June 29, 2002, 11:51
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Originally posted by Amadan
That would be wonderful!
And save a great deal of agrivation and time.
hi ,
 ,  , if that could be formulated with only a couple words , it could go in the SIG , ....
have a nice day
June 29, 2002, 14:07
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lethal air bombardment
June 29, 2002, 14:26
Local Time: 05:11
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more specialist
more governor settings > on / off
smarter governers
June 29, 2002, 14:32
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Originally posted by SABRA
lethal air bombardment
What do you mean by this? Lethal bombardment is in the game. If you mean attacking air units while they are on the ground, that sounds cool.
June 29, 2002, 17:43
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hi ,
many peolpe wish that they would fix the "hidden nationality" , ....
example , you are with your hidden unit on a walk , and certainly you get a call from the civ you see with your hidden unit , ....
Firaxis please fix this
have a nice day
June 29, 2002, 23:59
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I would like a better interface, like at the beginning of every turn having a list of events with links to where they took place for easy access. I hate clicking around for cities, going pollution hunting and looking for where an attack took place and trying to remember what direction they went in etc.
Also, when a unit bombards me, it would be real nice if the screen stuck around long enough to tell me the result.
Oh, and a minimap and list of all trade relations and diplomatic ties during diplomacy would be great, as well as a deplomacy system that is more than me throwing in stuff until my advisor tells me he'll take it.
Small stuff, like having a shortcut that would let you deal with all units in an area before it yanks you away (how many times have you been about to launch an attack and the computer keeps trying to get you to use your workers first) would be good to.
Airbases, and treaties allowing their use in other's terroritory.
Instant nuclear missile response, the ability to move cruise missiles on ships and planes, nukes that reflect real life in terms of destruction.
More resources, more luxuries, a system that really exploits the concept of trade. Supply lines...
Fleets of ships like armies, the ability to attack in co-ordinated groups.
Real future technology, such as fussion power and atomic computers.
Wheh, I'm tired, later.
June 30, 2002, 00:02
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One more thing, missile defence should be taken out and replaced with a system called boost phase missile interceptors, which could be loading onto ships. Missile defense (in the form being looked at in the US) is a dream, the only plausable system would be boost phase, in which the rocket intercepts the missile before it is finished taking off.
June 30, 2002, 21:05
Local Time: 03:11
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Posts: 525
Demographics should display the statistics of all civilizations instead of merely displaying the player's and his ranking.
An improved embassy display or communication centre, like Civ 2's, which displays all the details you need about other civilizations - their number of units, what they're researching, their government, their relationships and trade agreements with other civilizations (what goods they are trading, for example).
Spying as it is is below-par. More options, such as sabotaging research on technology, destroying improvements, spiking water supply etc are needed. There needs to be more incentive to use spies - lower costs and slightly higher chances of success.
The game needs to emphasize trade and diplomacy more. At present I feel the game is too minimal in terms of diplomacy and trade, specifically with regards to access to and presentation of information.
Obviously there needs to be more to do in the modern age, because as most players know by that stage in the game all of the mega-production cities run out of things to build and end up building hundreds of military units.
Firaxis has a real chance to make this game a classic, but I feel this expansion pack is primarily concerned with the demands of multiplayer game enthusiasts rather than those people who wish for a more fulfilling single-player experience.
July 1, 2002, 12:34
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less corruption
too much of it
July 1, 2002, 14:29
Local Time: 05:11
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Originally posted by Gangerolf
less corruption
too much of it
hi ,
its a reflection of real live , ......
 , give the editor a look , ....
have a nice day
July 1, 2002, 20:17
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more changes of things that aren't simple editor fixes.
Ability to stack workers in the late game, perhaps an elimination of them altogether. A more in depth diplomatic engine including a worthwhile UN. Minor tribes that one can trade/war with. It just seems unrealistic fighting/dealing with the same 10-15 Civs all the time. The fight against those civs should be for global supremacy. but should not preclude the existance of more minor civs/tribes. Basically I want something in between Barbs and Civs.
Hoya Saxa
July 1, 2002, 21:05
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Originally posted by panag
hi ,
its a reflection of real live , ......
, give the editor a look , ....
have a nice day
I tried checking "reduces corruption" on almost all the improvements, but it's still too much of it, .....
It's not fun when a size 25 city makes only 1 shield and 1 commerce, ....
July 1, 2002, 23:20
Local Time: 14:11
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For the modders
We need the ability to compare the rules in two BIC files to create a list of differences, and to make this list of differences able to be imported into the editor. This will help greatly if you have downloaded a map from somewhere and you want to change the rules to suit your taste.
