hmm, some of my thoughts were:
1.) Advance warning that other civs are about to complete a wonder
2.) Sentry? I liked it when my units would respond to enemy activity.
3.) Goto.....and then select city out of list instead of from the map. (I'm a keyboard junky....)
4.) Mining on a grassland without any resources? How does that work? Apparently we mine dirt.
5.) What happened to all the city improvements and units? Now there's just the core stuff. Almost seems like a huge step back to Civ 1 from Civ 2.
6.) Realistic terraforming would kick no terraforming's ass.
7.) Being able to control the water vs land percentage (not just the size of continents) would be nice.
8.) It would be nice if the top and bottom (arctic regions) would count as coasts for exploration with galleys.
9.) The use of unions would be a nice implementation.
10.) Is it just me or did every one else seem to go from archers and pikemen straight to panzers?
11.) What happened to Fundamentalism? That kicked ass when you didn't need any more future tech.
12.) Definately need a summary of events after a turn. The events/news flashes go by so quickly and then you gotta search for what happened where.
13.) Why do the other civs never have any money? I would like to squeeze them for cash, but they never have any. : (
14.) Multiple cities working on the same wonder (as a backup)
15.) Extend the 2050 end date (tooooo short)
16.) How about a highway in addition to roads and railroad? I think the use of railroads everywhere needs to be rethought.
17.) When's the last time a swordsman was able to defeat a mech inf? I almost died laughing.
18.) Destroying a capital city used to have REAL consequences and was therefore a target in the previous civs....I miss the revolutions and loss of palaces).
19.) The use of espionage needs to be cheaper and have more options. I think the game-writers missed the boat here. More espionage happens than any other type of tactic in real life.
20.) A little too much dependance on direct access to resources, me thinks. Meh....maybe not.
Anyways.....long story short:
Civ 2 was better. I'm tempted to go back.