Looks good Thoth
2. Thoth
3. Julius Brenzaida - next to play
4. LDiCesare (out until Jul 7th)
5. Vlad Antlerkov (playing D&D in Off-Topic  )
6. Jawn Henry (observing only)
7. ??????
8. ???????
Vlad, any luck getting Original saves to work?
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
Last edited by Six Thousand Year Old Man; July 2, 2002 at 09:27.
June 27, 2002, 00:47
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June 27, 2002, 03:11
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