It would also be good to be able to import a map in another format into the editor, or if the editor could have a plug-in terrain generator.
I would like to be able to have an automated way of placing resources in the editor. It will save time if you spend a lot of time drawing an intricate map, but you don't have any specific resource requirements, and would like to allocate the resources automatically. This function should also warn if resources could not be placed for some reason (for example, no oil or too little uranium).
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 1, 2002, 23:22
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Originally posted by Gangerolf
I tried checking "reduces corruption" on almost all the improvements, but it's still too much of it, .....
It's not fun when a size 25 city makes only 1 shield and 1 commerce, ....
Try manipulating the "optimum number of cities" settings.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 2, 2002, 04:24
Local Time: 13:11
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Two commands for stacks
Wake all {type}
Fortify all {type}
Also, change the R-click unit list so a new column is created rather than having to scroll.
Example of why I want this.
I like to create carrier groups which I park off enemy¹ coastlines (usually 4-5 of these), with 10 battleships, 8 carriers, 12 jetfighters and 20 stealth bombers. Scanning through a list like that just to wake up the ships or the bombers is an incredible pain.
In late game on huge maps, my unit numbers of each type can run into the 100's with upwards of 50+ in a stack. Having to wake and/or fortify 1 at a time is such a pain.
Change the way the AI compares their military to yours.
80 immortals, 360 infantry and 100 mech infantry is not stronger than 200 mech infantry and 200 modern armour².
Make the free tech for scientific Civs a choice rather than what the game wants to give you.
Addition to a suggestion above. With pollution, rather than removing the wroker off that square, how about just changing it to no production until the pollution is gone or that worker is moved.
Global warming. I make sure all pollution is cleaned up the turn it appears and still I lose squares to global warming. How about changing the test to the end of a turn rather than after the new pollution has appeared at the beginning of a new turn.
Make save game compression an option.
¹ This refers to any AI civ. Peace just means I'm not shooting at them right now.
² This refers to an actual game where the AI tried extortion and then declared war thinking it had a stronger military.
There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger
July 2, 2002, 04:43
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Originally posted by Qilue
Global warming. I make sure all pollution is cleaned up the turn it appears and still I lose squares to global warming. How about changing the test to the end of a turn rather than after the new pollution has appeared at the beginning of a new turn.
I believe that here the reason for the global warming is not the pollution which you carefully clean on the turn it appears, but the pollution the other civs do not care to clean (which, BTW, you don't probably know about as it is out of your sight). I once noticed that Germans were living as pigs on their isolated island. Maybe 20+ polluted squares... I thought about destroying them just to be able to clean the awful mess they made... (they were not on very good terms with me, so a RoP allowing my workers to go clean their pollution was not an option)
July 2, 2002, 14:09
Local Time: 05:11
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Originally posted by Gangerolf
I tried checking "reduces corruption" on almost all the improvements, but it's still too much of it, .....
It's not fun when a size 25 city makes only 1 shield and 1 commerce, ....
hi ,
either build a courthouse , a police station , or a bunch of factory's there , ...
or flag more buildings with "reduces corruption" , ....
build closer to a palace or the forbidden one , ...
have a nice day
July 2, 2002, 14:41
Local Time: 21:11
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I want for my advisor to stop apearing every turn to inform me that my treasury is running low.
In addition, I want it to give me the option of what to sell when my treasury does go 0 gold instead of it selling structures from my capital.
Janitor, janitor
scrub in vein
for the $h1t house poet
have struck again
July 2, 2002, 16:27
Local Time: 05:11
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Posts: 186
Two sliders , one for corruption and the other one for waste .
July 2, 2002, 16:46
Local Time: 19:11
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Lend me some of your knowledge that you earlier offered on global warming. I would be curious what a environmental honor student as yourself has to say. A few comments for the wish list. I am really curious as to what will be offered in the next patch. I love a good WW2 scenario.
have a nice day too, panag.
July 2, 2002, 17:27
Local Time: 05:11
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Posts: 186
Hoover dam > it should be fixed that you get a hydroplant in cities that dont have rivers or are next to a fresh water lake .
July 2, 2002, 19:42
Local Time: 14:11
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* When pollution causes a tile to degrade due to "global warming", the game should preferentially choose a tile near a polluted square. I think it should work like this:
10% - degrade a polluted tile
10% - degrade a tile adjacent to a polluted tile
20% - degrade a tile within 5 tiles of a polluted tile
20% - degrade a tile in the same civilisation as a polluted tile
20% - degrade a random tile that is adjacent to another tile that matches what the random tile will degrade to (for example, degrade a grassland tile that is adjacent to a Plains tile)
20% - degrade a tile at random
* When Ecology is discovered, diplomatic agreements should include an agreement where both sides commit themselves to reducing pollution by building pollution-reducing improvements and cleaning up polluted tiles
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
July 2, 2002, 21:39
Local Time: 05:11
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Originally posted by SABRA
Hoover dam > it should be fixed that you get a hydroplant in cities that dont have rivers or are next to a fresh water lake .
This is how Hoover works.
you only have to build it in a city that has a river or lake in it's perimiter. all other cities on your CONTINENT will get a hydro-plant, river or no river
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
July 3, 2002, 01:48
Local Time: 05:11
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trading maps
ok, we can sell our maps to other civs, or we can buy/trade them. Good, i like this feature
As it stands we have two options:
* territory map
* world map
How about a third option :
* world map minus your territory !
I think this can be quite usefull in MP games, where you want to do some trading without giving away too much about yourself.
Keeping the location of your resources secret can be quite a bonus when you are fighting a defensive war for example.
So what do you think about it.
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
July 3, 2002, 12:10
Local Time: 05:11
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Posts: 8,117
Re: Pollution
Originally posted by star mouse
* When pollution causes a tile to degrade due to "global warming", the game should preferentially choose a tile near a polluted square. I think it should work like this:
10% - degrade a polluted tile
10% - degrade a tile adjacent to a polluted tile
20% - degrade a tile within 5 tiles of a polluted tile
20% - degrade a tile in the same civilisation as a polluted tile
20% - degrade a random tile that is adjacent to another tile that matches what the random tile will degrade to (for example, degrade a grassland tile that is adjacent to a Plains tile)
20% - degrade a tile at random
* When Ecology is discovered, diplomatic agreements should include an agreement where both sides commit themselves to reducing pollution by building pollution-reducing improvements and cleaning up polluted tiles
hi ,
 , intresting , ...
and there should be a way to have global warming without the terrain changes , ....in this way the above would play a large role , ...
have a nice day
July 3, 2002, 15:03
Local Time: 21:11
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Posts: 248
I agree with many of the recommendations in this thread: the interfaces look pretty, but are of little use when trying to get a handle on what's going on in the empire.
SMAC had a much better design (IMO) and they should have incorporated improvements on it instead of the dumbed down interfaces that hold little useful information.
For example, I would like to see the trade advisor screen show something more than who has a luxury to trade. Show me trade routes, the returns/expenses on the existing trade agreements, and how many turns until they expire. The information is currently only available on the diplomacy screen when you are talking to the other CC. Usually all that does is annoy them and frustrate us.
The cultural interface is another disaster because it doesn't show enough information on one screen view. The parts showing at the top for the taxation/science/culture settings are oversized for the screen. A spreadsheet like interface that would allow you to sort by all of the columns would make it easier to work. All those faces for the unhappiness are useless when the cities get to the modern age and you have 25-30 of them showing. You try and count at a glance when they are overlapped.
The current interfaces look like a hold-ever from Lords of Conquest on the Commodore 64 ! And at least in that game you only had wheat, horses and iron to manage...
The other thing that needs improvement is the trade system: there are so many other trade goods that were and still are traded for cash. Food being a big one. How many times have cities starved because you couldn't grow enough food on desert or jungle. You naturally ship in food to keep the place going until they have the land cleared/improved.
I also think they need to revise how roads work: building a road was a major undertaking and costly in terms of money and manpower: even the Romans had to invest large amounts of time and resources to build the roads that linked their empire. I think in part that the roads are what made the Romans so powerful. Legions could cover enormous distances each day as opposed to slogging cross country. Ever played football on a muddy field ? Running gets real hard after a while.
So a road should be a most valuable resource that you would want to garrison to prevent it's destruction. All it would take to reflect this in Civ III would be to give it an upkeep, improved movement and make it so that it only would have an economic impact as a direct connection connection to the capital. (All roads lead to Rome ?) Additional roads would only aid movement and only add to expenses. The same could apply to railways as well. This would make it a great expense to build a map covered in roads or railways, make them strategically important, and a great improvement in movement that would reduce corruption.
"Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck,
leads the flock to fly and follow"
- Chinese Proverb
July 3, 2002, 17:11
Local Time: 23:11
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Posts: 978
Originally posted by Gen.Dragolen
So a road should be a most valuable resource that you would want to garrison to prevent it's destruction. All it would take to reflect this in Civ III would be to give it an upkeep, improved movement and make it so that it only would have an economic impact as a direct connection connection to the capital. (All roads lead to Rome ?) Additional roads would only aid movement and only add to expenses. The same could apply to railways as well. This would make it a great expense to build a map covered in roads or railways, make them strategically important, and a great improvement in movement that would reduce corruption.
Good idea. BUT, a simple road could be built to generate the commerce as is and maybe give an increase in mobility by 1 without an upkeep.
A "Good Road" could link cities, improve movement to 3, and have an upkeep.
A railroad could link cities, improve movement to 9 or something, and have a higher upkeep.
July 4, 2002, 22:29
Local Time: 14:11
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Posts: 600
Canals should be included in PTW. They can actually be implemented fairly easily:
Canal Head
* Worker job, takes as long as clearing jungle
* Can only be built on flat, clear terrain (no hills, mountains, forests, jungles or rivers)
* Tech advance - Steel
* Must be adjacent to Coastline
* Destroys Irrigation/Mine when built
* Requires Iron, Saltpeter to build (steel and explosives)
* Upkeep of 5 gc a turn (per square)
Canal Body
* Worker job, takes as long as clearing jungle
* Can only be built on flat, clear terrain (no hills, mountains, forests, jungles or rivers)
* Tech advance - Computers
* Must be adjacent to Canal Head
* Destroys Irrigation/Mine when built
* Requires Iron, Saltpeter to build (steel and explosives)
* Upkeep of 5 gc a turn (per square)
* Can be 2 squares long with Steel, 4 squares long with Computers
* Civs with ROP can traverse it freely, civs withour ROP cannot use it
* Ships passing through a canal must end a turn in the canal
* Destroying the canal with workers or troops when an AI has a ship in the canal will make them Furious with you and may cause them to declare War on you
* Each canal square requires 2 successful enemy Bombardments to destroy. Damaged canals cannot be used until repaired but ships trapped in them can exit safely. If a canal square is destroyed while ships are in it, all the ships in that square are destroyed.
Edit: Problems with Canals
* Can cause interaction with land/sea units, and this can be messy. What if a ship tries to enter a square containing an enemy land unit or vice versa? It may also be possible to blockade a canal with ships or units unless this problem is resolved.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
Last edited by star mouse; July 4, 2002 at 22:35.
July 6, 2002, 10:29
Local Time: 05:11
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 8,117
Re: Canals
Originally posted by star mouse
Canals should be included in PTW. They can actually be implemented fairly easily:
Canal Head
* Worker job, takes as long as clearing jungle
* Can only be built on flat, clear terrain (no hills, mountains, forests, jungles or rivers)
* Tech advance - Steel
* Must be adjacent to Coastline
* Destroys Irrigation/Mine when built
* Requires Iron, Saltpeter to build (steel and explosives)
* Upkeep of 5 gc a turn (per square)
Canal Body
* Worker job, takes as long as clearing jungle
* Can only be built on flat, clear terrain (no hills, mountains, forests, jungles or rivers)
* Tech advance - Computers
* Must be adjacent to Canal Head
* Destroys Irrigation/Mine when built
* Requires Iron, Saltpeter to build (steel and explosives)
* Upkeep of 5 gc a turn (per square)
* Can be 2 squares long with Steel, 4 squares long with Computers
* Civs with ROP can traverse it freely, civs withour ROP cannot use it
* Ships passing through a canal must end a turn in the canal
* Destroying the canal with workers or troops when an AI has a ship in the canal will make them Furious with you and may cause them to declare War on you
* Each canal square requires 2 successful enemy Bombardments to destroy. Damaged canals cannot be used until repaired but ships trapped in them can exit safely. If a canal square is destroyed while ships are in it, all the ships in that square are destroyed.
Edit: Problems with Canals
* Can cause interaction with land/sea units, and this can be messy. What if a ship tries to enter a square containing an enemy land unit or vice versa? It may also be possible to blockade a canal with ships or units unless this problem is resolved.
hi ,
 , good post
 , should it not be more intresting to make it a wonder , .....
 , maybe a canal can only be put on the map before you play , in the editor , ....
have a nice day
July 6, 2002, 11:20
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For the LOVE of GOD, include a cultural reversion/defection slider!!!!
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